The Simulator Chapter 115

Since the White God had become a Genus God, it was one of their own.
Lu Yao also looked at this white boar more and more pleasantly, finding it naive and harmless.

The truth was just as the White God had said. Even if it let the idol fall to the ground, it didn’t affect the existence and actions of the boar’s divine body.
Rather, it was the identity of the Genus God that gave Lu Yao a further understanding of the Temple of Gods.

The proper gods could see the [Population], [Faith] and [Props] of the Genus God.
In the Temple of Gods, it was difficult for the Genus God to rebel against the Righteous God.
One was that the idol was ranked in the temple, which was equivalent to having one’s neck exposed to the blade of a positive god, and could face the most direct discipline at any time.

The second was the suppression and restraint of the fire of faith.
Nowadays, there was a small white flame in the bonfire, and this flame was the White God’s Flame of Faith.
The Belonging God’s Flame of Faith would merge into the Bonfire of the Righteous God and arch over the Righteous God.
As long as Lu Yao was willing, he could siphon off all the faith of the Genus God and incorporate it into his own.
Without the Flame of Faith, the gods would lose their divinity and ability to unfold miracles.
As a vassal of the Righteous God, the Genus God would lose a large portion of its autonomy.
But on the other hand, the Genus God was also sheltered by the Positive God.
Take the White God as an example.
After being ranked in the Lu Yao Pantheon, He was protected by the Flame of Faith of the Righteous God.
If the White God’s faith was depleted due to force majeure and faced the threat of falling, the Righteous God Lu Yao could directly pass on the power of faith to him to support the Genus God. It was equivalent to the White God having an additional layer of powerful invisible bloodstains.
Of course, using faith in this way wasn’t cost-effective is all.
The God of Integrity and the God of Generosity shared a single pool of faith, one for all, one for all.

Lu Yao now had a bit of a headache.
Genus Gods also needed faith and population.
In ancient times, there had been believers who betrayed the Yao God’s faith and fled, causing Lu Yao’s faith to dwindle.
If the White God existed, then it would inevitably absorb some of the people’s faith, and a corresponding loss of population would occur. This would be a serious internal depletion.

The population of this shard world was still too small, and having two gods wasn’t quite enough to divide it up.
Phyllus had said that the gods of the Pantheon were all fighting openly for believers. The more Gods there were in the Divine Palace, the more internally rolled up it seemed.

Lu Yao decided that he would let the White God go and open up the land!
Wasn’t this world slowly expanding and growing?
Let the White God go to the end of the world and go there to find believers, so that he and he would be one inside and one outside of each other, avoiding internal rolls.

The more Lu Yao thought about it, the more he felt that this idea was perfect.
After hearing this, the White God carefully said, “Lord Zheng Shen, that …… Little God wants to know, can we first collect some faith and population in the mature cities over here first?”
“Right now, the Little God’s strength is mediocre, and going out won’t be very effective. If we can gain some faith accumulation here and bring some population over, it should be more helpful in the exploration of the borders ……”
Lu Yao was furious!
Good you pig-headed!
To actually covet my Lu’s faith and population.

Only just surrendered over, and you’re thinking of emptying the pockets of the upper peaks, how outrageous!
Lu Yao immediately rebuked Him angrily and sent Him directly to a shithole to do some soul-searching.

As a result, the White God’s next defence slightly changed Lu Yao’s opinion.
“Lord Zheng Shen, these populations and beliefs, it’s a waste not to use them.”
A question mark surfaced above the White God’s head.
Lu Yao frowned, realising that it wasn’t simple.
As he delved deeper, he learnt of something he had never thought of before.
There was no issue of population and faith grabbing or conflict between the proper gods and the subordinate gods of the same pantheon camp.
If there was a believer who believed in Lu Yao, then he could also believe in the White God at the same time, so that one believer would bring two populations and two points of faith at the same time.

If there was a second god in the temple, then one believer could believe in three gods at the same time, which would result in a total of three populations and three faiths.
Simply put, it’s three fish in one.
It was just that the more gods there were, the more faith would be further diluted, and it would be difficult for a believer to devoutly believe in too many gods at once. So in the end, only a few can be truly believed in.
It’s a bit like making friends.
Everyone might know many friends, some friends are nodding friends, some friends are nodding friends, and only a very, very small number of friends would be trusting friends.
On the contrary, it was the population, which represented the divine body, but it couldn’t be stacked.

