His Secret Lover Chapter 1544

“Sixteen, so you’re here, do you see your Uncle Huo?”

What Wen Shuxu saw when she brought her daughter back to this zen room, was that this teenager was inside wiping the beads of sweat on his forehead with a towel for the man lying on the bed.

Unable to help it, she smiled.

On this day, the room was indeed stiflingly hot.

But Wen Shuxu didn’t let anyone install air conditioning here either, because the man himself was in a coma, and it would be bad for him if he wasn’t allowed to sweat and increase his metabolism a bit.

Anyway, sweat it is.

If it gets wet, she can just change it for him.

Lu Guan was wiping carefully when he suddenly heard such a gentle voice, he immediately straightened up and looked respectfully at the person who came.

“Auntie, Uncle Huo is sweating.”

“Well, I know, I did it on purpose, sweating is good, it means that some of his body functions are recovering.”

Wen Shuxu explained with a light smile.

At those words, this teenager with delicate features, at once, those narrow eyes seemed to light up like stars, and the whole person revealed delight.

“Really? Then …… is he almost done?”

“Well, it’s almost …… done.”

Wen Shuxu nodded her head.

And I don’t know whether to tell this teenager, or to tell himself.

After lingering for a while longer, because the person had been delivered and he still had cla*ses to attend, Lu Guan decided to go back as soon as possible.

When Wen Shuxu saw this, she turned around and went to the zen room where she was staying and brought over two sets of brand new clothes, as well as a new mobile phone, which she had also filled up with enough money for him.

“Sixteen, take these away, the clothes were bought by auntie when she went down the mountain a few days ago, I guess if Ruo Ruo comes back, this little girl will go to you first, then she will buy them for you first.”

“Auntie ……”

Lu Ju originally did not want it.

However, when he looked down and found out that the size of the clothes, was actually the size he was wearing, he was stunned there.

And the phone, the money ……

Three years ago, since Huo Sijiu was in a coma, although Wen Shuxu took care of him in the mountains, but for this child, she has not forgotten.

Every year, his school fees, his daily expenses, she will give him ready, which makes the childhood without parents Lu exhaust, really is incomparably grateful.

From the bottom of his heart, he vowed that when he grew up, he would never forget their kindness.

Lu Guan eventually came out with these things.

Ruoruo had been waiting outside.

When she saw him finally come out, immediately, she ran over.

“Did mommy really give you a new phone? Quick, bring it here, I’ll get all your contacts for you, and also, this is the most important thing, so that you won’t be able to contact me if I don’t go to Y.”

Then, this little girl snatched the phone from his hand.

Lu Guan just stood next to her and watched quietly.

He really didn’t like to use them, and when he had the time, he preferred to train himself in a secluded place hidden away in school.

So, his mobile phone, from the first one that accompanied her to Y that year when Auntie Wen gave it to him, was all operated by this little girl for him, every single one of them.

After waiting for about ten minutes or so, I think, this little girl got it done.

“Look, there, I even made your avatar similar to mine too oh, I’m a little flowery pig and you’re a big fluffy dog, hahahahaha ……”

She clicked her masterpiece for him to see, laughing with joy.

Lu Gui just let her be.

That is, until Wen Shuxu came out of the temple.

“Ruo Ruo, what are you doing? Stop pestering Sixteen, he still has a plane to catch.”

“Oh, okay.”

This little girl, this deflated her little mouth and gave the phone back to him.

Lu Guan took it and left the place.

“Mummy, sixteen is gone.”

“He has to go to school, don’t be a child, in two days, your Yin brother and that cla*smate of his, Tong Hui, will be back, they can play with you then.”


The car had driven out a long way.

In Lu Guan’s ears, he could still hear this young girl’s surprised shout.

Tong Hui?

Was it the genius boy who had been sent to the Ministry?

His eyes went cold, and in just a second, his pretty features, which had only been soothed for half a day, were as ominous as if a layer of gloom had been cast over them again.

Ruo Ruo waited for a week at the temple.

A week later, her eldest brother, Huo Yin, came over with his cla*smate, Tong Hui.

Huo Yin was now at the base, and was part of the stage where he was already involved in research; his studies were free, so he would come back to see his sister whenever it was summer vacation.


Saw his brother come back.

Ruoruo, who hadn’t seen him for a long time, immediately flew towards her with open arms and happiness.

Huo Yin saw it and, as usual, hugged her to the full as she ran over.

Sixteen-year-old boys and girls, strangers, perhaps this behavior will be a little inappropriate, such as at this time standing next to him, Tong Hui, when he saw this like bright to even the mountains that beautiful purple and red are lost colour of the young girl running to.

The first thing he did was blush.

But Huo Yin would not.

He is still very natural, between the triplets, their feelings are still the same as when they were children, even after being so old.