His Secret Lover Chapter 1589

The only response to this man was a pair of hands above his head that grabbed him violently.

In a flash, Danwei stayed in the lake, only to feel a raw pain in his scalp before he could even react to what was going on, and his whole body was pressed into the water with a tremendous amount of force!


He was instantly struggling violently in the water.

He started to get scared and grabbed this hand above his head hard as he tried to call for help.

However, what kind of a man was this teenager?

At the age of ten, he could already sweep a large number of punks outside the school, how could he, a mere but wee, break free from his grasp?

There was murder in Lu Guan’s eyes!

He was about to strike hard and drown this man in the lake.

Suddenly, on the boat, a girl’s scream came out: “Sixteen! Sixteen what are you doing? You have to let him go! Sixteen!!!”

It was none other than Ruo Ruo’s voice, and they had finally noticed the commotion over here as well.

At once, she dropped what she was holding and ran over, screaming in horror towards the two men who were in the lake.

Sanny did the same!

When Lu Guan heard this, it was only after his pupils shrank that the thick murderous aura slowly dissipated a little.

A few minutes later, when he jumped back into the boat, and Dan Wei, who was in the lake, was also dragged up from the lake by the two of them, Sanny and Ruo Ruo, his whole body was lying in this boat, just like a dead dog now.

“Dan Wei senior, are you …… alright?”

Ruo Ruo looked at him in this wretched state, afraid that something might happen to him, so she hesitantly inquired.

She certainly didn’t mean anything else, more, she was worried that after something happened to this person, their family’s sixteen would get into trouble, to know that this Dan Wei’s family, here too, was not an ordinary family.

But when Dan Wei heard her concern for himself, he suddenly came to the bottom of his heart.

“Ruo Ruo, but I didn’t do anything wrong, I just said a few words to him and then he threw me into the lake, is this your family’s bodyguard? Is he deliberately targeting me? Still holding a grudge against me for taking you to the photo shoot six months ago?”


With one word, the teenager over here, whose fingers hadn’t recovered, clenched hard again!

And Sonny was stunned for a moment as he heard it.


Sixteen he …… turned out to be Ruo Ruo’s bodyguard?

How was this possible? He had obviously gone to school with them before, and this time he was also coming to study at Aatslan University, so how did he become her bodyguard?

She looked at her best friend next to her in shock.

But she found that her friend’s face had changed!

She stood up with a start, and for the first time in her life, she saw anger in her black and white eyes.

“But senior Wei, sixteen he is not my bodyguard, he is …… a member of our family, we grew up together, he is just like my brothers, our family has never treated him as an outsider.”


Once these words came down, not only was Dan Wei there gagged and his face turned green.

Even Lu Guan, who was over here, was also stunned after his eyes snapped towards her.

A family?

She said?

He was dumbfounded, and after that, for a long time, he stood there without moving.

Then the boat rowed back and Mona and Emily, who were at the farm, saw it and came running over to ask what was going on.

But Ruo Ruo didn’t quite want to talk.

This little girl, all this time, because of her good temper and her soft personality, this made everyone around her think she was just a silly girl who didn’t know anything.

But in reality, she was very smart.

“Sixteen, let’s go back, I have homework to do.” She looked to the teenager next to her, not wanting him to suffer any more here and ready to take him straight away.

Lu Guan was stunned again for a moment.

She had surprised him this time, he hadn’t expected that she would be so biased towards him.

In the past, hadn’t she always felt that he was nosy?

Lu Guan pursed his lips, and after a long time, he gave a “hm”: “Okay.”

Ruo Ruo then planned to leave.

Emily, who was not far away, saw this and hurriedly ran over, “Ruo Ruo, are you going to leave? We’ve only been here for an hour or so and it hasn’t even started yet.”

“Well, sorry Emily, I suddenly remembered that I still have homework to finish at home, so Sixteen and I are going back, Sunny, do you want to come back with us?”

She looked over at her best friend.

Sunny was also a sensible girl, she had seen and heard clearly the scene on the boat earlier.

To be honest, she too was greatly impressed with this senior.

Sunny followed suit and left.

Those who were left still staying at the farm were angry to the point of being blue in the face after seeing the backs of a few of them leaving, especially Danwei.

“Senior, you came over today just for this Huo Ruo Ruo, you prepared so much, and now you’ve actually been spoiled by a yellow-haired boy, what then?”

One boy spoke first in indignation.

Another saw this and echoed, “Yeah, this guy looks like he’s in the way, if he stays around, senior, I’m just afraid that it won’t be that easy for you to chase after Huo Ruo Ruo.”


The words fell, but Wei’s beady gaze, which had been staring as well, narrowed.

“Since that’s the case, let’s settle it.” He actually threw this sentence out of his mouth very casually after staring for a moment.

The two boys instantly paled.

“Sort it out? But he’s a member of the Huo family, if we move him, then the Huo family ……”

“Think too much, he’s just a bodyguard of the Huo family, a dead bodyguard, you think the master will care a lot?” But Wei gave another cold sarcastic cry!