His Secret Lover Chapter 1381-1382

Chapter 1381

By the time everyone arrived at the island, it was already late in the evening.

The road is still a bit far, the plane, the ship, and then here, it’s almost time to make it to dinner.


“Mommy, we’re here!”

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you’re getting into.

Wen Xu Xu is also excited.

The two little ones were greeted with a hug.

“The actual fact is that you will be able to get a lot more than just a couple of days. The actual fact is that you will be able to get a lot more than just a few of the most popular and popular items.

“Not tired, not tired, Mommy, I also brought you a lot of good food oh, all in the back of the aunt there to take it.”

The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not only in the market but also in the marketplace.

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services.

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

But the girl with a petite posture and a small pill on her head, but after coming down and seeing the island without any rest and finishing, she stood on the reef and didn’t know where to put her feet for a while.

“Honey, how come there is still so much gra*s here in this …… place? Will there be snakes?”

Once the word snake was mentioned.

She was even more scared to the point that her little face turned white.

It is also true that she has been raised in the Thousand Sources residence since she was a child, and the places to go out are limited.

The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who have been in the business for a long time.

The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on this kind of things.

“Ruoruo, your aunt has always been so cute?”

“Huh?” The black grape-like eyes of Ruo Ruo immediately blinked.

“The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

This little girl, the last but also quite a fretful sigh.

The actual fact is that, when you go out, Uncle Qiao once admonished her to take care of this aunt.

Wen Shuxu saw, more crying and laughing.

It is not easy for everyone to come over, Wen Xuoxu and Huo Sijiu two people will be prepared in advance of the food and fruit are brought out, on the outside of the house randomly placed on a long table.

Huo Si Xing: “……”

This is also too original, right, even a decent table is not?

This is also from a young age is used to pampered Missy, over very disgusted to take a few grapes stuffed into the mouth.

“Wen Shuxu, you guys these few months, this is the condition ah?”

“Yes, do not like it?”

The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on a lot of things.

The conditions here, indeed, is not as good as they are in the shallow water bay, or the sea view platform.

However, the environment here is good ah, every day wake up, sunshine coast beach, there is no one to disturb the quiet, to be honest, she has fallen in love with this place in now.

Shen Yu also feels very good.

However, he has gone in to find Huo Sijiu at this time, these two people can not easily meet, there will always be something to say.

So, on this open-air buffet venue, there were a few women left, three children, and one Qiao Shiqian.

“Brother Qiao, you eat ah, it’s been a day, hungry, I’ll get you a pair of chopsticks.”

Wen Shuxu is to understand him, see him since he came, has been standing there a bit confused, also do not know what to do, so take the initiative to go over to greet up.

Qiao Shiqian was taken care of by her and was really much better.

“How are you guys doing here? You’re feeling much better, right?”

“Well, much better, here the climate is suitable, every day do not have to think about anything, people relaxed a lot, the body also recovered faster.”

Wen Shuxu answered truthfully.


The woman has been busy, about to give a hand, at this time, Wen Shuxu will be in the hand cut a sandwich, and a few pieces of fruit on a plate, handed to him.

“You go and take it to little Yezi to eat, those little ones, as soon as they came to pester her, did not bother to eat.”

“And ah, big brother Qiao, you have to take care of her a little more, she should not have come to this kind of place before, and young, you watch a little more, so that she has a sense of security.”

Wen Shuxu finally admonished.

Qiao Shiqian was stunned.

This is a very strange feeling, if it were in the past, if this woman ordered him to take care of a woman like this, he would probably be angry and difficult.

But now, he seems to be much better.

Although it will be a little awkward and uncomfortable.

But, definitely not angry anymore, but with a slightly red face, he took this plate and went to that little girl.

“Husband, you’re coming over?”

Sure enough, Qian Yuan Lai Ye, who was accompanying Ruo Ruo to bury the fireworks, looked up and saw that it was her husband who brought her food, and her eyes, which were bright in the dark night, were bright.

Immediately don’t mention how bright.

Hubby still remembered her.

Although she just saw him arrive on the island, he has been on his sister’s side, and she did not dare to bother.

Chapter 1382

But now, he even remembered to bring her something to eat, she is very happy, other than that, it does not matter.

“Well, eat up, tonight we may leave overnight to Aurora Island, you fill up your stomach, so that you will not be seasick again later on the boat.”