Lu Yao’s heart burst with excitement.
There is strength in numbers, and it seems that gods have to embrace the group as well!
In the future, if there was a way to get a godly body, we would have to vigorously promote the construction of a polytheistic civilisation!
Divine beliefs should also be diversified and diversified, so as to increase the belief production capacity and increase the acceleration of the internal cycle!
Lu Yao immediately acceded to the White God’s request, and first dropped the White God next door to Salt City. Over there, the city’s development had stagnated a bit recently, and it also needed a god to go over and stimulate it, so the White God was just right.

After being stationed in the Salt City Temple for just a moment, the White God’s panel changed.
Population: 32 Faith: 10
Lu Yao’s own population and faith did not decrease in any way.
This made him completely let go of his heart.
After a while, a reminder popped up on the screen.

[Yao City has developed a fervent worship of you due to the appearance of the Genus God, and its Faith has received a significant boost.]
Lu Yao glanced at the interface.
Faith: 21,921
Today, the population of Yao City was around 12,000, and each person had once again generated 1 additional point of Faith.
This windfall made Lu Yao smile with joy. The more faith reserves he had, the more comfortable he could operate.

The descent of the Genus God had caused a series of changes to occur in Salt City today.
The first was the Divine Temple.
On weekdays, there were very few worshippers at the Salt City God Temple.

However, since the appearance of the White God, there was an endless stream of citizens who came to the shrine to pray. They knelt outside the shrine and very reverently offered the sacrifices that each of them had brought.
Some were coral, some were pickled fish, some were salted meat, and there were also some precious stones and sea shells.

Compared to the solemn and solemn theological atmosphere of Yao City, the people of Yancheng were more secular and direct.

Of course, the offerings were not for nothing.
The praying citizens had their own wishes.
“Lord God, please bless my business this year and make a lot of money.”
“Great Yao God above, majestic Lord White God, please listen to your followers’ humble begging. Please, Lord White God, give me a ship filled with pearls!”
“Lord White God, you are the god who symbolises wealth, I beg to be granted your meagre bit of glory, please grant me a house full of gems and onyx. It doesn’t have to be much, just a room full of them ……”
“Immensely honourable deity, I wish beyond measure to be guided by you, please tell me in which direction there is treasure. After this is accomplished, I will definitely come here daily to worship you and praise your greatness and honour!”

Lu Yao looked on in tears and laughter.
It was worthy of being a Salt City where merchants gathered, and prayers and wishes were also mainly for wealth.

The fact that the White God was sought after here had more or less to do with the fact that He had bestowed many precious stones to His followers. This was also the effect of His special ability [Treasure Seeker].
Lu Yao watched with interest to see how the White God handled the situation.
A few moments later, the White God actually produced a Prophet.

This Prophet was clad in colourful feathers and had a noble aura, and it was none other than Duo Lun Nunu.
The earthy chief had transformed into a prophet of great importance in the temple of God.
Duo Lununu stood outside the temple, holding a golden scepter, with sparkling gems hanging from his feathers, luxurious to the extreme.

A dialogue box floated above his head, “Citizens! Your prayers and requests have been heard by Lord White God. He is also willing to grant your wishes for wealth!”
“Now that Lord White God has told me about the guide that hides endless treasures, it is up to me to make an announcement to you!”
The surrounding villains swarmed around the shrine.

When it came to talking about treasure, the man Dolun Nunu was very persuasive.
Duo Lun Nunu waved his golden staff, “Want the treasures of this world? If you want it, it’s all yours, go find it! The path of great dreams!”
“The place that hides the treasure of the sea, with mountains of gold, gems, pearls and precious offerings, lies in the north!”
“Your courage and perseverance will be richly rewarded in the North!”
The citizens were abuzz.

Many merchants and sailors took oar sailing ships that day and travelled all the way to the north to start their treasure hunt. The entire Salt City was immersed in the frenzy of God’s Treasure ……

Lu Yao typed above the White God’s head.
–There really is a treasure in the north?
The White God said carefully, “Lord Zheng Shen, not many people have been to the borders of the world. They do have a chance to get some treasures and also spread the beliefs of the gods ……”
Lu Yao froze for a moment.
Who would doubt a god’s oracle?
As long as one person could find the so-called treasures, then everyone else would be highly motivated.
In short.

With just one sentence, the White God revitalised the entire Salt City and opened up a sensational exploration and treasure hunt to the outside world.

Lu Yao sighed in his heart.
Leaving the White God in Salt City, this was Zhou Yu beating Huang Gai, one dares to beat the other.
A perfect match.

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