Am I A Gigolo Chapter 1527-1528

Chapter 1527

Leng Mo immediately took out the pills and handed them to Leng Qianxue.


Leng Qianxue immediately took the pills and closed her eyes, allowing herself to slowly adjust ……


“I never thought that Chu Shao would actually betray you.” Leng Mo said in exasperation, “Thanks to us trusting him so much and treating him as a friend.”


“Zi Mo should have been used by someone.”


Leng Qianxue’s voice was low and hoarse, her breath was a little unsteady now as she spoke, this medicine, it was very powerful.


That cup of black tea just now, drinking it without feeling, I didn’t expect to still get hit ……


Fortunately, she had been prepared and brought the pills prepared by Little Flower in advance.


This medicine was refined when Dr. Hua was around, and ordinary ecstasy poisons could be quickly dissolved.


“How can I make use of it? He has said that the hotel is all his people.” Leng Mo was indignant, “Miss Leng, let’s go and expose him now.”


“No way.” Leng Qianxue immediately stopped it, “This matter is likely to be related to the one behind the curtain, since the other party has already done it, they won’t stop so quickly, so why don’t we just take the plan and lure them out.”


“Ah, so what should we do now?” Leng Mo asked hurriedly.


Leng Qianxue closed her eyes and did not speak ……


“Fortunately, you always have the antidote prepared by Little Flower, otherwise the consequences would be unthinkable.” Leng Mo’s heart was palpitating.


At this moment, the lift arrived at the ground floor, the door just opened, several cold-looking strange men came over aggressively, with a murderous aura in their eyes ……


The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the situation.


The hand behind Leng Qianxue’s back made a gesture to Leng Mo.


Leng Mo immediately comprehended and chose to meet the battle head on.


The two sides fought right at the entrance of the lift.


Leng Qianxue was holding onto the wall with a shaky look ……


At that moment, Chu Zimo rushed out from the other lift, saw the scene in front of him and hurriedly held Leng Qianxue: “Qianxue, are you alright?”


“Zi Mo ……” Leng Qianxue fell softly into his arms.


“Qianxue, what happened to you? Qianxue?” Chu Zimo hurriedly helped Leng Qianxue into the lift, and also ordered his men, “Go help.”




The two bodyguards went to help Leng Mo.


“Miss Leng ……”


Leng Mo turned around and shouted, touching Leng Qianxue’s eyes, she missed and was kicked to the ground, too late to chase after her.


In the lift, Chu Zimo put his arm around Leng Qianxue and asked heartily, “Qianxue, what’s wrong with you? Qianxue?”


Leng Qianxue was softly clinging to his arms, her face was flushed and her consciousness seemed a little less clear ……


“How could this happen?” Chu Zi Mo was very nervous, and then said soothingly, “Don’t be afraid, with me here, I won’t let anyone hurt you.”


The lift door opened and Chu Zi Mo helped Leng Qian Xue into his presidential suite ……


Closing the door, Chu Zimo first checked the room warily to make sure no one was there before putting Leng Qianxue on the bed, then went to the bathroom and brought a wet towel out to wipe her face.


At this time, Leng Qianxue was lying on the bed, her face was flushed, her red lips were slightly open, and her body revealed an air of seduction ……


Chu Zi Mo looked dumbfounded, the movement in his hands paused, his heartbeat increased violently.


For some reason, he felt a little hot, as if a fire was burning inside him, making his body stir all over ……


The hand that he was holding the towel, switched its movements to caressing Leng Qianxue’s face, and primal desire welled up in his good-looking eyes.


He attached himself and slowly approached Leng Qianxue ……


He wanted to have a kiss.


Leng Qianxue’s hand on the bed sheet, unconsciously clenched into a fist, the brow also wrinkled, about to act ……


At this time, there was a sudden “gaka” sound, the lights in the room went out, and the whole room was plunged into darkness ……




Leng Qianxue stretched out her hand and struck him at the back of the neck, his body went limp and he collapsed on the bed ……

Chapter 1528

Leng Qianxue rolled up from the bed, turned on the torch function on her phone, searched the room and soon found the miniature camera on the ceiling’s ceiling ……


There were two more on the wine cabinet and two more on the vase, so well concealed that the average person would not have been able to find them if they had not been strictly trained.


