His Secret Lover Chapter 1291-1292

Chapter 1291

Lan Yuan’s entire face finally turned green!

“Huo Sijiu, you little brute, how dare you shade me?” He roared in rage, the hatred in his old eyes, just dying to break this man in his mouth into pieces.

He did deserve the hate.

Because, in his entire life, he had never admitted that he was inferior to others.

Situ Jingxuan was like that.

His brother, Lan Ling, was also like that.

But now, someone who was half a century younger than him had defeated him to such an extent that he did not even have the chance to get up, how could he not hate?

Lan Yuan was so angry that his body was trembling.

It was also at this time that a flare went up from the White House side.


As that one bullet bloomed overhead, it resembled a firework bursting into bloom, a dazzling blue light that lit up the entire sky over the capital.

God Zongou saw it and stood there smiling, “See? Lan Yuan, you have lost, and all your men over at the White Palace have been wiped out, you have planned for so long and spent so much effort, and in the end, you have still lost to us.”


“It’s more than that!”

In the army, someone suddenly reminded again.

“Old General, we have also seized so many nuclear munitions, that is also a considerable harvest, now, on the foreign side, we are going to have nothing to fear.”



Once these words were said, Lan Yuan almost didn’t pa*s out of breath.

An empty city, coupled with catching a turtle in a jar!

This was indeed a great shame for him, but there was no room for him to resist, because immediately after he said this, Shen Zong Yu waved his hand, and someone came up and directly held him down.

“Let go of me! God Zong Yu, you old thing, you are not worthy to arrest me!”

“I’m not worthy? Then who is worthy? Situ Jingxuan? Or your brother Lan Ling? I tell you Lan Yuan, I will send you to the international military court this time, I will let the whole world take a good look at your ugly face, so that you will never be forgiven by human beings!”

Shen Zongou roared in anger and went straight up and gave this old thing a kick.

That’s right, a scum like this should be punished by the whole world, so that he would know exactly what he had done wrong.

Lan Yuan was kicked and finally fell to the ground and didn’t move.

Still, he laughed maniacally again as he was dragged away.

“Fine, fine, fine, I’ve lost, but don’t even think about finding that little beast, I’ll drag him along with me to be buried!”

“Did you say the Shen family of Province A?”

Shen Yu asked indifferently.

The old thing’s wild laughter immediately came to an abrupt halt.

“You …… how do you know?”

“Oh, is it strange? Our God’s family is full of capable people, are you because you made a fake Huo Sijiu on the sea view platform, we can’t find out? I’m telling you, just your stupid a*s is worse than my two nephews!”


Finally there was no more sound.

The old thing hadn’t made another sound until he was dragged into that prison van.

It wasn’t until, when that car started up, that he sat inside and laughed creepily and grimly again.

“So what if you know? Do you think that this is going to get him out? Dream on!”


Province A.

Huo Sijiu had indeed waited for the person who had come to rescue him at this time.

This man, none other than Qiao Shiqian, and the man he had brought with him, was not Huo’s Ryuginkaku, but his people over in Japan, who were best at, well, Ninjutsu.

“Akiyama-kun, the secret room has been found, but there are a lot of explosives buried underneath, so if we go in, we might touch it.”


On the same night, the man in the gla*ses stood in the top floor of the five-star hotel in the provincial capital, he had a bird’s eye view of the city, and within a moment, a dark shadow entered.


The man frowned.

“Explosives are hard for you guys? Dismantling that’s not your forte?”

“No, those explosives, they’re not ordinary explosives, they’re activated by nuclear currents, and if you don’t find the right one and touch it, immediately the whole bas*ment will be reduced to ashes.”


These people had also still heard about that horrible thing, after they finished, they also gave a video to Qiao Shiqian.

After Qiao Shiqian finished watching it, finally his clear and handsome eyebrows were cold and sunken.

However, he didn’t give up just because of this, but stood there for a moment and pondered before staring out into the pitch black night and said, “Save the people, the conditions are whatever you want!”


Suddenly, the man looked up.

He looked at him, stunned for more than ten seconds, and finally, after ascertaining that this master was not joking, he clenched his fist.

Soon, it was back out.

That night, the presidential suite was kept awake all night.

Chapter 1292


It was a loud explosion in his ears that woke Hossegor up with a start.

