His Secret Lover Chapter 1595

Wen Shuxu smiled.

Not long after, when the man behind also came in carrying vegetables and other things they had bought from the supermarket, again, he was greeted with the warmest welcome from this precious little princess.

“Daddy, Mummy, why did you think to come and see me? I’m really so happy, daddy, can I not go to school? I want to play with you guys.”

After the pleasantries, the little girl’s unreasonable nature began to show in front of daddy and mummy.

She pouted in front of daddy and didn’t want to go to school anymore.

As long as his baby girl learns, he has no problem not going to school for a week, not to mention a day.

What’s more, he was already a slave to his daughter.

At that moment, he nodded his head in agreement.

“Wow, hooray for daddy! Daddy, I’m going to love you to death!” The little girl who had gotten her way, hugged her daddy and gave him a kiss on the cheek before she darted back.

“Sixteen, sixteen you come out quick, my daddy and mummy are here, we don’t have to go to school today.”


The whole little cottage was filled with this little girl’s cheerful laughter.

Lu Guan was waiting for everyone to come in before he came out of the kitchen with two plates of finished Italian fried noodles.

Once he came out and saw the man who was already sitting in the sofa with his long legs folded, he pursed his lips, and those hands that were squeezing the napkin, flushed even whiter.

“Uncle Huo, Auntie Wen, you …… have come over.”

“Yeah, sixteen, you’re making breakfast ah, not bad eh, it’s Italian fried noodles, I also said you guys might not be up yet, arrived first went to the supermarket and bought a little something for you guys to make breakfast.”

Wen Shuxu did not sit down, but was busy sorting out the things she had brought back.

When she saw the teenager come out, she was amazed, and after walking to the table and taking a look, her expression became even more approving.

Lu Guan: “……”

Auntie …… didn’t even blame him?

Didn’t she get angry when she stayed here without even entering their permission?

He looked at her carefully, but found that this aunt, who had taken care of him for three years after the man in front of him had slept for three years, really had no intention of blaming him.

Not only that, she even picked up her chopsticks and tasted the noodles he had made.

“Mmm, it tastes good, sixteen this child, really capable, brother, fried noodles is good, do you want to come and eat some first? Didn’t you say you were hungry?”

She looked over to the man over here.

When Lu Guan heard this, his heart suddenly tensed up again.

The narrow eyes under that hood even looked at this uncle, not even daring to let out a breath.

He was actually more in awe of this uncle than his gentle aunt, because, to him, he was the boss, the employer, but at the same time, he was also the person who had educated him over the years.

Lu had never been so uneasy before.

As a result, to his great surprise, this uncle also stood up and went to the table.

“How is it? Is it good?”


Huo Siji nodded his head in approval.

When Wen Shuxu saw this, the smile in those pretty almond eyes became even brighter.

“Sixteen, did you see that? Your uncle also said it was delicious, so you made this, we ate it oh, and have to continue to work you a little harder to get to you and Ruo Ruo’s.”


Lu Guan had never agreed to something so quickly before.

He quickly went to the kitchen and as he threw the napkin in his hand into the trash, there was finally a small smile on his lips, which had been tight all morning.

After everyone had finished their breakfast, Ruo Ruo took Mummy for a walk around the neighbourhood.

Lu Guan was in the dining room cleaning up the dishes.

“I heard that you two were attacked on your way back last night?”

As he was cleaning up, he suddenly heard the man over in the living room who was checking the security system of the small villa ask a question, and he asked it casually, as if he was making ordinary small talk.

But when Lu Guan heard it, he was immediately all tense again.

“Well, I’m sorry, Uncle Huo, for making you worry.”

“I have nothing to worry about, your ability, I’m very relieved, I just want to find out, what exactly does this grandson of Ridgeway mean when he suddenly strikes out at you?”

Huo Sijiu’s tone, finally, had more than a hint of coldness in it.

It was because when he had come, he had received a detailed investigation report that this company was actually still a staff member of the Y royal family, and this staff member had already called up to Guanyintai this morning.

It said that he wanted to join hands with his Huo Sijiu’s daughter in marriage.

Oh ……

Lu Gu still didn’t know about this, and when he heard his uncle ask, he answered honestly: “He should be holding a grudge against me, six months ago in China, because he took Ruo Ruo to have her picture taken and I stopped him, and I even dropped the camera.”

“Just because of that?”

“Probably, because the other day at the farm, he also set up a trap, inviting Ruo Ruo as a name, but actually trying to get rid of me.”

Lu Guan told the story as well.

Of course, he hid away the humiliation Dan Wei had inflicted on himself; he didn’t want this uncle to know those things.

But unexpectedly, as soon as his words left his mouth, the uncle in front of him, unexpectedly, suddenly swept two faint beams of eyes towards him.

“Then do you know that his father has already called Ruo Ruo’s great grandfather this morning? They’ve proposed it, wanting to join with the God family in marriage to boost the economies of both countries.”

“What do you mean?”

In a flash, the teenager’s face changed dramatically!