Am I A Gigolo Chapter 1581-1582

Chapter 1581

Still no movement.

Leng Qianxue and dare not go in, only to continue to say: “sister-in-law, I know you are helping me to treat my husband, whether it can be cured or not, I am grateful to you, now I just want to know how he is, and, the children also miss you ……”

The words just fell, the backyard exit suddenly came a car sound, Leng Qianxue heart a shock, immediately chased over, sure enough, a dilapidated van rattled away ……

Run ……

Leng Qianxue looked at the car, the roof of the car with a hair eagle, and a large python, she knew that the car must be Hua Xiaofo.

Hurriedly chase up, but also anxiously shouted: “Sister-in-law, sister-in-law you do not run ah!

But Hua Xiaofo simply ignored her, drove the car and sped away.

That kind of broken, about to fall apart small broken car, in her operation, actually rapid as flying.

This car skill, compared to the cold indifference ever!

Leng Qianxue was soon left behind, simply can not catch up, she also can not call the car to chase, no matter what, can not offend this future sister-in-law.

Leng Qianxue was so angry that she stomped her feet, helpless, and returned to the backyard of the small building in the mid-levels south, where there are still some things that have not been packed up, Chinese medicine residue, discarded clothing, and some medical gauze, medicine boxes, cotton pads and other things ……

It seems that during this period of time, Buddha’s Hand did take Night Zhen Ting here for treatment.

Leng Qianxue is thinking, suddenly found the flower bed side of the ground seems to have written a sentence, she hurriedly went over to check, a few crooked, written in a particularly ugly word, you have to be very careful to see clearly ……

“The night is not dead, in the cure!”

Just this simple sentence, let Leng Qianxue blocked in the heart of the stone finally fell, she was almost shed tears of joy ……

Although there was such a guess before, but not confirmed, she was never sure, but now, seeing the Buddha’s hand left this sentence, her heart is finally solid.

Night Zhen Ting is still alive, he is still alive ……


As long as he is alive, no matter what wild storms, she is not afraid!!!

However, Leng Qianxue really does not understand, she has dismissed everyone, a person only came in to find the Buddha’s hand, why she still wants to escape?

Even if she doesn’t want to see others, her sister-in-law can’t harm her, right?

What’s more, she’s still treating her husband’s illness.

Just thinking, outside suddenly came the sound of hurried footsteps, Leng Qianxue eyes a Ling, immediately put the gun defense ……

The other side knows that there are people inside, is also highly alert.

However, when the figure approached, both sides froze.

“Miss Leng???”

“Leng Xiao? How come it’s you?”

“Why are you here?”

Both were surprised to see each other, and only after asking did they learn that Leng Di Feng had been looking for Buddha’s Hand, and in order to be able to find her, he even went so far as to have his most powerful a*sistant, Leng Xiao, rush back from E country.

Hearing Leng Xiao explain the situation, Leng Qianxue asked in disbelief, “Wasn’t Buddha’s hand with his brother before? What is this situation now?”

“This is a long story.” Leng Xiao explained, “Sir asked me to make sure to bring her back to E. Do you know where she is?”

“Ran away just now.” Leng Qianxue said this, still a little frustrated, “I can’t even catch up.”

“Looks like there’s another toss.” Leng Xiao sighed, “Miss Leng, things should not be late, I have to go to that one first, you take care!”

With that, Leng Xiao took his men and went after them towards the back door ……

“Hey ……” Leng Qianxue shouted, Leng Xiao did not even stop his pace and left in a hurry.

Leng Qianxue now understands, no wonder Buddha hand saw her and ran, it seems she knows that Leng Di Feng is looking for her, she is afraid that after going back with her, she will be brought back to E country by Leng Di Feng!

But Leng Qianxue didn’t understand, didn’t the two of them make up?

Why is Buddha’s hand avoiding him?

