His Secret Lover Chapter 1669

That too was pitch black.

However, after adjusting to the light in this room, one could still see inside.

It was a teenager who was sitting bent over the bed, panting slightly, one hand on the edge of the bed next to him, the other on his chest, and his pain could be clearly felt.

Alain instantly went white.

She saw a pool of bright red blood in front of him.

“XVI Lang!”

Ah Lan immediately rushed over and knelt down in front of him. After finally seeing the teenager’s face, which was already drenched in sweat in the darkness, she just felt as if something had torn her heart out.

“How are you? Why have you suddenly had another attack? Didn’t you take your medicine two days ago? What happened? Are you angry with your father again?”

Her heart was aching like a twinge, and she immediately pulled out the medicine she had brought over and took two pills out of it to feed him.

However, the moment the teenager was handed over by her, he actually raised his eyes violently in that darkness.

“Get out!”

Raising his hand, he knocked her medicine away.

Alain: “……”

For just a moment, she crouched there, her fingers squeezing hard, almost about to immediately take control of this man and force those two pills into his mouth.

But in the end, she held back.

“XVI Lang, take it easy, you’re in a special situation, if you don’t hold back, the only one who will suffer will be yourself, and if you still want to save your ama too, then the only thing you can do in front of the chief is to hold back! Understand?”

She held her temper and began to advise gently.

The teenager didn’t make another sound.

He closed his eyes, for the pain inside him was at its peak, and one could almost hear the crunching of his fingers as he gripped the edge of the bed.

The man, moreover, began to tremble.

Seeing this, Ah Lan didn’t say any more, but after re-pouring two out of the pill bottle, she handed them over again.

“Take them, please, Sixteenth Lang.”

She still didn’t dare to use force.

Instead, she begged bitterly.

Luckily, this time, I don’t know if it was her words that worked, but after a few seconds of silence, the teenager finally, he reached out and took the two pills there from her palm.

The cold tips of his fingers.

When it touched the skin of Ah Lan’s palm, it was so cold that her winced.

That old beast!

After taking the medicine, finally, the youngster’s breath slowly began to ease and the pain on his face, which could be clearly seen, gradually dissipated.

When Ah Lan saw this, he hurriedly went to the candelabra, uncovered the lampshade, and plucked a hairpin from his bun and flicked it, a faint light jumped out, lighting up the dark room a little.

There were electric lights in the Shen Xiang House.

However, it was already late at night, so if the light was too bright, it would arouse suspicion.

Ah Lan returned to the edge of the bed.

“XVI Lang, are you better? Do you want me to go and get you a bowl of water?”


The teenager agreed.

Ah Lan was overjoyed, and she turned and went over to pour him another bowl of water.

In fact, since both of them had awakened, Ah Lan had been left to look after the teenager in the royal court, so there was nothing wrong with doing so.

A-lan handily went to bring another basin of hot water and waited on this young prince to clean some sweat stains from his body and change into clean clothes.

Only then did she bow her head in front of him and ask, “XVI Lang, did you have another conflict with the chief today?”

She still wanted to know this question.

Because these companions, having just taken the medicine for two days, could never have flared up again in such a short time if they had not been overly emotionally stimulated.

Yet, she saw that after she had asked, the teenager did not speak, but his pretty face, which had not yet regained its blood colour, had become very gloomy and seeping.

Alain understood.

“I knew it was like this, it’s because of that foreign business matter, right? I told you before, in this closed tribe, when you think so much of everyone, they may not appreciate it, and the same goes for the chief, if anything happens, it’s you who will be blamed!”

“You still seem to be familiar with this place, aren’t you fed to the worms like me?”

Suddenly, the teenager interrupted her coldly.

Ah Lan was instantly shocked!

She looked up sharply, and when she saw that in this man’s narrow eyes, at this moment, they were as bitter as blades staring at her, a chill ran down her back and a wave of panic immediately crept up from the soles of her feet.

“I …… I’ve just been watching them a bit more this time, and these aren’t hard to spot.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes, XVI Lang, you don’t go out much, you are forced to learn every day in this sunken building to inherit the position of chief in the future, I am just a maid and can go around outside a lot, therefore, I see more than you.”

Ah Lan hurriedly explained again, afraid that he would be suspicious.

Fortunately, after she finished her explanation, the teenager didn’t ask any more questions.

Ah Lan also let out a long sigh of relief when she came out of the sunken incense house, and at one point, her feet were so weak that she could barely lift them up.

How close!

If she hadn’t been smart.

All this, though, should be because of that Huo Ruoruo, if only she could disappear from here.

She held onto the pillar next to her, and when she thought of the little girl who had repeatedly ruined her good deeds and brought her displeasure, she stared into the dark night that had not yet lit up.

Suddenly, a very sinister glint crossed her eyes.