His Secret Lover Chapter 1273-1274

Chapter 1273

The following day.

Shen Yu got up and prepared to leave for Changjin.

Seeing this, Huo Sixing was surprised and asked, “Are you going by yourself? Without talking to my brother?”

“Not for now.”

When Shen Yu heard this mentioned, he pondered for a moment and said with a slight frown on his brow.

“Your brother, who has endured too much lately, plus the fact that the condition of his health has not been resolved yet, must be anxious as well, and if he knew about this, it would distract him again.”


Shen Yu analysed to the woman beside her.

In fact, after the explosion at the hospital yesterday, he was also regretting it.

When he had seen the way the man had lost control, and, at the end, the desperate and hollow way he had looked when he had not found the research materials Pei Qingfang had left behind in the blown up office.

Truly, his heart was also very, very sad.

This man, once such a spirited man.

He was turning the tide in City A, a leading figure in the entire business world, living the most comfortable and cosy life he had ever lived, but when he arrived at the Gods’ house, he was pulled down hard and fast.

Truth be told, he had never seen anything like those injuries he had received over the years, not to mention everything else.

Shen Yu did not want to burden him with any more.

That day, he left the Sea Watch, and all he said to Huo Sijiu was that he was going back to the Sea Ministry first.

Duke Huo didn’t doubt that there was indeed an urgent need for someone to go back to the Sea Ministry, and also, this side of the Sea Viewing Platform, since Bai Xiaodu was about to come over, he really didn’t have much of a mind to go over there either.

“Nothing will go wrong over at big brother’s side, right?”

Wen Shuxu was still a little worried after seeing Shen Yu go off alone first.

But Huo Sijiu shook his head.

“No, in terms of combat experience, he’s more experienced than I. How are you feeling now? Is there any discomfort anywhere?”

In less than two sentences, his topic turned back to Wen Xuxu.

Wen Xuoxu looked at his nervous look and was a little amused.

“There’s nothing uncomfortable anywhere, brother, don’t worry so much, I’m fine, don’t forget, I’m also a doctor, also, back when I found out about this, I already contacted Bai Xiaodu.”



The man breathed a sigh of relief at that.

In the afternoon, Bai Xiaodu did arrive, but to everyone’s surprise, this time, he also brought the three little ones back with him.

“Mummy, we’re back.”




The three little ones immediately all happily cheered and ran down from the car towards Wen Shuxu.

The man who was also standing there: “……”

So daddy is so unpopular?

But luckily, it was the one he raised in the end, who came over to his side after a brief greeting with mommy.



“Well, why are you coming over with little brother Du?”

Huo Sijiu looked at this son who had grown to be as tall as his own waist and reached out to rub his little head.

Huo Yin then raised his head, “Because we want to help daddy, daddy, we are also members of this family, in times of danger and difficulty, we should contribute together.”


The little man, only nine years old, stood next to his daddy with his fists clenched tightly.

Huo Sijiu was stunned for a moment.

Just for a moment, he looked at this cool little face like his own, and his memory suddenly went back to when he was ten years old.

Yes, back then, he should have been just like him, pa*sionate, determined and with a strong sense of family mission. If not, Huo Yanying would not have never given up on him even though he knew he was ill.

Huo Sijiu asked Sister Wang to take the three children down.

A few minutes later, in the treatment room specially prepared for Wen Shuxu by Guanyintai, Bai Xiaodu took out a tube of blue liquid he had brought with him.

“I don’t know if this will work or not? Ma’am, do you …… want to try it?”


Huo Sijiu was about to vomit blood in anger.

He snatched it away with a split hand and stared angrily at the guy, “Are you out of your mind? And you’re asking her if she wants to try it? This is something you’ve researched, don’t you have any points in your mind?”

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

It was Wen Shuxu who saw it next to him and quickly advised, “Brother, don’t get so excited, Xiao Du he’s not a doctor, he was originally researching chemicals, besides, in a case like mine, he didn’t have any test subjects, it’s normal not to know.”



A sentence, said the man had no words back.

But in fact, among all the team members of the Dragonbottom Pavilion, the one who could blow him up Huo Sijiu was never this untuned genius plus idiot.

Wen Shuxu ended up drawing a bit of blood for the experiment first.

The result, which left everyone in a cold sweat, was that when the tube of blue injection was dropped into the blood, the small holes outside the blood cells could indeed be seen to be healing from under the microscope.


The healing was so fast that in the end, that blood cell just stopped dividing and growing.


Huo Sijiu kicked at this thing on the spot: “Can you grow a heart? This is a human being, not a white mouse for you to experiment on, basket by basket!!!”

