His Secret Lover Chapter 1602


Still no sound.

It’s like death in this dorm.

Was this deliberate?

His eyes finally narrowed slightly, and in the darkness it was like two sharp sword blades drawn after finally being offended.


A loud bang!

The door, just like that, was kicked open by him.

The people in the dormitory who were holding their breath and waiting for a good show almost lost their souls.

“Lu Geun, you …… you actually kicked the door?”

“Yes, Lu Guan, do you know that this is damaging the school’s public property? To pay for it?”

“And it’s so late!!!”

Not only did everyone not feel that they were at fault, but after seeing the door being kicked down, they started to accuse the teenager.

Lu Guan’s gaze was gloomy, and an extremely heavy layer of coldness was shrouded all over his body.



No one dared to answer at all.

And this teenager, after asking this sentence, in the next second, only to see him kick again behind the chair set up there by one of the students in the dormitory.


Another thud!

That chair shattered once again as the crowd watched in awe!

“Listen up, if there’s a next time, it won’t be the door, but all of your heads!” Lu Guan threw out these words with a chilling gaze, lifted his foot and went inside his bunk.

The entire dormitory froze.

At this moment, these students who were lying on their beds, finally after feeling a great fear, none of them dared to make half a sound again.

So, who was this teenager anyway?

The next morning, when Lu Guan got up, there was no one in the dormitory.

He didn’t bother about it either, instead he went to the washroom and washed up briefly before he took his books and went to cla*s.

“Lu Guan, good morning.”

“Good morning, Professor!”

Lu Guan looked at the teacher he ran into early in the morning and still had a respectful attitude.

The professor smiled and saw that although he was young, he was one of the few people who took his books to cla*s early in the morning, so he couldn’t help but ask a few more questions, “Lu Guan, are you very interested in architecture?”


Lu Guan nodded his head, not denying it.

He did like this major, and if he didn’t have all those things he was carrying, at least, before Uncle Huo came looking for him, his idea was to learn this one well.

Then, to be a good architect.

The professor was also an architecture nerd and, in a good mood after seeing how much he loved the course, he went so far as to invite this student to see his work not even two weeks into the school year.

“Museum No. 6, you know? I designed that, do you want to come with me to see it today?”


Lu Guan looked at this professor, and a hint of light appeared in those pretty eyes that had always had few ups and downs.

Half an hour later, Lu Guan followed the professor and left the school.

Museum No. 6, that was one of the most talked about projects in the city recently, it was the biggest project invested by the Y government this year, and it was said that it would become the number one museum in the country in the future.

Naturally, its design was also very important.

Lu Guan was in a good mood all the way.

As he was hitching a ride, his mobile phone suddenly vibrated in his pocket.

[Little Princess: Sixteen, what are you doing? Are you in cla*s?

[Sixteen: No, the professor asked me to follow him to see his design project.

[Little Princess: Wow, really? That’s great, you must take advantage of this opportunity, I heard that your professor is very, very good, our school is all designed by him.

On the phone, as soon as she heard that he had this good news, the little girl didn’t mince words and threw in an expression of happiness for him.

At the same time, she also told him to cheer up.

Lu Guan dropped his eyes and the corners of his mouth unconsciously raised a curvature.

[XVI: What are you doing? Are you in cla*s?

[Little Princess: No, I came to the Countess’s house today. Sixteen, you forgot, today is the day the Countess is attending the banquet, I’m bringing her a dress.

[Sixteen: ……]

The young man’s pretty eyebrows knitted as he sat in the car with just that one sentence.

He did forget about this matter.

So this kind of party, will there be a lot of people attending? Was she going to go along?

He got a little worried.

But at that moment, the professor in front of him drove his car and had already arrived at the site of museum number 6.

“Lu Guan, we’re here, get out of the car.”

“…… Okay.”

Lu exhausted could only nod in the end.

Taking his school bag and getting out of the car, he used his mobile phone to send out a message first while no professor was yet paying attention.

[Lu Guan: Keep an eye on Miss Ruo Ruo’s side today, she’s going to the Countess, remember to notify me immediately if you go to the banquet with her.]]

[Longinge: Roger!


Lu Guan followed the professor into the construction site.

It was indeed a remarkable project, this project, although it was still half-finished now, once Lu Guan came in, he found that both from the design plan and the construction on site, it was all perfect.

And this professor, who was obviously also very satisfied with it, kept introducing it to him and even took him in for a tour.

“Lu Guan, you have to remember, to learn architecture well, the first thing you have to figure out is the foundation of the building, which includes the stability of the structure, the strength of the load, this is very important, it’s a matter of human life, got it?”

When the professor went in, he pointed to the main body of the project and gave Lu Guan a very serious admonition.

Lu Guan was a studious child.

Immediately, he took a pen and wrote them all down in the book he had brought with him.

But rather ironically, the first practical lesson this professor gave him was this one, but when they walked up to it, suddenly the concrete slab under their feet tilted.

“Teacher, be careful!”

Lu Guan saw this and without even thinking, he rushed over and grabbed the teacher’s arm.

However, with this grab, he actually found that his own side was also crooked after the weight intensified, and it was still falling down in a straight line!


As he grabbed this professor raw and swept to the other side, Lu Guan clearly heard the sound of his own bodysuit being pierced by the steel bars that were still exposed everywhere in this project.

Blood, instantly gushing out!