His Secret Lover Chapter 1501-1502

Chapter 1501

The police eventually had to meekly drop all charges.

Because, in a country where there is already a clear hierarchy, nobles keep bodyguards, and bodyguards who step in to protect their masters when they are in danger and accidentally injure someone are not liable for anything.

Huo Sijiu came out.

Jing Qin’s friend had been waiting outside and when he saw that he had finally come out, he hurriedly asked, “How is it? Mr. Huo, they didn’t make things difficult again, did they?”

Huo Siji: “No.”

He made light of the situation and had no intention of making the identity of that child public.

It was only when he arrived at the student dormitory, having sent his wife and daughter away, that his face turned serious when he saw the little boy who had been locked up in that dormitory.

“You still need to go back to the Dragonbottom Pavilion for a while, you are, for now, too young.”


With that one sentence, the little boy, who had stayed here for three whole days without panicking, immediately raised his head to look at the tall man.

The little face was fiercely white.

A pair of beautiful eyes, in those delicate features, were also filled with panic and eagerness.

Until finally, he turned into a piece of sadness.

“Uncle, I know I was too reckless this time, I didn’t control it well, uncle, I won’t do it again.”

The child with an indifferent nature, at this moment, even begged bitterly in order to be able to stay.

But Huo Siji did not let go.

He glanced at the edge of the bed behind him, then sat down, and only then did he look at him again in silence.

“No, you didn’t fail to control it, you did it on purpose, that little girl called Yaoyao, you had your heart set on killing her a long time ago didn’t you? Sixteen, I told you, Ruo Ruo came here for her dream to come, and with you making such a mess now, both her state of mind and the environment of this school must have changed drastically, do you think she will still stay here to learn things in peace?”


The child, who was only ten years old, finally fell silent.

He lowered his little head, as if his deepest secret had finally been poked through, and his little hands squeezed hard, and his little face was white.

And, if you look carefully, you will find that there is already crystal liquid faintly emerging from his tiny eyes.

Huo Siji: “……”

As a father, after seeing this scene, in the end, his heart was still soft.

“I don’t mean anything else, it’s just that you’re still too young right now, handling things to come, many times will not be mature enough, so it’s appropriate to go to Longin Pavilion for a few more years, so that Lengxu can teach you properly.”


In the end, the young boy, still did not speak again.

Two hours later, Huo Sijiu, who had finished taking care of things here, was ready to take Wen Xuxu, and this little boy, away.

However, just as they were leaving the school gate, suddenly, a little girl behind them ran out crying.

“Daddy, stop, put sixteen down, I don’t want you to take him away, daddy-”

She cried loudly.

It was clear that when she had set off, Huo Siji had left the bodyguard who had once looked after her in the Maldives, but she had learnt that the little boy was to be taken away.

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

Wen Shuxu saw it in the rear-view mirror, and at once, her heart was aching from crying.

“Stop quickly, Ruo Ruo is coming after us, brother, stop!”


Huo Siji finally had to stop the car again.

As a result, his car had just stopped when Ruo Ruo, who had finally caught up to daddy behind him, glanced inside in a haze of tears and rain once she opened the car door.

Immediately, with a pair of chubby little hands, she grabbed the little boy who was sitting inside also looking at her dumbfounded with force.

“Sixteen, get down here! Come on, you can’t go anywhere, you have to stay here with me.”

She cried out, and the golden beans that kept falling from her eyes hit the back of the little boy’s hand, burning him so hard that even his heart ached.

Eyes, followed by red.

Wen Shuxu: “……”

Huo Sijiu: “……”

About this daughter, she is heavy on the people around her, the couple knows that.

Just like that Yao Yao before, if it wasn’t for this nature of hers, that little girl wouldn’t have come to this school, and this little boy in front of her, in the end, was brought back for her.

You can imagine the sadness in her heart.

“Mummy, I beg you, leave Sixteen behind, okay? This matter is not about him, it’s all me, I shouldn’t have messed with that Hélène, I was wrong, I beg you to let Sixteen go.”

“Ruoruo ……”

Wen Shuxu’s heart was really broken by her daughter crying.

And when Huo Sijiu saw this scene, he was no better.

Chapter 1502

Huo Sijie eventually kept Sixteen.

And so that the two would no longer be disturbed in any way at this school, he deliberately bought all but the Helene family’s shares of this school into his hands when he left Y.

