His Secret Lover Chapter 1643

But now, is grandpa gone too?

Ruo Ruo, who was already kind by nature, looked at the girl who was sad and in tears, and it was hard for her too.

“I’m sorry, Ah Lan, I didn’t know your grandfather had pa*sed away, if I had known, I would have come back for you.”


Lu Guan also looked at her a few more times this time.

The sight, too, was not as cold as it was just now.

Ah Lan wiped the tears from her eyes.

“It’s alright, my uncle is very good to me now, although he was very much against it when my ama wanted to marry my apa back then, but he picked me up right away now that I have no one to raise me.”

She smiled again.

Briefly, she told the story of her family’s relationship with this side of the family.

She was, it turned out, related to this tribe, in this way.

The simple Ruo Ruo no longer had any doubts.

Lu Guan, on the other hand, did not make a sound from the side.

“By the way, that road you guys just told my uncle about, is it to go that way? Where are you guys going? There’s nothing to see in that one, apart from a river of black water.”

Suddenly, Ah Lan asked again about what had just happened.

Ruo Ruo: “……”

“It’s that Ruo Ruo’s daddy hasn’t been in good health since he woke up, and the black water river is a rare salt water river on land that contains nickel yellow sandstone which is very rare outside, something that, her mommy said, can extract some elements that can make him recover.”

Lu Guan explained indifferently.

That was awesome!

This teenager, had actually concocted another jaw-dropping yet dripping excuse in just a few minutes.

Ruo Ruo turned her head sideways to practically kneel down for him.

Where the hell did he come up with all this stuff? If she didn’t know what was going on with Daddy and Mummy, she would have been fooled by him, it really was too much to doubt.

Sure enough, Ah Lan heard it and immediately, she too wore a look of dawning realization.

“So that’s how it is, then …… I’ll take you there then, so hurry up while my uncle is away.” She hurriedly urged up and told them to go back to the path they had just taken.

Ruoruo: “……”

Lu Guan: “……”

For several good seconds, it was indeed impossible to see a hint of something wrong from the young girl’s face.

Lu Guan finally came down again.

A few moments later, but after the three of them had once again reached that previous entrance, Ah Lan looked around and suddenly, she pulled out a waist tag from her arms.

“Ruo Ruo, this is for you, I will keep watch here, just in case I meet someone inside and you can’t get away, it will be troublesome, with this waist tag here, you can boldly talk about me, it’s okay.”

She dictated as if she had given up everything.

Ruo Ruo was instantly reluctant.

“How can I do that? Wouldn’t that involve you?”

“It’s okay, my uncle is the head of this place, he is in charge of it, what else can he do to you?

Then she pushed the two inside.

Ruoruo was still hesitating.

But when Lu Guan looked at her, he didn’t say anything more, but grabbed the little girl’s hand and said “thank you”, then he took her and flew in immediately.

Thank you?

Did he finally say thank you to her?

The young girl with the silver collar looked dumbly at the young man who had disappeared so quickly, and felt her heart grow sweet and sour in her chest.

Half an hour later.

The two of them finally walked out of the path, and then, after hearing a loud rushing roar, the two of them held hands and saw at a glance a big river, a dozen feet wide, appearing in front of them.

It was actually really black!

The rippling surface of the river was still brightly lit by the sun above their heads, but at this moment, after a glance, the river, which looked like it had been dyed with ink, had actually dyed the entire surface of the river as if it was covered with a layer of black mist.

It was as if they had gone to another world.

Dark, gloomy and cold ……

Like hell, it was unnerving to even look at it.

In this world, how could there be such a terrifying river? Did this really exist?

Ruo Ruo was so frightened that she took a step back on the spot.

“What’s wrong? Are you scared?”

Lu Guan sensitively caught it, and immediately, he reached out and took her hand, which was already shockingly cold, into his warm palm.

Only then did Ruo Ruo’s heart settle a little.

“Well, it …… it really is black, that’s why? I’ve never seen a river like this before.”

“Because it’s an underground river, this underground river, it comes out from underneath the black swamp that Vai has been in for thousands of years, it’s boundless, like an endless hell, no matter how clean the river is when it pa*ses through there, it will be dyed black.”

As Lu Guan looked ahead at this river that even the air could smell that rotten smell, another layer of intense sadness suddenly welled up in his cold eyes.

It was as if, what he was looking at was not a river.

Instead, it was a lonely grave, a corpse ……

“XVI Lang, you have finally arrived? I thought you couldn’t get through, I was just about to go and pick you up.”

The two were standing here by the river making noises when, behind them, the familiar voice of a woman suddenly rang out.