Am I A Gigolo Chapter 1752

Many, many bits and pieces came back to her mind over and over again, but she couldn’t connect them in a neat and orderly way, couldn’t think of a complete piece.

Her head ached, ached, ached ……

Ed was so excited that he couldn’t resist reaching for her bręąsts, “Beauty ……”

Seeing that his hand was about to touch the girl’s upright snowy peak, the girl suddenly opened her eyes, her clear, crisp eyes killing at first, snapped the man’s wrist and twisted it hard ……


Ed let out a pig-like howl and struggled subconsciously, but Hua Xiaofo didn’t give him a chance.

She quickly wrapped the silver chain in her hand around his wrist, and then with an over-the-shoulder slam, she threw the man, who was close to a hundred kilograms, out of the way.

“The fat body fell to the ground with a loud bang.

The stage trembled like an earthquake as Ed lay on the floor rolling in pain.

The men on stage were dumbfounded, not expecting this seemingly weak woman to be so tough.

They were even more excited and interested in this wild, untamed woman, and there were even men whistling and screaming…

“Ed, f*cked over by a beautiful woman before it even started? Haha ……”

“Pretty girl is wild enough, I like it, make a price!”

Hua Xiaofo shook his groggy head and looked through the cage at the man on the stage, his originally blurred vision gradually clearing up and his consciousness slowly returning, many questions surfacing in his mind ……

“How did I get here? Where is this?”

A sharp stinging pain came from the back of her head, and she instinctively reached out to touch it, only to touch a smear of blood.

She looked at the blood on her hand and thought carefully back to what had happened earlier, but couldn’t remember.

How did I get hurt? Who am I?

This thought had just swept through her mind when her heart snapped open, she couldn’t even remember who she was, how could this happen?

“b*tch, how dare you make a move on me?”

Ed suddenly got up from the ground and attacked Hua Xiaofo from behind.

Hua Xiaofo’s eyebrows caromed and a back kick kicked over ……

Ed stumbled forward a few steps and fell to the ground in a wretched heap.

“Seeking death!!!”

Hua Xiaofo stepped on Ed’s fat body and walked out of the cage, only to find that his arms and legs were chained with silver chains.

The chains also had tiny bells hanging from them, making a pleasant sound as she moved.

She swept the men on stage, fixed her gaze on the master of ceremonies, raised her own hand, and raised an eyebrow, “Who locked this?”

The emcee made a gesture.

Two tall, stout black men stepped out from behind them and slowly approached Hua Xiaofo, looking disdainfully at the small, petite woman in front of them, the corners of their mouths curling into a playful sneer.

The men on the stage were all sweating for Hua Xiaofo.

Ed had no martial arts skills, but these two black men were Flame’s special bodyguards, with strong hands and strength, they were not something that a soft woman could handle.

This woman was afraid that she would be at a disadvantage.

Hua Xiaofo was not the least bit afraid, and surprisingly took a step towards them.

Because of her injuries, her pace looked a little unsteady, but her eyes were stern and she did not put these men in her sights at all.

She wanted to let people know that women …… were not to be messed with!!!


Seeing this scene, Leng Di Feng suddenly had a hint of interest, retracing his steps and sitting down again on the fiery red leather chair, admiring with interest the scene on the stage where the beauty fought against the beast.

Having stood at the top of the world at a young age, he had been unable to take an interest in anything for many years and hoped that this woman would surprise him a little.

Hua Xiaofo tilted her chin coldly and arrogantly, hooking her finger at them and declaring war outright.

The black man on her left stared lustfully at her bręąsts and reached out with a large, black, whistling hand to attack her with abandon.

Hua Xiaofo agilely avoided it, lightning plucked the dagger on his waist, and slashed underneath him in a smooth motion ……