His Secret Lover Chapter 1483-1484

Chapter 1483

“Well ……”

“You’re always worrying about other people, do you ever think about your husband? It’s been ages since you’ve spent any time with him?” He finished the kiss and only then released her with intent.

Woman: “……”

The little face was all red.

A good night’s sleep.

The next day.

At the Red Hall, when Huo Si Xing woke up, she received a call from Shen Yu, asking her if she would like to join the army.

With the army?

Huo Si Xing was baffled.

She was definitely willing!!!

But what about the bar if she had to leave? It had only just been renovated and was still ready to open.

Huo Si Xing was torn.

“Honey, my bar only opened today, and besides, Little Yezi is here too, isn’t this not good?”

“Didn’t Shu Shu say to have people from Shu Jing Zai and Gurgling Brook come over? She’ll be there at the bar too, so with her and Little Leaf sitting there, it’s okay for you to come for a few months, honey, I …… miss you.”

That last sentence came out of the mouth of a hard man who had never spoken words of love before.

Huo Si Xing could not find the north on the spot.

So, on that very day, the woman took a big bag and a small bag, and took their little troublemaker, who was not yet four years old, to be a military wife with the army.

The bar, then, was left to Qian Yuan Lai Ye and Wen Shu Shu.

Oh yes, and a Jing Qin!

“She’s sick in the head, isn’t she? She was the one who wanted to make a big mess in the first place, and now that it’s so easy to get it right, she’s still the one who’s running fast, is she nuts?”

Jing Qin rushed over to hear this and was so angry that he cursed.

Wen Shuxu and Qian Yuan Laie Ye both listened and could only advise, saying that that woman was an impulsive type of creature and only had her husband the man in her head, so just get used to it.

Just get used to …… it.

This is said down, this angry man, although still remaining anger.

However, he was white in the face after, finally did not speak.

Time pa*sed quickly, and in the twinkling of an eye, under the lead of God Zong Yu, the Jing family and Zhu family finally began to bring up the matter of marriage, and at this time in Y province, Jing Yufei, also understood that this was true.

So she purposely rushed over from Y Province.

The day Jing Qin got married was the first day of autumn in the capital. At that time, the poplar trees all over the city, their leaves were all yellow, and after a breeze blew through, everywhere was golden.

Don’t mention how beautiful it was.

Jing Yufei had deliberately made this wedding a very grand affair.

However, after the guests dispersed, she saw a groomsman who was so drunk that he refused to go up in the garden of the Jing family, which was still decorated with lights.

“Jing Qin?”


She called out, and the man, to her surprise, knew to answer her.

Jing Yufei then came up to help him, “It’s time to go up, my younger sibling is still waiting for you upstairs.”

“What sister-in-law? You don’t have a younger sibling, your brother is a person, a person!!!”

Suddenly, the man spilled his wine madness, he lay there with his head tilted back and howled dryly, if not for Jing Yufei’s quick eyes and hands to cover his mouth.

I was afraid that the bride upstairs would have heard him.

“Jing Qin, do as you’re told and get up there!”

“…… I don’t listen, I don’t want to listen, I don’t want to marry her, let alone touch her, I just want my …… star of Si, sister, you go and get her, I won’t make a scene, you tell her to come back.”

So big a man, actually after being covered by his sister’s mouth, said and cried.

At once, Jing Yufei’s heart was like being stabbed hard by something again.

In fact, she had already approached Mrs. Huo to find out about this matter and knew exactly why this brother had gotten married.

Therefore, at this moment, after hearing this, she was even more heartbroken and blamed herself even more.

“I’m sorry, it’s all because of my sister’s incompetence, my sister didn’t take care of you well and let you end up making such a sacrifice for the sake of the Jing family, but, Xiao Qin, Huo Sixing can’t be touched or thought about, you know? That doesn’t belong to you.”

She lowered her head and advised in a low voice with tears in her eyes.

Jing Qin, who was venting, heard this and snapped to a halt right there.

It didn’t belong to him?

Yes, Huo Si Xing did not belong to him, she was his good brother’s wife, and she had already married and had a child.

The man raised his hand to slap himself.

“I am an animal!”

“No …… it’s not!” Jing Yufei immediately pulled him back.

“No, you’re not an animal, you’re my good brother, Xiao Qin, don’t worry, if you don’t want to touch Zhu Wan Wan, my sister will help you, we’ll wash the a*sets left by father, you’ll divorce her, we won’t touch her, and we won’t tether you, okay?”

This Miss Jing, in the end, even said such words for the sake of her younger brother.

These words, in fact, would be very unethical.

Because Miss Zhu’s family had genuinely and sincerely wanted to marry over, but in this way, she had become a pawn of their Jing family, which was very unfair to her.

However, this woman in front of her could no longer care less.

