Am I A Gigolo Chapter 1569-1570

Chapter 1569

“Well, sister sleeps with you guys, so you won’t be afraid ……”

Cold indifference held Er Er in one hand and Zero in the other, gently coaxing them.

Er Er’s little face came over and her nose and tears were wiped on her clothes, but Leng Mo didn’t mind and even used her hand to wipe her nose.

“Don’t cry, sister will tell you a story ……”

Cold indifference told a fairy tale to the two of them, and only after the beginning of the story, she fell asleep herself.

Er Er also followed and fell asleep.

Only Zero Zero, somewhat unable to sleep, opened his big watery eyes, looked complexly at the eagle Four Treasures on the branch outside the window, and said to himself, “Four Treasures, can you help me find my mommy?”

The eagle Four Treasures had been seriously injured in the last fire and had been receiving treatment. Although it was now improving, its wings were still unable to fly too high and it had recently been confined to resting on the treetops in the yard.

At this moment, as if it had heard Zero’s words, it cooed twice into the room and then pecked at its own wings with its pointed beak, as if to say to her that there was nothing it could do ……

The first time I saw the wounded wings, I couldn’t help but sigh and go to sleep in silence.

It seems that the mummy search plan will be put on hold for a while ……

I don’t know when my aunt will be back, I miss her so much.

At this time, in the hospital.

Leng Qianxue hadn’t closed her eyes all night, seeing Lei Yu coming out of the ward, she hurriedly greeted her: “How is it?”

“Nothing serious for now, but we still have to observe for a while.” Lei Yu was very tired, “The main thing is that the wound is at the back of the head and the rust got into it, so it’s a bit troublesome.”

“Can it be cured?” Leng Qianxue asked anxiously, “Will there be any after-effects?”

“I can’t give you a guarantee right now.” Lei Yu was a little ashamed, “We have to observe for a while longer to see.”

When Leng Qianxue heard this, her heart became even more anxious.

“Miss Leng, don’t worry, this injury of Yi Yi is manageable.” Lei Yu hurriedly rea*sured, “You should go back and rest, you’ve been up all night, there are still many things waiting for you at home.”

“Yes, Miss Leng, go back first.” Leng Bing said softly, “I’ve arranged for a few people to keep an eye on Yi Yi here, it’ll be fine.”

“Mm.” Leng Qianxue nodded and turned around to prepare to leave, but just after taking two steps, she remembered something else and hurriedly pulled Lei Yu to ask, “Lei Yu, this condition of Yi Yi, can the specialist doctors in other hospitals treat it?”

“This is not a rare condition, top professional doctors can treat it, but the level of skill and responsibility varies ……” Lei Yu was a bit puzzled, “Miss Leng, why are you asking this? It’s fine for Yiyi to be placed with me, I’ll personally handle it and help protect her.”

“I’m afraid you’ll soon be out of your depth.” Leng Qianxue’s brow furrowed.

“What ……” Lei Yu didn’t understand and was just about to ask when her phone rang, she saw the caller ID and hurriedly answered the phone first, “Night King?”

“But my side …… is, I got it.”

Hanging up the phone, Lei Yu said to Leng Qianxue with a complicated expression, “The Night King told me to go to Uncle Sen’s side right away, and also told me to put all the things on hold on the hospital side, and that I have an important task to do next.”

“I knew it ……”

No sooner had Leng Qianxue’s words left her mouth than the night army called, “Miss Leng, I just received that ……”

He paused for a moment and then said, “A call from the Night King, he wants me to go back immediately, he won’t let me take care of things over here, I ……”

“You go ahead.” Leng Qianxue had expected this, “What clues you find over here, send them to me, I’ll go find Chen Chen and Long Long myself.”

“Your side is already understaffed, if we leave, then what will you do?” Night Army was very anxious, “Miss Leng, why don’t you show your hand, Lei Yu and I are definitely on your side.”

“No.” Leng Qianxue hurriedly stopped, “A little intolerance is a big mistake! Calm down!”

