The Real Dragon Chapter 4091

In the face of money, kinship and faith are no longer worth anything.

Ryan, who was shot, was revered as the Godfather, but this Godfather, more like that mafia figure in the movie “The Godfather”, was more like a very authoritative and respected elder in his meaning to the congregation.

So, killing Ryan could only be considered treachery, not a betrayal of the faith.

However, taking the church priests into custody was another matter.

These priests were all clergy and represented their faith.

However, the fact that they even had all the priests under control in order to keep them from going out and calling the police was already tantamount to a complete condemnation of the faith.

At the same time, a group of young people had already started to prepare to dispose of the shooting scene and Ryan’s body. Luckily, everyone was a relative of the mafia and was familiar with this kind of thing, so someone immediately made a perfect plan.

Firstly, they were to clean up Ryan’s body, as well as all the blood and brain tissue from the scene.

Secondly, they were to clean the area where the blood had burst out with strong acid, while destroying Ryan’s fingerprints and face with strong acid.

Immediately afterwards, someone had to pull all of Ryan’s teeth out.

Because someone said that Ryan must have left a complete dental record at the dentist because he had had custom dentures made at the dentist.

The thing about dental records is that, in fact, like fingerprints, each person’s teeth are unique and, in the forensic field, key to verifying identity traits.

The best outcome for this matter is that the body is buried and never found.

But if it does get found it doesn’t matter, all the various elements are destroyed and even if it is found it will be difficult to identify him.

In this way, the secret would be well hidden.

So, having done that, they also had to think carefully about where they should bury the body.

All gang members know that killing is not difficult, burying the body is the real big question.

This is because how well the body is buried directly determines whether or not the story will be revealed.

If it is not buried well, the body may reveal itself after the rain.

Even if the body is buried well, in case there is a big construction project or someone finds it a few years later, even if there is only a pile of white bones left, it will still become a criminal case and be investigated.

Therefore, everyone was worried about how to bury the body.

Just when everyone was at a loss, a middle-aged man stood up and blurted out, “My mother died of illness and was just buried yesterday, the soil in the cemetery itself was freshly filled in, if we put Ryan into my mother’s coffin and then refill the soil and restore it to its original state, it will definitely not arouse anyone’s suspicion!”

The crowd lit up, and then there was a cheer!

Someone gave a thumbs up, “You’re a F**king genius!”

Everyone thought it was a brilliant idea.

But the one who came up with the idea spoke up, “Gentlemen, as you know, this kind of thing is a great disrespect to my dead mother, so I hope that, for that matter, you can look at this and offer some spiritual compensation ……”

Speaking here, he busily explained, “Don’t worry everyone, I won’t be as lavish as Ryan, I just need five hundred dollars from each family!”

Five hundred dollars.

That wasn’t much.

The crowd combined and agreed readily.

And so, old Godfather Ryan finally had his final home.


While thousands of family members of the Italian group, had the situation at the church under complete control, Qiao Feiyu’s body, had been brought back to Seattle from the sea by seaplane.

During the plane’s return to Seattle, Qiao Feiyun’s entire body remained somewhat muddled.

With his brother dead and the loss of US$4.1 billion, his greatest fear was that he would not be able to keep the story under wraps.