Chapter 1582

Now brother’s people are also looking for her, looking very anxious, Leng Xiao even too late to say a few words to Leng Qianxue, it seems the situation is serious ……

So, if they find her, will they take her back to E directly?

The first thing you need to do is to get rid of the problem.

Thinking about this, Leng Qianxue heart is even more anxious, she looked back at the back door, the direction of the Buddha’s hand left, her brow tightly wrinkled ……

Not to mention that she is not enough people around now, even if there are enough people, she can not send people to grab people with her brother, even if they do go to grab, they can not grab.

Now, do we really have to sit back and wait for death?

No ……

Leng Qianxue suddenly thought of Zero’s words, it seems that we can only count on the three children, while the Buddha’s hand is still far away, I hope to use their methods to lure the Buddha’s hand out.

Just do not know whether the wings of the eagle four treasures are well.

Thinking of this, Leng Qianxue hurried home ……

Leng Mo and others were still waiting for her at the intersection, and when they saw her walking quickly, they hurried up to greet her: “Miss Leng, are you all right?”

“Go home, quick.” Leng Qianxue urged.

“Yes.” Leng Mo immediately started the car and drove back.

When he returned home, Leng Qianxue went straight to the courtyard to look for Sibao.

At this moment, a maid was applying medicine to Four Treasures’ wings, although it had been more than half a month, Four Treasures’ injuries were still stable, but the wings had not yet fully recovered.

Leng Qianxue looked at Four Treasures like this and was a bit upset, but still touched its wings and asked, “Four Treasures, can you fly to the forest?”

“Gu Gu, Gu Gu Gu!”

Four Treasures barked twice in aggravation, flapped its wings, and tried to fly.

Leng Qianxue looked at it with expectation, but it just flew to the top of the tree and could no longer fly, struggled a few times, and its body fell down sharply.

“Four treasures!” Leng Qianxue hurriedly rushed over to catch it.

Fortunately, the four treasures landed steadily in the arms of Leng Qianxue, did not fall hurt.

“Sorry, not to embarra*s you.”

Leng Qianxue looked very heartbroken, four treasure is to save Yue Yue was injured like this, she really can’t bear to toss it again.

“Miss Leng, last time the doctor said, Si Bao’s illness has to be treated slowly, it will take some days to heal.” The maid explained softly.

“Got it, take good care.”

Leng Qianxue handed the four treasures to them and turned to go into the house.

The four treasures could not be counted on, she had to have a good talk with her brother, hoping that he could open his eyes and let Buddha Hand stay for some more days, at least to cure Night Zhen Ting.

The best thing is to convince Buddha Hand to take Night Zhen Ting back to Half Mountain North for treatment, so you don’t have to hide in the east – hide in the west.

Leng Qianxue went back to her room, charged her phone, and then called Leng Di Feng.

The Leng Di Feng, who had been out of touch for a long time, could finally get through on his cell phone now.

It seems that the situation in the E country has started to change and Leng Di Feng has officially started to fight back with complete certainty.

Just as the phone was about to hang up, someone finally answered, and a clear, cold voice came through: “Qianxue!”

“Brother ……” Leng Qianxue was a little excited, “It’s great to hear your voice.”

It really has been a long time since I heard my brother’s voice, although I knew before that my brother had been secretly protecting her and helping her, but there was no direct contact between brother and sister.

Now that she can hear her brother’s voice, Leng Qianxue feels very close.

After this incident, their relationship as brother and sister seemed much deeper than before.

“Mm.” Leng Di Feng always had a high and cold look, even though he was also worried about this sister in his heart, his words were always not overly expressed, “I only have two minutes.”

“Then I’ll make it short ……” Leng Qianxue hurriedly stated her request, “I just met Buddha’s hand …… brother, can you let her take Night Zhen Ting back to Half Mountain North for treatment, and then return to E country after healing?”

“No way.” Leng Di Feng decisively refused, “She must come back immediately.”

“But ……”

Leng Qianxue still wanted to say something else, Leng Di Feng directly hung up the phone.