It seems that the person was really prepared and everything was planned ……


First let Chu Zimo find an excuse to trick her over, quietly have someone put ecstasy in the tea, and then send someone to capture her ……


However, it seems that Chu Zimo was also poisoned by the ecstasy, and he seemed to be unaware of the plan, otherwise he wouldn’t have suddenly chased her down.


This is contradictory, what exactly does that person want with Chu Zimo?


Leng Qianxue couldn’t figure it out ……


But now was not the time to think about that, she had to lure that person out ……


So, Leng Qianxue took off Chu Zimo’s top, turned him upside down on the bed, covered him with the quilt again, then hid in the closet and sent a message to Leng Mo ……


Soon, the lights in the room came on.


But because the room card was not reinserted and the room’s power switch was not reactivated, what was lit up was only the emergency light, which was very dim.


The cameras in all three places were not taken down by Leng Qianxue, but because of the dim light, they could only capture Chu Zimo’s half-naked shadow, nothing else could be captured.


Leng Mo had just received her instructions to break the electric switch of the hotel room at a critical moment, and now he had duly opened ……


It was to give the monitor a momentary shortage to capture Leng Qianxue viewing the camera and doing the deed, and at the same time, to dim the light in the room so that the situation on the bed could not be captured clearly.


If the camera had been taken off straight away, the people on the surveillance side would have known that Leng Qianxue had spotted the problem and wouldn’t have shown up again.


With the power out and blurred like it is now, although they will have their suspicions, they will definitely send someone to check the situation ……


Now, she just needs to wait for the fish to take the bait ……


He was about to get out of his car when another car suddenly sped up and stopped beside him ……


The person who got out of the car was Jin Yunxi!


“Mr. Night?”


Seeing Night Zhen Ting, Jin Yunxi was obviously a little surprised, “Why are you here too?”


“Who told you to come?”


Seeing Jin Yunxi, “Night Zhen Ting” was also surprised, his eyebrows furrowed tightly.


“I ……” Jin Yunxi walked next to him, and attached herself to his ear, just as she was about to speak, a group of reporters swarmed over them, taking pictures of them incessantly ……


The night army hurriedly escorted Night Zhen Ting into the hotel, and Jin Yunxi’s entourage hurriedly escorted her in.


And all those reporters followed and crowded into the hotel ……


The strange thing is that the security of the hotel seemed to be in vain, no one stopped them at all.


The “Night Zhen Ting” and Jin Yunxi’s entourage escorted them separately into the lift and straight to the top floor.


“What’s the situation?” Jin Yunxi’s brow was furrowed, seemingly confused, “Mr. Night, who sent you here?”


“You answer me first.” “Night Zhen Ting” looked at her in a complicated manner.


“I received a text message from Mr. Chu, asking me to come over.” Jin Yunxi said in a foggy voice, “Did you also receive a text from him?”


“Night King” did not say anything, just lowered his eyes into deep thought ……


“Night King ……” Night Army whispered in his ear, “The young lady’s car is indeed in the hotel car park, but I think there is something wrong with this, you’d better contact the young lady first, right?”


“Night Zhen Ting” frowned at the phone, seemed to have some hesitation ……


At this time, the lift doors opened and they were about to go out when a group of reporters came out of the lift opposite, rushing directly to the Supreme Presidential Suite, with some saying excitedly…


“I heard that Leng Qianxue, the young lady of the Night Family and the second shareholder of the Leng Clan, is cheating on Chu Zimo with the Chu Clan’s ruler here, this news is really powerful!!!”


“What’s even more powerful is that Mr. Night has brought his scandalous girlfriend Miss Jin to catch the adultery!!!!”


“Hahahaha, how exciting!!!”