Am I A Gigolo Chapter 1657

“It shouldn’t be that soon.” Hua Xiaofo was still dispensing the medicine, “Don’t be in a hurry.”

“Let me try ……,” Night Zhen Ting was insistent.


Hua Xiaofo didn’t talk nonsense, and directly pushed up Night Zhen Ting with his foot, his action was very rude.

“Can you do it properly …….”

Before Night Zhen Ting could finish his sentence, he collapsed and fell on the wooden plank bed, sucking in his breath in pain.

“I even said it wasn’t that fast.” Hua Xiaofo simply ignored him and continued to dispense the medicine.

“How can you be a doctor if you’re so impatient.”

Night Zhen Ting was lying on the wooden plank bed, his heart was both indignant and annoyed.

“Nonsense, I’m not a normal doctor.” Hua Xiaofo didn’t bother to pay attention to him.

Night Zhen Ting knew it was useless to ask for her help, so he had to try hard on his own, but he couldn’t make his back and waist strong, and his body was stiff, so he couldn’t sit up ……

The first thing you need to do is to try to find a way to get the right medicine.

The first time he tried to sit up again and again, his body actually got up a little, but before he could sit up, he fell down heavily again.

But he didn’t give up, he continued to try and keep trying ……

He tried again and again, and finally, when he was about to fall again, something furry held him up from behind.

He was stunned for a moment and turned around to see that it was actually the old crippled wolf.

The old wolf was lying behind him, using its own body against his back to help him sit up.

Night Zhen Ting hurriedly used his strength to sit up, but his body was still weak and he fell back down again, this time pressing against the old wolf and not falling down as he had done before, and it didn’t hurt as much.

He didn’t give up and tried again ……

This time, he finally sat up, although his body was shaky and ready to fall down, but it was already a great breakthrough.

Night Zhen Ting shouted excitedly, “I’m sitting up, sitting up ……”

Hua Xiaofo twisted his head to take a look and first froze, then exclaimed, “What perseverance!”

Night Zhen Ting got sweaty, but still refused to give up, still panting, “Increase the dose, tomorrow, I have to go back to the company, to attend the board meeting!”

“You’re going back tomorrow?” Hua Xiaofo was a little surprised, “You’re still not well from this illness, if you go back now, won’t you be exposed? I’m not going to follow you to Mid-levels North, so how will you be able to treat it later?”

“We can’t delay any longer, if we delay any longer the company is going to get screwed up.” Night Zhen Ting returned to his heart, “If I go bankrupt, you won’t get your medical bills!”

“Then we have to hurry back.” Hua Xiaofo was quick to react, “It’s important to keep the property!”

“So, you have to come with me to the company tomorrow.” Night Zhen Ting finally got to the point, “You can disguise yourself, no one knows who you are.”

“I don’t care if other people know.” Hua Xiaofo gave him a blank look, “What I’m worried about is the Leng family finding me.”

“That I can guarantee.” Night Zhen Ting knew her concerns, “Never let Leng Di Feng’s people take you away from me.”

“You promise?” Hua Xiaofo laughed, “You’re half-dead yourself, how can you guarantee that? Are you able to fight Leng Di Feng now?”

“In terms of physical strength, I can’t fight him now, but in terms of brains and scheming, that’s not possible ……”

Night Zhen Ting deliberately tested her, “What’s more, Hai Cheng is my turf.”

“Cut.” Hua Xiaofo was not happy when she heard this, and said with a sullen, serious face, “You know nothing about Leng Di Feng’s ability, you think because he usually looks like a piece of wood, he is brainless? He can be clever.”

“It seems that you don’t hate him that much.” Night Zhen Ting curled his lips into a smile, “You can shout at him yourself, but you won’t allow him to be belittled.”

“Of course.” Hua Xiaofo raised an eyebrow, “That’s my child’s father!”