His Secret Lover Chapter 1451-1452

Chapter 1451

“Chi Yu, I’m sorry.”


Chi Yu, who was hurriedly changing his clothes, heard this and looked over inexplicably.

Zhong Evening then continued to look at him quietly, “I mean, I’ve messed up your life for the past year, and I’m sorry.”

Chi Yu: “……”

Is she out of her mind again?

Coming up with new tricks to torment him?

Chi Yu withdrew his gaze, his handsome eyebrows all gloomy: “Alright, stop it, if you want to rest, just lie down here and stop tossing and turning during the New Year.”

Then he changed his clothes and was ready to leave.

But Zhong Evening called out to him again from behind.

“Chi Yu, I’ve already made an appointment with the doctor, I can have the operation tomorrow, when I’m done, I’ll go back to Kriel, I give you my word that I won’t even pester you in the future.”

The clear, cold voice came from behind, and it made even one’s spine tingle.

Chi Yu finally stopped again, he turned his head, that sight staring at her, as if he had seen a ghost.

“Zhong Evening, what are you talking about? What kind of madness are you starting again?”

“I’m not crazy, I haven’t been more sober than this time in all these years, Chi Yu, it’s all my fault, I shouldn’t have haunted you in the first place, I’m sorry for ruining you into what you are now, I hope …… after I disappear from your life, you can still go back to the time when you were that bright teenager. ”

Zhong Evening twisted away from her, she looked out the window, and this moment was really particularly peaceful.

Chi Yu stared for a moment.

He walked over, but folded back to the woman one step at a time.

“What’s wrong with you? Giving my mother a scolding for being stupid? Go to the hospital, what do you mean? Don’t want this baby?”

He looked over to the woman’s still rumbling ma*s under the covers.

Had he misheard? Was that what she meant? Seven months old and she didn’t even want the baby?

A flicker of anger grew in him!

However, the next thing the woman told him was news that drove him even madder.

“Well, don’t want it, he’s not actually yours either, Chi Yu, I went through IVF in the first place just to want to be with you and then, we didn’t actually have anything.”


Instantly, all was silent in this bedroom!

She really was a lunatic!

Chi Yu’s whole eyes were scarlet, and that day, after he came to his senses, he smashed everything in this bedroom and then disappeared.

By the time Qiao Shiqian’s side heard the news, it was already the next morning, and by then, Zhong Evening had already arrived at the hospital.

“Zhong Evening, are you really sick? Do I need to hire a psychiatrist to take a look at you, do you know what you’re doing? Do you know how crazy you are?”

Qiao Shiqian, who had found the place, was also under the rage and scolded her for being sick in the head.

Zhong Evening also cried.

At this moment, she looked at this man, just like the last time he went to pick her up from Chi’s house, again unabashedly putting her emotions on display as well.

“Yeah, I’m just sick, I don’t even know what the hell I’m doing? What the hell have I been doing all these years? I even feel sick to be alive now, do you know Qiao Shiqian?”

She was crying at the top of her lungs, her whole emotion so out of control that she really thought she was going to have a nervous breakdown.

Qiao Shiqian eventually calmed down.

He had forcibly taken the woman away, seven months pregnant, and there was no way he was going to let her fool around to the point of having the baby aborted.

The news reached the ears of Wen Shuxu, who was far away in the capital, and she was so angry that she too was cursing at this woman over the phone.

“Zhong Evening, what the hell are you doing? Are you crazy?”


It took a long, long time before I heard this woman’s voice like a wandering soul.

“Nancy, I was wrong.”


Wen Shuxu, who was on the phone, froze for a moment when she heard this.

“Where was wrong?” She thought she was reflecting on all the nonsense she had done over the years, and asked smoothly.

However, it was as if the woman’s thoughts had drifted away again, and she stood on the rooftop of this mid-level villa, looking down at the two people who were building a lawn in the garden below.

“It’s all wrong there!”

She said.

Zhong Evening was eventually forced to stay here by Qiao Shiqian, while Chi Yu, on the other hand, never showed his face again after that day.

Half a month later, that is, the 15th day of the first month was all but over, and Qiao Shiqian had to officially go to work for the company, and when he was leaving, he specifically instructed Little Ye to keep a good eye on this woman.

Qian Yuan Lai Ye also obeyed, and stayed with her.

“Sister Zhong Evening, what do you want to eat? I’ll go and buy it for you.”

“I want to go out for a walk, is that okay?”

Zhong Evening made the request.

However, as soon as Chien Yuan Lai Ye thought of her husband’s order, she refused outright.

“Sister Zhong Evening, hubby said that you are not allowed to go out of this door, don’t worry, after you give birth to the baby, I will take you to play, where do you want to go?”

She comforted her.

Zhong Evening then stopped talking.

After a long, long time, Qian Yuan Lai Ye, who was ready to go out, was pa*sing the garden when she heard this person say quietly behind her, “I think it’s better for you to let me go, otherwise, your family will be in danger.”


