Am I A Gigolo Chapter 1718

“These are handmade by the children.” Leng Qianxue put the dim sum on the coffee table, “I’ve put them here for you to eat when you want.”

Leng Di Feng raised his eyes to look at the plate, the mooncakes of different sizes and crooked flatness, and couldn’t help but be a little moved ……

He could imagine how the three little ones must be smiling as they rubbed the mooncakes with their little hands, and even though they didn’t like him, they would save him a portion of whatever they had to eat.

“The children are playing over in the garden, do you want to go and keep them company?”

Leng Qianxue asked in a soft voice.

Leng Di Feng didn’t say anything, just shook his head slightly.

“No matter how busy Zhen Ting is, he will take time to spend time with the children every night, even if he is sick and can’t play games with them, he will still tell them stories ……”

Leng Qianxue smiled and said, “When you have time, let Yi 20 tell you ah, they have learned so many stories.”

After saying this, Leng Qianxue left in silence ……

Leng Di Feng looked at the plate of snacks, listened to the children’s joyful laughter behind the courtyard wall, recalled his childhood, and suddenly felt that he should really make some changes ……

He recalled something his aunt once said to him, in fact, in this world, many people’s childhoods are not very good, some experience many trials and tribulations and are uprooted; some are lonely and adrift, lacking parental love ……

But the same experiences can create different personalities.

Some grow up to be sensitive and fragile inside, only asking for love, not knowing how to love people.

And some, despite the storms, are still strong inside, she will give love, give warmth and then get love ……

Maybe some people will gradually grow from the first type of people to the second type of people, but there are also some people that will never grow in their lifetime.

No matter what age you reach, life is about constant introspection and growth ……


Suddenly, a childish voice came, interrupting Leng Di Feng’s thoughts.

He raised his eyes to see that One was carefully walking over with a cup of juice, Er Er was also carrying a few snacks in her hand, while Zero, was holding a book ……

“This is what Auntie asked us to bring over to you.” One One said good-naturedly, “This apple juice, I squeezed it myself.”

“I chose these snacks oh.” Er Er tilted her little head and said with a serious face, “I saved one for Mummy too, and one for you.”

“I chose this book for you.” Zero put the book on the table, “I don’t know many words, but I see that my aunt often reads ……”

Leng Di Feng took it and looked at it, it was actually The Art of War, he thought it was some kind of acid book on body cultivation.

“Daddy, we’re going to play in the yard, are you going?”

The three children looked at him bashfully.

“I ……” Leng Di Feng subconsciously wanted to refuse, but thinking about what Leng Qianxue had just said, Night Zhen Ting would play with the children every day no matter what the situation was, even if he was sick, he would still tell them stories.

He was a person who liked to be quiet and couldn’t afford to go crazy with the children, so he simply suggested, “Daddy will tell you a story.”

“Yes, yes!”

This was the first time that Leng Di Feng offered to tell them a story, and the children were so excited that Yi Yi even ran to call Tenzin, Long Long and Yue Yue to listen together.

The six children sat on the little bench, holding their chins, waiting with anticipation for Leng Di Feng to tell them a story.

Leng Di Feng looked at the children’s clear and expectant eyes, but he felt a little nervous as never before.

“Once upon a time, there was a man who was on the road and was hit by a car and killed, so that he was torn apart and all his limbs were missing ……”

Halfway through the story, the children’s faces turned green and they all looked at him with wide eyes and consternation.

Still thinking he had told a great story and feeling some sense of achievement, he straightened his back and continued –

“The police came and started to sort out the scene ……”