The man’s gentle voice sounded in front of her, like the spring breeze brushing the river in March, which touched her heart to the core.

So her husband had noticed that she was seasick too.

God, what to do?

She felt something overflowing from her entire heart.

“Honey, have you eaten yet?”


“This cherry, it’s so delicious, I’ll feed you.” The little girl’s brain was so hot that she picked up the cherry on the plate and pa*sed it over on her toes toward this man’s lips.

This action, if it were at home, would not dare.

Qiao Shiqian really stiffened.

The company’s main goal is to provide a good solution to the problem. Burying fireworks? I’ll come too.”

Then the woman in a short skirt on high heels intervened forcefully, wattage high enough to shine a clear light on the two feeding scene!

Qiao Shiqian: “……”

Qian Yuan Lai Ye: “……”

Even the three little ones who were burying their fireworks next to each other, covered their little faces.

No face to see!

This aunt is really ……

Qiao Shiqian finally stiffened and walked away, and did not eat the cherries in that little girl’s hands.

Qian Yuan Lai Ye: “……”

“Haha, sorry ah, small leaves, I know you two here to get ambiguous ah, okay, I’m leaving, you guys continue.”

Then this culprit, surprisingly, also ran away.

Angry Qian Yuan Lai Ye stomped his feet here.

This sister, how can this be?

After a simple meal, and everyone rested for about half an hour, finally, the group decided to set off, in the evening when the sunset over the sea is most gorgeous.

Ready to enjoy the beauty while going to the destination.

“Want to put this on? Sima gave it to me, saying that seasickness works.”

Huo Sijiu was also bothered by this problem, after sending all three children to the boat, he returned to the house and saw Wen Xu Xu also ready to come out, so he took a packet out from his body.

Wen Shuxu froze.

“What is this?”

“Car sickness stickers.”

Huo Sijiu told the truth.

The actual fact is that you can’t get a lot of money from the company.

The first thing you should do is to think about it.

Wen Shuxu looked at this man’s not-so-happy handsome face, smiled, and lifted her hair at her right ear.

The actual fact is that this guy is not that willing to go on this trip to Aurora Island, because she is seasick, but she wants to go, and finally he can only agree.

But did not expect that he went to Sima Zhong Hua for this, and asked for this thing.

“Where to stick?”

“It’s behind the earlobe, here.” Wen Shuxu used his finger to point to the location where this seasickness sticker was to be affixed.

People who are not studying medicine, on these acupuncture points, will always be less clear.

However, after she now pointed, but found that this man immediately lowered his head seriously to come over, and then, with a faint body temperature of the fingertips in the location behind her ear rubbed.

In no time, it was clear that something was attached to it.


“Mmm ……”

Wen Shuxu promised with her mouth.

But, her hands, however, suddenly reached out to hug him.

The good smell, familiar crisp fragrance, and although not close together, but still can feel the hot body temperature, let her all want to hold her at this moment.

Huo Sijiu: “?”

“Honey, there’s actually a better way to keep me from getting seasick.”


The man’s eyes also darkened.

The reason is that he has figured out the trick, as long as the woman began to “whimsical”, she will not call him brother, but a long trailing voice, delicate and soft to call him husband.

“Keep holding me, I lie in your arms, until the Aurora Island, I will not faint.”

The woman who saw that this man was successfully attracted by herself, a pair of very beautiful almond eyes really began to show a cunning gaze.

Huo Sijiu: “……”

Just like that?

His thin lips, after being teased, were also crossed with a hint of noble and coldness that belonged exclusively to him.

“Not enough, I think in the end is to make you can not find the sky, this will be better.”


The man’s overwhelming deep kiss has come down, he wrapped his arms around the woman and brought her soft body to his chest after, lingering and domineering, he could not wait to do her on the spot.

The first thing you need to do is to get to the right place.

The first time I saw this image, his eyes behind the lenses shrank heavily, immediately, he was fixed there.

This is an indescribable feeling.

Although, he had already let go, and just a short time ago, he also behaved very well in front of that little girl.

But at this moment, when he witnessed this image, his heart, still received a great impact, as if it had been treasured by him in the depths of his heart, he would feel blasphemous even one more look at the rare treasure.

Suddenly, she was defiled as if she had been defiled.