Immediately, Chigen Lea looked back at this sister in surprise.

But unexpectedly, with this look, she was so horrified that she broke out in a cold sweat.

Chapter 1452

“Why …… why?”

Qian Yuan Lai Ye was stunned, she stood frozen in place looking at this sister, not even able to understand what she meant.

Only to see that Zhong Evening, after seeing this silly look on her face, actually sneered again.

“Why? Because every day when I see you guys so in love and I’m having such an unfortunate life, I feel very uncomfortable inside, you know? Your husband used to be very close to me, and everything you’re doing now, I’m doing for him.”


The little girl’s eyes finally opened to enormous proportions!

But it wasn’t over yet, because the sister, who seemed like a different person, went on to say more.

“Look, you’re carrying a basket to go shopping for food now, that’s what I used to do, and, when you made dinner and waited for him to come back, and ironed his clothes and cleaned the house, those were all things I did. When I was wronged, when I was bullied, I hugged him and cried and pampered him, but now you are the one who is doing it, do you think I feel comfortable? Are you jealous?”

She said one sentence after another.

That look, really looked like a nervous person.

Chigenreiya finally lost all her colour, and she looked at her sister with a dumbfounded look in her eyes, as if a huge wave was rising in her eyes!

No, what did she mean by that?

How could this be jealousy? She was her husband’s friend, how could it still evolve to the point that their happy life as a couple was making her uncomfortable?

The little girl could not believe such words at all.

However, it could not be denied that after hearing these words, a sense of crisis was really born in her heart, and she began to feel uneasy and apprehensive.

“So, I advise you better let me go, otherwise, I will really make you regret it!”

Zhong Evening threatened fiercely once more.

As soon as the sentence fell, this little girl’s round little face turned even whiter.

She really was like a child who hadn’t gone through half of the human condition, and with a casual scare, she all panicked.

It turns out that a person who is paranoid and extreme does not have no one who can enter his heart, but prefers this kind of white paper-like little girl, just like a filthy place, only clean water can wash it thoroughly.

Zhong Evening turned around and prepared to go and pack his things.

But just then, the little girl behind her suddenly came up with, “I won’t let you go, I don’t believe you are such a person, if you really wanted to destroy us, you would have started acting long ago, why did you tell me?”


Zhong Evening, who was going in, just came to a raw stop again.

The hand that was holding the door frame was even more whitened into a blur.

She was actually …… not stupid?

She bit her lip so hard that she almost bit it out of her blood.

“Sister Zhong Evening, I know you just want to go out and find Brother Chi, it’s okay, if you want to see him, I’ll go find him for you, I’ll get him here, you stay home and raise your baby properly, okay?”

“No need!”

Zhong Evening finally spoke up.

Every word was almost ground out from her bloodied teeth.

But the little girl didn’t care.

She thought she had read her mind clearly, and after bugging the house maids to take good care of her, she immediately went out, confidently giving her the go-ahead to find Chi Yu.

This was not foolishness on her part.

She was already being foolish.

Zhong Evening eventually went back to her bedroom, and after that, she stayed in her room for the whole afternoon without coming out.

Until, in the evening, she seemed to hear the sound of the maid receiving a phone call downstairs.

“Second Mistress? She hasn’t come back yet.”

“Where has she gone?”

“In the morning, I heard her talking to Miss Zhong about going to help her find the baby’s father; Miss Zhong has been in a bad mood and had a tantrum with the Second Mistress in the morning.”

Looking for Chi Yu?

When Qiao Shiqian, who was at the office preparing to leave work, heard this, his heart thumped.

He thought of the Chi family and that hateful and vicious old woman.

Qiao Shiqian left the company in a flash.

On the other hand, on the side of the mid-levels villa, after standing at the door and finally hearing the maid’s call clearly, Zhong Evening’s face also changed, and immediately, she too came down from upstairs.

“Hasn’t she come back yet?”

“Ah? Miss Zhong, not yet, it’s been gone all day.”

The maid replied in a hurry.

When Zhong Evening heard that, her complexion turned even whiter.

That little girl, it couldn’t be because something had happened to her, could it?

She also panicked, and then, towards this maid, she ordered, “Go prepare the car, we’ll go look for her together, Chi Yu is an entertainer, there are many crazy fans around.”


The maid was stunned.

A few minutes later, the two still left the door.

But instead of going to Chi’s house, they went to the place where Chi Yu was recording her show.

This was something that Zhong Evening was indeed more experienced than Qiao Shiqian; she had pestered Chi Yu for so many years and knew his whereabouts well, and at a time like this New Year’s Eve, it was impossible for him, who was a film and television superstar, to be idle.

So, she wasn’t worried about the Chi family.

She was more worried about those crazy show taping scenes where that silly little girl, would have an accident.

Half an hour later, outside the city’s Pearl Gymnasium, sure enough, as soon as the two arrived, they saw that the people outside had already gathered around, and the support items they were holding in their hands were Chi Yu’s name, and his picture.