It had started?

He immediately looked around, only to find that the man in this bas*ment who had been watching him after hearing the loud bang also took a shocked look around and immediately ran towards him.

According to what Lan Yuan had said earlier.

This place, which was their base camp, would only be waiting for him to return with his reputation once the matter was completed in the capital, not an explosion like the one that happened now.

So now, was it a sudden change?

The man immediately rushed to the bedside.

Huo Siji: “What are you doing?”

This man: “I can’t see that your God’s family is still quite capable, it’s like this, and there’s still an accident, what for? Taking you out of here of course, do you think, I would let you fall into their hands?”

Then, he took out a syringe from a nearby cabinet, along with an unknown liquid.

When Huo Sijiu saw this, his pupils instantly shrank violently!

“What do you want? I’m telling you, if you still need to save this life, you’d better not mess around, do you know what the situation is like outside now?”

He forced himself to hold back his heart’s shocked anger and began to remind the man.

The man froze.

“What do you mean? You know what’s going on out there?”

“Yes, I know, because everything out there, is under my control, and if you can let me out now, I can give you my word and let you live.”


Huo Siji threw out a tempting condition.

The words fell, and the man really did pause there again, he looked down at him, his whole expression was like a wave of shock, as if he could not believe such a thing at all.

Then, he began to struggle.

In fact, he couldn’t believe it, nor could he.

For, this man in front of him was not the first time that he had defeated them; even their master thought that he was his greatest obstacle.

So, when he said that, in fact, he was already beginning to believe it, together with the explosion that had just taken place.

So was he going to let him go?

The man’s hand squeezing the syringe tightened.

“Don’t worry, if you let me go, not only will I not come after you, I will give you a sum of money, and when that happens, you can do whatever you want.”


After Huo Sijiu saw him loosen up, he was also happy in his heart.

Then, he gave more generous conditions.

However, to his surprise, this fool, after struggling for a long time, he actually chose that old beast.

“I won’t betray my master, I tell you, for so many years, only he treated me like a human being, when I was a beggar, only he fed and clothed me, and you rich people, you never look at us with a straight face.”


“So, Huo Sijiu, whether he succeeds or fails, I will not betray him!”

A heartbreaking hiss!

In an instant, Huo Sijiu, who was handcuffed to the bed, only saw the sharp needle coming towards his neck after the man had gotten that liquid into the syringe.


With his eyes wanting to split, Huo Siji had no choice but to hide in this bed.

However, there was just one place, and he was still handcuffed, so he could not hide there.

After a few strokes, he was twisted, and the man was full of grimace as he picked up the syringe again, “Go to hell, the master has said that once you fail, let you go to hell with him!”


In the nick of time, the door of the bas*ment was suddenly kicked open from the outside with a loud bang.

The man heard it and subconsciously turned around.


A shot was thrown over.

Immediately, Huo Sijiu, who was tackled on the bed, only saw a bloody hole appear on the man’s eyebrow, his eyes narrowed, and he fell straight backwards.

“Brain fart!”

Seeing that the man was finally dead, the man who had fired at the door, also finally came in.

Huo Siji froze.

Coming back to his senses, he looked at this person who had come in and was a little incredulous: “Jing Qin? How come it’s you?”

That’s right, this person who had just saved him was the same Jing Qin who had been persuaded by him to return to Y Province in the first place.

“How come it can’t be me? Don’t you know all about it? I’m Jing Tianming’s son, so you think that old thing won’t look for me at the last minute of achieving this big thing?”

Jing Qin still had that hangdog look.

However, he moved quite quickly, came in, saw that he was handcuffed to the bed, immediately carried the man he had beaten to death and threw him out, then rummaged through the cupboard to find the key.

When Huo Sijiu was lying there and saw this, there was no reason for his heart to feel guilty.

In the beginning, he had let him go back to Y Province directly in order for him not to destroy Huo Si Xing and Shen Yu, which was actually a bit unkind, he was Jing Tian Ming’s son, but at that time, he had really helped their God family a lot.

But in the end, he let him go back because of that little thought of his.

When Huo Siji finally watched the man retrieve the key and unlock the door, he finally pursed his lips and gave him his apologies.

“I’m sorry, I was lacking in consideration when I let you go straight back to Y Province.”