His Secret Lover Chapter 1552

Several people returned to the temple.

Wen Shuxu and the old monk were so shocked on the spot that even their pupils were trembling after hearing about this.

How could they have hidden such a big secret?

So immediately, they informed the two of them, Shen Yu and Shen Zong Yu, and when these two heard about it, they also rushed over and in no time, they took Tong Hui away.

Huo Yin didn’t say a word the whole time.

It was only when the person was taken away that he turned around and went back to the Zen room where he lived alone.

Ruoruo: “Is brother going to be okay? Mummy, it’s a big blow to brother this time, so we have to find a way to comfort him.”

She was very worried about her brother.

Wen Xuoxu did likewise.

This eldest son, what kind of condition he is in, she knows better than anyone else, these three years, his change, she is seeing in the eyes, happy in the heart, but suddenly encountered such a betrayal ……

Wen Shuxu followed and also came to the meditation room.

“Yin Yin, are you okay?”

“…… fine, mommy.”

Huo Yin, who was sitting in a chair and staring blankly out the window, looked extremely pale.

However, after seeing his mommy, he still put up a strong spirit and said he was fine.

When Wen Shuxu saw this look on his face, her heart ached.

She walked over and moved a chair and sat down next to him.

“Yin Yin, don’t be sad, this child Tong Hui, he actually didn’t betray you, he just had no choice, look, didn’t he even end up telling you all the reasons why your daddy was really sick? And even helped us find Wu Shi.”

She began to advise gently.

She had studied psychology, back when she was trying to cure his daddy.

So she now knew exactly where her son’s heartbreak lay, too; he couldn’t accept that his best friend of so many years would betray him, the trust, the friendship delivered ……

That was all very devastating.

You know, it’s really not easy for someone like him to open that door in his heart.

Sure enough, just after Wen Shuxu’s words, the child who had just been strong and determined in front of her, those beautiful eyes turned red little by little.

“Mummy ……”

“Well, so, my Yin Yin don’t be sad, and you didn’t look at the wrong person, Tong Hui he is a good boy, he was forced to do this, look, he didn’t hurt you or your sister this time, didn’t he?”


The light in the boy’s eyes shone even brighter.

Wen Shuxu’s heart was delighted, and he hurried to strike while the iron was hot: “So, next, as long as we wait until your eldest uncle and great grandfather figure out that he hasn’t caused them substantial damage as well, then he will be fine, and maybe, by then, he will even be taken in, and he will be able to study with you.”

Wen Shuxu drew this blueprint of the future for him.

And in fact, in her heart, she also thought that that child who was only sixteen years old, since he could even tell the cause of Huo Sijiu’s illness, and the key to help him find a cure.

She really didn’t think he was any great evil.

It was also salvageable.

And the God family, not being so vindictive, would give him a chance even if he was Lan Yuan’s son, as long as he sincerely repented.

Huo Yin was finally in a much better mood.

Ruo Ruo and Lu Guan also breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts when they saw it.

That day, the three of them went down the mountain and went back to Guanyintai to wait for news, while Mo Bao, who was studying in the army, also rushed back on purpose after hearing about the incident.

to accompany his brother.

But no one expected that after they had waited for three days at Guanyinhai Terrace, the news suddenly came that Tong Hui was to be sentenced to death.

The sentence would be suspended for two years.

That is, when he comes of age and reaches 18.

Ruo Ruo and Mo Bao were the first to hear the news, and in their shock, they didn’t even dare to go and tell Huo Yin first, but came over to their Great Grandpa first.

“Grandpa Tai, why? Is there really something wrong with him?”

“Well, he’s sent a lot of information to those remnants of Lan Yuan over the years, especially after I transferred him to the Ministry of Military Affairs.”

Shen Zong Yu’s face was blue with anger as he said this.

When Ruoruo and Mo Bao saw this, all of a sudden, their two little faces went down white, they didn’t dare to say anything else at all, and the only thing that came to their minds was their brother who had been waiting in the room for three whole days.

If this is the case, then Huo Yin is also not off the hook.

Because the reason why Tong Hui was able to enter the military in the first place was that he had deciphered that chemical formula given by Huo Yin, some information his daddy had handed him about equipment research.

So, Huo Yin was really used, that Tong Hui betrayed him.

Paper, after all, cannot hold fire.

Huo Yin knew in the end.

That night, he smashed everything in the room and locked himself in the room and never came out.

When Ruo Ruo saw this, she was so anxious that she cried.

Mo Bao was also at his wits’ end.

In his anger, he could not wait to run to that prison and catch Tong Hui out and kneel before his brother.

He wanted to ask him why he had done that. What exactly had his brother done to him?

However, he did not have this opportunity after all.

It was only two days after the verdict was handed down that news came from the prison that Tong Hui had died. It was said that he had committed suicide and that when he brushed his teeth, the toothpaste, which had been clean, had become highly toxic when it reached his mouth.