Am I A Gigolo Chapter 1567-1568

Chapter 1567

“Then what should we do?” Leng Bing was anxious, “Let’s hurry up and contact the media, let’s get things under control first.”

“It’s useless, have you forgotten that the Jin family is in the media business?” Leng Qianxue sneered mockingly, “Otherwise, how else could they manipulate public opinion with ease?”

“This ……” Leng Bing was speechless for a moment.

“Even if we buy the media to speak for us now, it would still be a waste of money, and with my current strength, there’s no way I can fight them.”

“Then what should we do?”

Leng Bing asked this question once again, once upon a time she was always able to help Leng Qianxue with her problems, but now, her brain was not even enough.

In fact, Leng Qianxue had grown a lot during this incident, her intelligence was online and her abilities were online throughout, but unfortunately, she still couldn’t fight those people.

After all, she was isolated ……

“I don’t know what to do either.” Leng Qianxue mopped her forehead, “Wait, wait again ……”

Leng Bing looked at her heartbreakingly, not knowing how to comfort her or what she was waiting for.

Now, one could only keep her company quietly.

This night, Leng Qianxue just watched over Yi Yi at the hospital, asking the night army from time to time about the news of Chen Chen and Long Long.

Leng Bing advised her to sleep for a while, but she couldn’t sleep.

Obviously, she was very tired and exhausted, but she just couldn’t close her eyes and couldn’t sleep ……

This feeling is what is most unbearable.

At four in the morning, Leng Bing could not stay tired and leaned back in her chair and fell asleep.

Leng Qianxue stood by the window, looking at the semi-xuan moon in the sky, silently thinking in her heart, Night Zhen Ting, where are you? Where the hell are you? I can’t resist anymore, come back soon ……

At this moment.

In the small building in the backyard of Mid-levels South.

A large black pot is simmering with Chinese herbs, and the petite Buddha’s hand is sticking needles in the wooden bed of Night Zhen Ting.

Counting today, 14 whole days, she had used all her life’s work to save this man, but he was still unresponsive, but not dead either, it was strange.

Buddha Hands was going to try another option today, and if it didn’t work again, she would just throw the thing to Leng Qianxue and let them deal with it themselves.

It might just be a living death, hopeless.

It’s annoying and interferes with her search for a baby.

And I wonder how her baby is doing ……

Buddha Hand glanced at the photo frame on the table, the one she picked up at the night house, the wedding photo of Night Zhen Ting and Leng Qian Xue with their six children in the forest ……

Buddha Hand felt that those two adults were affecting her look at the baby, so she covered up Night Zhen Ting and Leng Qianxue’s heads with leaves, and now when she glanced over, it was the baby.

So cute!

Stop, now in healing ……

Buddha Hands withdrew his gaze and continued to stick needles on Night Zhen Ting.

Nine, nine, seventy-two stitches, Night Zhen Ting’s head was stabbed like a hedgehog, but unfortunately he was still unresponsive ……

The Buddha’s Hand was already a little impatient, and coldly scolded in a low voice: “Hey, surnamed Night, if you don’t respond again, I’ll have to throw you out to feed the wolves!”

The person on the sickbed hadn’t moved.

“You’re just like that Leng Di Feng, you’re all a log.”

Buddha’s hand was a face of disgust, and the hand that stuck the needle was harder ……

“You say you, if you can’t be cured you should die earlier, wake up and can’t wake up, die and don’t die, keep dragging me ……”

“If I were fine, I could still study you slowly as a mummy, but I’m very busy now, you know?”

“I need to find my baby’s, I haven’t seen them in a long time.”

“That stinking wooden head, Leng Di Feng, keeps locking me up and won’t let me out, I hurt his men and smashed his car to find my baby, and flipped out the window to escape ……”

“Now his men are looking for me everywhere, if they find me back, they will inevitably have to fight with that woody again.”

