Am I A Gigolo Chapter 1553-1554

Chapter 1553

Leng Bing still did not call, there is no news there ……

The first thing I did was to call the company, but I couldn’t get through.

Leng Qianxue was worried and her brows were tightly furrowed.

The more anxious and upset she was, the more calm Broken Sky was instead, and even mocked coldly, “You should think about how to beg me now, or else you and your child, will have to get out of the Night Family.”

“Shut up!” Leng Qianxue glared at him indignantly, almost on the verge of fire coming out of her eyes.

“Those who know the time are the best.” Broken Sky laughed coldly, “Recognise reality!”

Leng Qianxue didn’t bother to talk to him, picking up her teacup and continuing to drink her tea, only this fine, good tea was now tasteless.

She frowned and stared at her watch, counting the time pa*sing little by little, but there was still no news from Leng Bing’s side.

Broken Sky was also waiting until the results came out and he was announced as the winner.

Although he was now very bottomless in his heart, fearing that he had really been poisoned, he had to calm himself down, and for now, he had to win this round before he could have any say ……

As the time pa*sed, everyone’s mood became more and more uneasy, even Cold Desert, Night Army, and Thunderstorm, all became gloomy.

This one hour was particularly torturous.

Everyone wanted the time to pa*s faster so that they would know the answer sooner, but they were also afraid that if the time drew closer, they would get an answer they did not want.

It was in this mood of apprehension, agitation and anxiety that it slowly reached 2.55pm.

In other words, only the last five minutes were left before the DNA verification results came out ……

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

She could not wait any longer and picked up her mobile phone, ready to call Leng Bing.

At that moment, there was a beep, the phone was vibrating, Leng Bing had called ……

Leng Mo shouted excitedly, “It’s Leng Bing, he must have found Chief Night.”

The face of Broken Sky changed greatly, staring nervously at Leng Qianxue’s mobile phone, could it be true?

Leng Qianxue answered the phone directly in front of him, “Leng Bing, how is it?”

Broken Heaven’s End frowned and stared unblinkingly at Leng Qianxue’s phone, as if he wanted to hear what the other party was saying in this way ……

“Really? Great.” Leng Qianxue was ecstatic, “Bring the man here, quick!”

“Fine, fine, I’ll have Lei Yu and Night Army meet them right away.”

Leng Qianxue said a few words and hung up the phone, looking up and excitedly said to Night Army and Lei Yu, “Leng Bing has found Zhen Ting, he’s at the foot of Half Mountain, you guys go and meet him.”


Both of them were very excited.

Lei Yu was even a little incoherent, “Great, I’ll have the hospital arrange an ambulance right away, the Night King should still be sick right now ……”

“I’ll rush over first.”

The night army hurriedly left, and Lei Yu then followed suit.

When Broken Sky took a look at the momentum, he panicked even more and immediately called the man, but the phone was still not working ……

“There’s no need to call, he won’t show up now.” Leng Qianxue smiled coldly, “From the time you received the message telling him that my people were looking for Zhen Ting, he sent someone to hijack it, but it didn’t work, he knew he was planted, how could he show his face?”

“You ……” Broken Sky looked at Leng Qianxue in dismay, “You deliberately leaked the news like I did, so that I could go and inform on him, with the aim of luring him out?”

“Of course.” Leng Qianxue raised her eyebrows and smiled coldly, “I think soon, my brother’s people will take down the Jin family, that Mr. Kim Jae Hee, this time, he can’t even deny it if he wants to.”

“You ……” Broken Sky is instantly panicked, Leng Qianxue even knows the name of that person behind him, I’m afraid Kim Jae Hee is really planted ……

Thinking of this, Broken Sky is even more panic ……

Chapter 1554

Leng Qianxue narrowed her eyes, coldly staring at Broken Sky, and glanced at the wall clock ……

At this moment, it was already two fifty-nine, only one minute left before three o’clock.

Although the CEO’s office was well soundproofed, Leng Qianxue seemed to hear the sound of footsteps coming closer and closer ……

The results are almost out, they’re coming over!

“Break Tian Ya ……” Leng Qian Xue came closer to Break Tian Ya, lowered her voice and continued to persuade, “If you explain the truth now, and then confess your mistake to your brother properly, maybe we can still spare your life! ”

“I ……”

Sweat kept seeping out of Broken Sky’s forehead, his hands stirred together nervously, his whole body was in an extreme tangle and struggle.

“I know that the whole thing was instigated by Kim Jae Hee, with your nature, you shouldn’t have done these things.”

Leng Qianxue continued to persuade, “Think about it, why would Kim Jae Hee want to help you? It’s not because he wants to seize the property of the Night’s?

When he can really control you, you will become a puppet, a pawn, and you won’t get anything ……”

“I’ve never wanted to get anything.”

Broken Sky finally responded positively to the topic, he said with a grim face and indignation, “I just hate him for killing my mother, that was his closest relative ……”

“It wasn’t him who killed your mother, it was your grandfather.” Leng Qianxue said coldly, “It was the old man who shot him in the first place, not Night Zhen Ting. What’s more, your mother deserved to die for her evil deeds at all ……”

“You shut up!” Broken Sky bellowed angrily.

Those bodyguards were startled and all looked over.

Just now the two were so close and lowered their voices, they hadn’t heard their conversation at all, but now this roar, instead, drew everyone’s attention ……

Broken Heavenly Clouds gritted his teeth and glared at Leng Qianxue, his eyes full of hatred, he could not wait to pounce on her and strangle her to death ……

Although night Zhen Yun’s sins are deep, but in his eyes, she will always be a good mother.

She took good care of him, taught him a lot, planned for his life, planned for the long term, everything she did was for him ……

So he would never allow anyone to insult his mother!!!

“Even if I don’t say it, it’s still true.” Leng Qianxue was still continuing to stimulate him, “How did the treatment you enjoyed these three days feel? It was painful and unbearable, wasn’t it? What I suffered at the beginning was a thousand times worse than you ten thousand times worse!!!

Your mother kidnapped me and threatened him in order to get the position of the head of the night family, and she even gave me an injection and poisoned me, causing me to be sent away by the old man at the wedding.

It was your mother who caused me to be abused by Ling Long and caused my Zhu Ma to die a horrible death, all of this was the result of your mother’s sins …… Not only that, she also attempted to kidnap my child, doesn’t someone with such a vicious heart deserve to die?”

“You shut up, shut up, shut up-”

Broken Sky finally could not hold back any longer, jumped up and grabbed Leng Qianxue’s neck, roared, “I forbid you to say this about her, forbid!!!”

“Mr. Night calm down ……”

The bodyguards were just about to come over to persuade the fight when the door to the office opened, and Night Sen Jiang Dong and the others froze at the door when they saw the scene.

“This ……”

At this moment, “Night Zhen Ting” was like a hungry wolf, pouncing on the sofa, choking Leng Qianxue’s neck, his face was fierce.

And Leng Qianxue still grabbed his hands, not afraid of death, and roared…

“Broken Sky, you impersonated Night Zhen Ting, just to avenge your mother, but your mother just deserved to die, deserved to die, I regret to this day that I didn’t fire more shots at her ……”

“You ……”

“Night Thunder” was so angry that his face turned red and he was about to speak up ……

At that moment, his mobile phone suddenly rang, interrupting his words violently.

He subconsciously looked at the caller ID on his phone and immediately took it to the lounge to answer the call ……