His Secret Lover Chapter 1662

Unexpectedly, there was a clang as something was taken out of her cloth bag and landed on the floor with a crisp thud.

The young man lowered his head.

His face changed when he saw that what had fallen to the ground was a small knife with various beautiful patterns painted on it.


“No no, this thing, you gave it to me personally, I didn’t steal it.”

The little girl noticed it too.

After a moment of panic, she immediately knelt down and picked it up, holding it in front of her chest with a death grip, as if she was afraid that this man would snatch it back.

He was no longer with her.

She didn’t want to take away even the last thing.

But this teenager’s eyes had grown more and more gloomy since he saw it, and he too stared at it with a deadly gaze, and for a moment, there was a real suspicion that he would get up and take it away.

Ruoruo: “……”

What does he mean by that?

Is this one going to backfire too?

Does he not remember anything? Even the things that were given away, are they to be taken back?

She gripped this thing hard, and finally, once again, the tears broke down again.

“Do you …… want to take it back? You told me that this was your ama’s stuff, you want to take it back right?”


No one answered her at all.

All that came back to her was the appalling look in the teenager’s eyes that stared at the object as if it had taken root, with pain, shock and, in the end, a touch of sadness that could not be dissolved.

Ruo Ru’s heart felt like something had stabbed her hard.

She remembered that he hadn’t found his ama and sister yet, so was this something that was important and important to him?

At last her little face was so white that there was no trace of blood.

At last, the kind girl, taking a step forward, handed over such a thing, together with the manuscript she was holding.

“Don’t you be sad, I …… return it to you.”

She gave it back to him, she said.

As long as he wasn’t upset.

Little by little, the teenager’s gaze went to her.

For just a moment, he looked into the tearful, dark, watery eyes, and it was as if something had stabbed hard into that spot between his chest, after the heavy pretense erected had collapsed.

He was routed into a mess.

She really …… was stupid!

Lu Guan finally didn’t even know how this little girl had run out, he only knew that when he came to his senses, there were those two things lying next to the table.

And Ah Lan, had come in.

Kneeling right next to his feet.

“Don’t let them fool you, Sixteen, the rule of the Waj is not to have too much contact with the outside world, that’s what the chief has set down, and if he has to know you’re working with them again, he won’t let you off the hook.”

“Is that so?”

He finally spoke, and in his tone, there was a hint of hostility that hadn’t been there in a long time.

“Then I’m going to do it, and you can go back and tell him all you want, and see how he won’t let me go!” With that, he got up, grabbed his things from the side and left the place.

Only Ah Lan was left kneeling here.

For a long time, she turned her head to stare at the back of this teenager who had disappeared outside, and there was intense resentment in her eyes.

Huo Ruoruo, you really are a shadowy soul!

Ruo Ruo returned to Jing Yuan.

She had locked herself in her room again and hadn’t come down all day, and every now and then she could hear the sound of crying from above.

It was heartbreaking for Jing Yufei to hear.

In the evening, someone from the Cultural Bureau came and told her that because of the success of the Waj walk led by Ruo Ruo, which was posted on the internet, many foreign businesses were now calling to inquire about it.

Jing Yufei then asked, “So have you contacted Waj’s side? Do they have any questions?”

Culture Bureau: “I’ve asked, and that little prince of Waj has agreed, and he also said that if the businessmen come over, he will personally come over and sign the contract with them.”

Again, the man replied with a smile on his face.

My goodness, he even came over to sign the contract in person.

Jing Yufei was both happy and sad.

Then, that evening, the Culture Bureau brought the letter back from Vai’s side, and when Jing Yufei opened it, she found a small object inside, a small knife with a very beautiful pattern.

“Is this ……?”

“This is a token from the little prince of Waj, in the future, when our chief goes to Waj, he can go in with this, by the way, the chief said that since this time it was the idea of the little princess of the God family, he wanted to ask if he could trouble the little princess to help us with the first business? It’s to help facilitate the conclusion of the deal between the client and Vai’s side.”

This colleague explained in more detail.

It was true that it would be a bit tricky for them to do this, they were not good at it in the first place, and asking an international businessman to do business with a closed tribe.

It would be even trickier.

So, Ruo Ruo, who had been studying abroad, seemed to be the best candidate for this time.

Jing Yufei also thought this was a good idea.

At that moment, she took this envelope, and the knife, and went to the little girl upstairs who hadn’t opened the door.

“Ruo Ruo, Ruo Ruo, open the door, there’s a letter from Sixteen.”

“…… what?”

The word “sixteen” made the little girl, who had been crying in the house all afternoon, run out and open the door.