Chapter 1570

“You have an early plan?” Once Night Army heard Leng Qianxue say this, his heart was relieved, “Good then, I understand.”

“His current identity is the Night King, you guys just act according to your duties.” Leng Qianxue said meaningfully, “When the right time comes, I will look for you guys.”

“Understood!” Night Army responded, “If it doesn’t hold up, you can summon at any time.”

“I know, go ahead.” Leng Qianxue responded and hung up the phone, turning her head to Lei Yu, “Did you hear everything?”

“I heard ……” Lei Yu nodded, “I own the hospital, even if I leave, they will still treat Night Fai and Yi Yi properly, just in case ……”

The latter words, she did not say, but Leng Qianxue understood that if someone from the Night Family came to say something, the people of the hospital would still listen to them.

“That’s really impossible to say.” Leng Qianxue now felt that Broken Sky and Kim Jae Hee had no lower limit at all, “Do you have any other hospitals you can recommend?”

“The three best hospitals in Haicheng, Ci Xin, Taiji, and one from the Jin family.” Lei Yu frowned and said, “Other hospitals, I can’t guarantee that the doctor can cure this disease of Yi Yi, and in the case of Night Fai, it is even more necessary for Dr. Helen to personally handle ……”

“What then?” Leng Bing was anxious all of a sudden.

Lei Yu thought about it and said, “Just stay with me, I’ll delay for a few days until Yi Yi’s surgery stabilization period is over.

Although I’m from the Night Family, my hospital isn’t, there are other hospital shareholders above me, all official people, and the Night Family won’t mess around.”

“Good.” Leng Qianxue nodded, “Let’s delay for a few days, when Yi Yi’s stabilisation period is over, we’ll take her home to convalesce, Little Flower and her little apprentice are still here anyway.”

“That’s fine.” Lei Yu nodded repeatedly, “Put your mind at ease over here, I don’t think they’ll be blatantly messing around, at least so far, not to mention, Yi Yi is Mr. L’s child.”

“That too.” Leng Qianxue sighed, “But we still have to put a few people here to look after it.”

She patted Lei Yu’s shoulder, “Alright, I’ll make my own arrangements, you go and get busy.”

“Good.” Lei Yu took off his mask and gloves, “Miss Leng, as the night army said, we two trust you absolutely, we are always at your beck and call when you need us!”

“Thank you!” Leng Qianxue was very grateful in her heart, “Go now.”

Lei Yu hurriedly left.

Looking at her departing back, Leng Bing couldn’t help but ask, “Miss Leng, I’m worried, they don’t dare to touch One One, but Night Fai is a member of the Night Family, if that impostor wanted to get rid of Night Fai, wouldn’t it be a breeze?”

“When the time comes, we will receive Night Fai together to Half Mountain North.” Leng Qianxue was decisive, “Now that Night Fai is unconscious, it won’t get in their way, they have more important things to do at the moment and won’t lay a hand on him, not to mention, there’s still Night Army and Leng Bing.”

“That’s right too ……” Leng Bing let out a slight sigh of relief, “I also saw a few of Night Army’s men guarding Night Fai’s side just now, those are all Night Army’s inner circle.”

“Yes.” Leng Qianxue nodded, “But we still need to leave people at the hospital just in case, Leng Gang left two people, we need to add a few more, you go and arrange it.”


After the arrangements were made, Leng Bing and Leng Qianxue set off back to Half Mountain North.

On the way, Leng Bing counted the manpower and said worriedly, “Now that both Night Army and Lei Yu can’t help, those eighteen of us, we left four at the hospital and four followed Brother Steel to find the Night Chief.

The remaining eight follow Coldness at home, if there’s anything else to come, we won’t have enough manpower.”

“This is Old Fox Jin’s scheme, he asked Broken Sky to transfer Night Army and Lei Yu and forbade them to help me, just to catch me off guard and have no time to fight, so that he can slowly devour the a*sets of the Night Family ……”

Leng Qianxue gnashed her teeth in hatred.