Bai Xiaodu was kicked, with a hint of aggravation in his shock.

Chapter 1274

Mice don’t get that treatment.

If it was a mouse, he would have just fed it.

In the end, Bai Xiaodu had to research again, and when Ruo Ruo found out about it, she brought over some pastries.

“Little brother Du, ignore them, you eat and save mummy when you’re done.”


This little girl, after growing up a few years, surprisingly became much more awake.

So, Bai Xiaodu stayed in this treatment room to re-study, while Huo Sijiu and Wen Shuxu both, although this time the test medicine did not succeed, but also both know that this guy is definitely capable of dealing with these nuclear bacteria.

Huo Sijiu was finally ready to go forward to the sea department as well.

“You must be careful, home, I’m here, you don’t have to worry.”


When he left, Shen Zongou sent out a special message, he admonished him, by the way, so that he didn’t have to worry about home.

Indeed, now that he was in charge, not only this home, but even the entire capital, there was nothing to worry about.

Huo Sijiu nodded his head.

Then, under everyone’s reluctant gaze, he left the place.

Wen Shuxu looked at this departing back in all the morning glory until she couldn’t see his shadow anymore, and only then did she turn around, ready to go back, but just then, she turned around, but suddenly saw the woman standing next to her holding the child, looking a little out of place.

“Sister? Are you all right?”

She called out to her, a little taken aback.

“Huh? No …… it’s fine.”

Huo Si Xing heard, and only then did she react, and then, she was busy shaking her head to deny that it was fine.

Of course she couldn’t admit it.

Otherwise, it would be found out.

Just, what was she going to do now, it had been two days, and still no half-hearted news had come from Nagatsu’s side, so now that her brother had gone to the Ministry of the Sea, and found that the guy wasn’t there, wouldn’t she be suspicious?

Huo Si Xing was a little distracted.

When she returned to her bedroom, she was busy taking out her mobile phone to see if there was any news coming in?

But, to her dismay, there was still no movement.

Could it be that something had happened?

She was getting more and more fidgety.

Yes! Cheng Jingxiu, isn’t he in Changjin? Ask him.

Suddenly, she thought of this person, and at once, as if she had grabbed a lifeline, she found out this person’s phone number and dialed it.

“Hello, the number you have dialed cannot be reached at the moment.”



Why couldn’t even this person’s phone number be reached?

She finally started to get anxious and pressed the phone off straight away and she stormed out of the room.

“Wen Xuoxu? Wen Xuoxu?”

“What is it?”

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

“Wen Shuxu, Shen Yu is missing, what should we do? He’s gone.”


“What?” Wen Shuxu was a little confused by this statement.

“Disappeared? What do you mean? How could he have disappeared? Didn’t he already go to the Ministry of the Sea?”

“No, he didn’t go, he went to Nagatsu, Wen Shuxu, he found that marked red dot through the remains of your grandmother’s cobbled together notebook, an underground military route in Nagatsu that had been abandoned, and then he went there, he told me not to tell you, said he didn’t want you to worry about that anymore, but, after he went, he hasn’t been heard from for two days! ”

Huo Si Xing told the whole story like a bamboo bean.

When it came to the latter part of the sentence, she even came out with a crying voice.

Wen Shuxu: “……”

It was simply so angry that her chest was heaving.

These two are really ……

At this juncture, what is the difference between worrying and not worrying? He does not know that if something happens to him, it is what makes them suffer more?

The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who have been in the marketplace for a long time, and they’ve got a lot of people who have been in the marketplace for a long time.

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you’re doing.

“I know, I’m going to Nagatsu now! You inform grandpa, tell him to prepare an elite force to come here immediately, weapons and equipment, all first cla*s!”


Wen Shuxu’s body was all tense as she listened.

After putting down the phone, she immediately came down from the third floor, and after finding Shen Zong Yu, she briefly told him what had just happened.

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

He then rushed to the military headquarters to transfer the men.

Her man, how could he have no brains? Wasn’t that all for the sake of everyone?

She was very unhappy with this comment.

But in reality, God Yu really wasn’t as bad as God Zong Yu said, and he was certainly able to make this decision in the first place because he was capable of handling the matter well.

You know, how he was also a special forces commander who had been through many battles.

And at this time, the reason why he had not been able to be contacted was because he had already entered that military stronghold with Cheng Jingxiu and the two of them.

This main road, no one had expected, it was actually the bottom of the Changjin River!

At the bottom of the river, there was no signal.

“Big brother, where are we now? Looking at the time, we’ve been walking for two days, do we still have to go further?”