When the Helene family heard this, they were so angry that they were going to spit blood!

“This is a royal school, what is it for you to buy a share in your own hands for him? Don’t you have any brains?”

This duke called those shareholders on the spot and cursed them.

However, those shareholders, since they had sold their shares, did not give this Duke a second thought.

“Mr. Duke, we didn’t have many of those shares in the first place, and this Mr. Huo is willing to offer us double the price, so there’s nothing wrong with selling them.”


Duke Helene was so angry that he was about to faint.

How dare you offer double!

Was this person called Huo Sijiu really that tough? Didn’t he no longer have anything to do with Huo’s group now? How could he still be so powerful?

He couldn’t understand.

Until, not long after, his a*sistant returned.

“Mr. Duke, it’s been checked out, this Duke Huo, it turns out that he is now the number one person in their domestic economic regulation, in the past six months, from RB to European countries, their domestic reconstructed economic map is all his work!”


With just that sentence, this duke, who was also considered a popular figure in the royal family of Y, sat there with a grey face completely unable to speak.

This was too terrifying.

Such a character, how could he fight with him?

The Helian family never uttered another half-hearted word.

The following day.

The couple who had finally returned to the Sea Watch Terrace had, unsurprisingly, heard the message that Yao Yao’s parents had come here to cause trouble.

But how could the Sea Watch Terrace be a place where they could make a scene whenever they wanted to? Before they even got here, they had already had the divine clan imperial taken down and thrown into prison.

“Brother, what about this matter? Yesterday at school, I listened to Ruo Ruo a cla*smate called Sanny understand, sixteen will do to Yao Yao, because after Yao Yao was transferred to another cla*s, it is not good relationship with Ruo Ruo, she followed that Hélène, then every way against Ruo Ruo, before brother Qiao also said, the work of the matter, also this Yao Yao witnessed Hélène change.”

After Wen Shuxu saw that this Yao Yao’s mother actually dared to make a scene here, she immediately walked to the study and told what she had learned while she was at school.

She must have been very angry too.

This Yao Yao’s parents, who were already people of very poor character, had already shown that face of theirs to the fullest when they were at school before.

So, at this time, even though something had happened to that child, however, she was very reluctant to let them lionize her, to know that that child, would become like that, a large part of the reason, is their tutoring problem.

Huo Siji certainly understood.

“Well, I already know this, you don’t have to worry, I have a handle on it.” He rea*sured her, and in his eyebrows, he naturally had the breezy ease of having thought about dealing with that couple a long time ago.

Two days later, when Wen Shuxu was calling the school side at Guanyintai, asking about Ruo Ruo’s situation there after she returned.

Deputy Shen came over to find her.

“Young Grandmother Sun, the old master asked me to let you know that he has released that couple.”

“Is that so?” Wen Shuxu immediately put down the phone.

“So they didn’t make any more trouble?”

“Do they dare? The one who really killed their daughter was Hélène, and if they want compensation, they should also go to their family, so the old man said, take the hundred thousand yuan given by the young master and hurry up, if he sees them again, he’ll just collapse!”

Deputy Shen finally said in the tone of God Zong Yu’s voice.

Wen Shuxu instantly knelt down to this old master.

Sure enough, it was still such a person who came to deal with them that was the nemesis.

This is how the matter pa*sed.

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

The bully of cla*s 18, Helena, no longer dares to mess with her, and without the bullying, she has immediately gained the affection of many of her cla*smates.

She has made many, many new friends.

And Sixteen, too, was always there for her.

Wen Shuxu was very relieved.

After getting back into the busy work of the bar, she found that it had started to step into a regular bar, as she had introduced a bonus system for everyone who worked here.

The godfathers, too, worked extra hard.

[WenXuXu: This month, I’d like to show you the total turnover, which has reached more than twelve million, and if we take out the costs, we’ll probably still make about seven million].

[Shu + Shen Rong: Really? That’s great!]

[Shu+God Tianbao: Mmmmm, still sister-in-law is great, this turnover is getting bigger and bigger.]

[Gurgling + God’s Fifth Aunt: Follow Shu and do well in the future, no one should fall behind.] [Gurgling + God’s Fifth Sister: Follow Shu and do well, no one should fall behind.]

[Gurgling+God’s Seventh Sister: Yes, follow your sister-in-law!

The company’s business has been in a state of flux for over a decade.