“By the way, recently there are also some sinful animals who don’t know what they are doing are also looking for me, they should be your enemies, they come down hard every time they shoot, it P*sses me off, if I wasn’t dragging you, I would have gotten them killed ……”

Chapter 1568

“It’s all because you’re dragging me down, you know? When you wake up later, you’ll be sorry if you don’t give me a billion or eight hundred million dollars for treatment.”

“Hey, I’ve finished sticking all the needles, so you should give some reaction.”

Buddha’s hand slapped Night Zhen Ting’s face hard, and he still didn’t react.

She sighed helplessly, turned around and took out a book from the drawer and wrote a sentence, “XXXX year, X month, X day, 14th day of treatment, $370 million owed!”

Then, she took Night Tremor’s hand and pressed his thumb onto the seal clay, then pressed it harder onto the treatment slip she had written.

“Done!” Buddha’s hand blew the red mark on the treatment slip and smiled in satisfaction, “If you don’t die, you’ll have to pay me for the medical bills at interest, and if you die, I’ll take this book to your wife and son for the money.

Although your wife is my baby’s aunt, but relatives settle accounts, one size does not fit all, the money that should be paid cannot be less, you understand this principle, right?

I don’t want to waste my time here, tomorrow morning, I’ll throw you to the back of the mountain in Mid-levels North, whether you die or live, it’s up to you ……”

Saying that, Buddha’s hand pulled out those needles one by one, intending to put away the guy and give up the treatment.

Just at this time, Night Zhen Ting’s fingertips suddenly moved ……

Buddha’s hand jerked to a halt in her movements, her eyes widened and she looked at him in dismay, suspecting that she had misread ……

Or maybe the wind was blowing over and the strands of hair were blocking her vision, causing her to hallucinate.

This log has been lying unresponsive for more than ten days, how come suddenly ……

As she was thinking about it, Night Zhen Ting’s fingertips moved a few more times….

This time, Buddha’s hand saw clearly and plainly that he had really moved.

“Hahahahahaha ……” Buddha Hand laughed ecstatically, “Great, you’ve finally come to life, it seems this new scheme of mine is working, it’s not in vain that I ran to your wife’s study and searched so many old man Hua’s ancient books, hahaha ……”

Buddha Hand was very excited and put the removed needles back in, and continued to treat Night Zhen Ting according to this new treatment plan.

And at that moment, Halfway North ……

The two of them subconsciously touched the pillow beside them, and when they didn’t see Yi Yi, Yi Yi cried out with a “wow”.

The two of them subconsciously touched the pillow beside them. Now we have to find a way to contact Daddy so that he can go and beat up the bad guys and take revenge for Yi Yi.”

“But we lost our little bee phone, how can we contact Daddy?” Er Er choked out, “Mummy said that only that little bee phone can get through to Daddy’s number.”

“Oooh …… What should we do then?”

“Wait for Auntie to come back and ask her to help contact Daddy ……”

“But Auntie is so busy now, and I’m so scared that Brother Tatsu and Brother Longlong haven’t been found yet ……”

“I miss Mummy, why isn’t Mummy coming to us yet? Wooo ……”

“I have a way to find Mommy ……”

As Zero Zero was talking, Cold Desert heard Two Two’s cries and hurriedly pushed the door in, hugging them heartily, “Two Two Zero, what’s wrong? You have a nightmare? Don’t be afraid, indifferent sister is ……”

“Sister Mo Mo, we are so scared ……”

“Don’t be afraid, sister will protect you, you are safe now.” Cold indifference hugged them and coaxed tenderly, “One by one has pa*sed the danger period, soon it will be fine.”

“Sister, we want to find daddy mummy ……”

“Daddy has gone back to E. There are very important things to do there, and as for mommy, we are looking for her too.”

“Oooooooooo ……”

Er Er was still crying, but Zero didn’t say anything, just looked out the window, at the four eagle treasures perched on the treetops ……