She would rather be the evil one herself and pile all the bad things on herself, she was not willing to let her brother suffer one more moment of harm.

So that night, Jing Qin really didn’t go into the new room.

Chapter 1484

After Jing Qin got married, he hardly ever came over to the bar.

Because, that Zhu family also ran some businesses, and his father-in-law, when he learned that he used to do this too, gave him all those businesses to take care of after the marriage.

Naturally, the bar could not be visited often.

Jing Qin didn’t come, and Huo Sicheng, the woman, ran off to become a military wife.

So, in this bar, only Wen Shuxu, and Qian Yuan Lai Ye were left.

The first thing you need to do is to go back to the bar.

The night, dragging a tired back to the sea Observatory of the thousand source of Lea, in bed, see the phone to several missed calls, there are also many unread messages in the Wilson.

I was so happy to see that I was able to reply to my husband.

[Qiao Shiqian: ……]

What’s going on?

The company said it was only going to help, but it turned out to be the main force, Huo Si Xing, that untalented woman!

The man wearing gla*ses sat in the study with a gloomy expression.

[Qiao Shiqian: Are you uncomfortable?

[Xiao Ye Zi: Huh? I’m not uncomfortable, honey, although I’m a bit tired, but Sister Xuxu is very good to me, and then, the God’s family side also came to help a lot, honey, you don’t need to worry about it].

The silly little girl hadn’t understood what her husband was saying.

The corner of Qiao Shiqian’s forehead was green with veins.

After a pause, in the end, he chose the more direct approach.

[Qiao Shiqian: I’m talking about those special days when you’re not going to be uncomfortable? If you come, remember to tell Shuxu.]

[Xiao Ye Zi: Ah!

As an afterthought, the little girl finally remembered this.

Then, she immediately ran over to the calendar hanging in her room and looked at it carefully.

[Xiao Ye Zi: It’s finished, hubby, I haven’t come yet, it’s been over three days!!!]

[Qiao Shiqian: ……]


The next day, the senior management of Huo Group, received a message from the president’s office that their Lord President was no longer in A City and would not be in the company for the next few days.

Was it so sudden?

The executives looked at each other in disbelief.

And on the capital side, Wen Shuxu arrived at the bar and was taken aback after hearing that little girl say that her husband was coming over as well.

There was no need for that, was there?

When did this big brother Qiao become so good to this little girl? He had actually put aside the affairs of such a big company to come here to help out the little girl.

The actual fact is that men still have to marry their wives, and when they do, they know how good their wives are.

Wen Shuxu was surprised and at the same time, still quite relieved.

At that moment, when Qiao Shiqian arrived here at noon, he said he wanted to take this little girl out for a trip, and she did not stop, so she smiled and watched them go out.

The young couple, who have been here for almost a month, certainly want to give them time to have a good time.

Wen Shuxu continued to stay in the bar.


Qian Yuan Lai Ye: “Husband, you ……”

Her little face was a little scarlet, the gifted one, after all those conversations last night, and then her husband came all the way here early in the morning to take her to the hospital.

Gifted as she was, of course she thought of it.

So the young couple went to the gynaecology department, registered, and when they got to the doctor and asked questions, he wrote a direct order, and Qiao Shiqian took her to the testing department to get a white urine cup and go to the toilet.

“Go ahead, I’ll wait for you here.”

Qiao Shiqian sent her to the door of this restroom, it was not good to go in, so he said outside.

Qian Yuan Lai Ye: “……”

Sensing the man’s eagerness, she still obediently went inside.

Twenty or so minutes later, finally, they waited for the result and immediately took it to the doctor.

“No, it’s negative, your wife should have some menstrual irregularities due to her health, should I prescribe some medicine to regulate it?”

After reading it, the doctor announced the result straight away.

Qiao Shiqian was instantly disappointed to the core.

How could it be?

He had been working very hard that month, and had calculated her danger period, so how could it not be there yet?

He didn’t quite believe it, so after finding an excuse to send the little girl out, he asked somewhat awkwardly in the consultation room, “Doctor, my wife and I haven’t taken any measures, we’ve been married for more than half a year, how could it be that there’s still no movement?”

“Huh?” The doctor was stumped for a moment.

“You’ve been married for six months, huh? And has …… ever been for a check-up? Your wife is so young and you’re in your prime, so if you’ve been without measures, it shouldn’t be.”

The doctor was getting suspicious too.

This was a situation that was indeed not too common, knowing that once young people are married and have not taken measures, it is very quick to have good news.

The doctor decided to check Chigenraiya, and Qiao Shiqian, not knowing how to handle it for a while, agreed.

Chien Yuan Lai Ye had been very good and knew that her husband’s starting point was also for her, so he asked her to be checked, and she dutifully went to do so.