Am I A Gigolo Chapter 1702

It seems that Night Zhen Ting is indeed very good to the children.

Children are simple and pure, and they know very well who is good to them.

Maybe someone can fake it, but it is not easy to fake it for three months.

Not to mention the fact that it was a brutal and unruly person like Night Zhen Ting who would not waste time on such things at all.

So it was true that this aunt was good to them, and it was also true that they were close to him.

“Mummy, mummy, you should quickly treat your aunt.”

Yi Yi came over and took Hua Xiaofo’s hand, begging anxiously, “Auntie is sick, auntie and brothers and sisters are so worried, we are also worried ……”

“Yes mommy, you must cure auntie.” Er Er tilted her little head and said anxiously, “When Auntie is well, she can take us to pick grapes again, and teach us to ride horses, and yes, Auntie will play so many fun games with us ……”

Thinking of this, Hua Xiaofo’s nose turned sour and her eyes turned red, squeezing out two tears and saying, “Mummy also wants to cure auntie, but ……”

She raised her head and looked at Leng Di Feng with a terrified face, and said in a trembling voice, “Daddy won’t let him!”

Leng Di Feng frowned, before he could react, the three little ones rushed over excitedly, hugging his legs, and their angry little pink fists began to attack in turn-

One second to remember

“Mmmmmm.” Zero nodded repeatedly and added, “Auntie is so good to us!”

Hearing these words, Hua Xiaofo couldn’t help but be a little moved, at first it was because she looked at how good Night Zhenting was to the children, so she had minded her own business, and now it seemed that it was the right thing to do.

But now is not the time to be grateful, but to take advantage of the opportunity to find a way to slip ……

Zero thrust out the words indignantly.

Hua Xiaofo brightened up and hurriedly got up from the ground and said with righteous indignation, “That’s right, one should know how to repay the kindness, aunt father has raised you for so long, now that he is in trouble, how can we not care?”

With that, she pulled the three children to stand over to Night Zhen Ting’s side, “Bao’er, let’s go with auntie!”

“Daddy you’re bad, you’re bad, you’re a big bad egg.”

“Daddy why are you doing this, auntie is so good to us, why don’t you let mummy save him?”

“Daddy, you can’t do that? If you do this, we and Mummy will go back to Half Mountain with Auntie and ignore you!”

Leng Di Feng raised his eyebrows coldly and continued to exert pressure: I don’t care, this matter has now fallen on your lap anyway, the initiative is yours and you must resolve it.

Night Thunder wanted to cry, but he took on the responsibility, hugged the three little ones and said gently – “One, two, two, zero.

“One one two two zero zero, good boy, mummy misunderstood daddy, daddy is not not letting her help auntie with her illness, daddy just misses mummy too much, that’s why he let mummy stay.”

“Mmmmmm!” The children stared at one end, indignantly at Leng Di Feng and stood behind Night Zhen Ting with a firm attitude.

Leng Di Feng’s face turned green, anger running through his eyes as he glared indignantly at Hua Xiaofo, then dropped his gaze on Night Zhen Ting, telling him with his eyes: do you know what to do now?

The first thing you need to do is to get rid of the problem.

“Night Zhen Ting ……”

Hua Xiaofo was almost so angry that she vomited blood, if not for the children in his arms, she really wanted to snap his neck.

“But aunt father, what about your illness?” Yi Yi took Night Zhen Ting’s hand and asked innocently, “Or else, let auntie stay down too, so that mummy can stay with daddy and cure you at the same time.”

“Yes, yes, let Auntie bring Brother Longlong and Sister Yueyue to stay with us too …………”

Er Er nodded her head repeatedly.