Am I A Gigolo Chapter 1641

Broken Sky was stunned in place, staring dumbly at the will, unable to say a word ……

The brain was running fast, even though he was now using the identity of Night Zhen Ting, he had already been divided half of his worth, and the inheritance under his body had been taken back by the old man and given to the three little kids.

In other words, he now owns nothing other than twenty percent of Night’s shares ……

And even that twenty percent would have to be on par with Leng Qianxue.

Whatever decision he makes, he has to go through Leng Qianxue’s permission.

For example, if he wants Kim Jae Hee to join the board, he has to get Leng Qianxue’s nod, otherwise he can’t do anything.

So, what was the point of his identity?

While he was confused, Secretary Kim behind him reminded in a low voice, “Mr. Night, this capital exchange, you can also not have to exchange it for shares of Night’s, you can exchange a portion of each of Night’s and Shengtian’s ……”

Once Broken Sky heard this, he immediately lit up and immediately said, “Right, right, isn’t it just a few hundred billion owed to her? Redeem ten points of Night’s shares for her and the rest for Shengtian’s shares.”

“Mr. Night, we’ve just done the math.” The accountant took out a table and handed it to him, “The market value of Shengtian’s shares is only one tenth of Night’s.

In other words, even if we give all of Shengtian to Miss Leng, then we still have to give her ten points of Night’s shares.”

“。。。。。” Broken Sky was all stunned, he really couldn’t understand it, “No way, did you guys miscalculate? It’s only two years of personal income and it’s actually going to be worth the entire Shengtian?”

“There is no miscalculation.” The accountant was very sure, “All those years of Shengtian’s establishment, it was all in investment, only these three years were making money, and the time you signed the contract with Miss Leng was exactly within these three years.”

After a pause, the accountant added, “The Night’s side of the Night’s recovers profits during these three years, counting up, the share to the Night’s General Manager is this much.”


Broken Sky almost died from his own breath, he was now so angry that his veins were bulging and he couldn’t say a word.

“See which option you want to use?” Lawyer Jin asked cautiously, “Is it to give Shengtian to Miss Leng and then give ten percent of Night’s shares, or to give twenty percent of Night’s shares directly.”

“Let’s see ……”

Broken Sky’s head was about to explode now, not knowing what to do at all.

“Mr. Night, it’s such a big matter, and you can’t make a decision at once, why don’t you think about it and reply later?”

Secretary Jin next to him reminded in a whisper.

“Right.” Broken Sky immediately came back to his senses, “I’ll have to think about it and decide later.”

Lawyer Jin and the others all looked at Leng Qianxue, waiting for her to say something.

“How long is later?” Leng Qianxue asked coldly, “These directors have been waiting here for hours, you don’t want them to spend the night in the conference room, do you?”

“You’d better decide earlier while there are all the people.” Jiang Dong was also urging him on.

“That’s right, we’re all waiting for your decision.” Night Sen also spoke slowly.

“Half an hour.” Broken Sky spoke indignantly, “I’m going to go to the washroom and talk about it when I come back.”

With that, he left straight away ……

Secretary Jin as well as a few bodyguards hurriedly followed behind.

“What bathroom visit, it’s clear that you’re going to discuss with Mr. Jin.” Wen Li said in exasperation, “What’s wrong with Chief Night? Now everything has to be asked over that General Manager Jin.”

“Yes, when we met before, we also looked at General Manager Jin’s eyes.”

A few other young executives said worriedly, “There’s really something strange about Chief Night coming back this time.”

“The preferences are all different.” The young secretary next to him said softly, “Every day, he doesn’t have the heart to work, and the documents aren’t handled properly, he just plays games in the office, and many documents are reviewed by that new Secretary Jin, who just signs them.”