His Secret Lover Chapter 1628

“Sixteen? What’s wrong with you? Don’t want …… to see me?”

Ruoruo looked joyfully at the teenager who had finally found her.

It had taken her a real effort to catch up with him.

This plane, when she arrived at the airport, had originally all closed the hatch to take off, it was she who thought that the airline might be owned by Huo and then called and found Uncle Qiao.

That’s what kept the plane waiting for a few more minutes.

But what was wrong with this guy now? She had gone to such great lengths to find him and he hadn’t reacted much, did he really not want to see her?

The little girl bit her lip, and all of a sudden, a layer of hazy mist came up in those big watery, dark eyes.

Lu Guan: “……”

Finally, he came to his senses.

All of a sudden, something seemed to explode in his heart after all the blood rushed up to his head, he looked at this silly girl, even his hands were shaking unconsciously.

“No …… not, what brought you here?”

“And you ask me what brought me here? Why didn’t you even tell me when such a big thing happened? Just think of running away like you did back then, you’re a boy, you can’t be like that all the time, you know?”

The aggrieved little girl finally burst into tears in this cabin.

Lu Guan was suddenly shaken hard again!

It was as if something had hit him hard in the chest, and he looked at this little girl who was crying in front of him, and for a moment his whole body was in a daze.

All the people in the cabin were also attracted to him.

Originally, they were a bit angry when they saw that this plane broadcasted that they had to wait a few minutes for the flight because of the tower dispatch, and that a girl was the last one to come up.

But now, seeing this little girl actually crying pearly tears there all of a sudden, they couldn’t help but become concerned again.

“What’s going on? Why is this little girl crying?”

“Yes, and she’s crying so much, is she being bullied? Is it that boy in front of her?”

“That’s so unbelievable, what a good looking little girl, how could she be bullied?”


These travelers, surprisingly, all started to help Ruo Ruo.

There was no way, Ruo Ruo was really good looking, she didn’t look like the kind of woman who was very gorgeous, but adhered to the delicate and soft look she had from her childhood, she had delicate features, but the full collagen exclusive to flower girls made her beautiful beyond words, like a porcelain doll placed in a window, her blown out snow white skin, one couldn’t take one’s eyes off it.

Not to mention those big, dark eyes that hadn’t changed since she was a little girl.

So, it’s hard not to like them.

The young couple sitting in front of them also saw it, and instantly, the two turned their heads and also looked at this little girl who was crying out by their seats.

“Is this …… her coming for this guy in the back?”

“Seems like it.”

The boys were also watching with rapt attention.

Lu Guan had completely come back to his senses, and he was at a loss when he saw her crying like that.

“You …… don’t you cry, I didn’t try to escape.”

“Woo~~~ Then why are you leaving?”

“I ……”

Lu exhaustedly wanted to say that he had done so because he simply could not think of a better way to beg her daddy’s forgiveness.

But in the end, under the eyes of a whole cabin of angry people staring at him, he turned a pretty handsome face red, and without saying anything, pulled this little girl over and ripped her off.

Ruoruo: “……”

“Snapped”, dumbfounded at this guy, she again two teardrops fell down.

Lu Guan’s heart ached even more.

With a red face, after he saw that this silly girl was actually wearing just a set of pajamas, he first hurriedly took off the thick jacket he was wearing and wrapped her up in it.

Only then did he take out some tissues and wipe up her little face.

“I wasn’t going to leave, I just …… wanted your daddy to forgive me.”

“But you didn’t do it on purpose, if you’re at fault then so am I. I didn’t tell daddy about knowing that old demon woman either, daddy wants to be punished, we’ll be punished together!”

Again, the little girl huffed and couldn’t wait to get this out.

The expression, on the other hand, was incomparably firm.

Lu Guan moved for a moment.

How stupid did she have to be to say such a thing?

And what was he, Lu Guan, capable of? To let her treat him like this, did she really not blame him at all? Last night, if it hadn’t been for his problems, she would have been in trouble.

The teenager’s eyes dropped.

“Sixteen, say something, do you want to come with me to Daddy?”

“What?” He jerked his head up again.

“To find your daddy?”

“Yes, I came, just to take you with me to find daddy, let’s make it clear to him, he’s such a wise and wise man, he would never put all the fault on you, and I don’t believe he would make the decision to let you leave the Dragonbottom Pavilion, Sixteen, let’s go over there.”

For the first time, the little girl who had never been dominated and pampered, spoke her analysis and decision clearly in front of this teenager.

Her gaze was clear, a small face that still bore tear marks, and when she mentioned her daddy, there was not the slightest doubt in her firmness, her trust ……

For a moment, Lu Guan heard the sound of his heart loosening.