The Simulator Chapter 127

The crossbands are not large.

Starting from the entrance light box and following the ever-curling street up to the sky, it is only 1 kilometre in length from end to end, with a width of about 20 metres.

Isabelle and Song Shiyi walked slowly as they searched for signs of missing citizens along the way, and had to put up with the wishing spirits crunching around them.

Beyond this area was a wall of fog that was as solid as a substance, making it impossible to pass through. The closer they got to the wall of fog, the more they could feel the powerful repulsion, which seemed to be only half a step away, but they couldn’t get past it!

Borrowing Isabelle’s eyes, Lu Yao once again observed the chaotic space of this intersection zone.

Overhead was a bright full moon.

The moon is swimming with many black shadows, which are like moths, burrowing in the big shiny cheese that is the moon, making it easy to get physically sick if you look at it for too long.

The ground is changing too.

There was still a patch of intact stone steps under Isabel’s feet. But slowly, it cracked open into a pile of rubble, spitting out stones from the cracks as if something was hidden underground.

Lu Yao really didn’t want to stay in this kind of weird place.

Just as he was about to propose withdrawing, he suddenly saw a woman on the street.

Lu Yao was certain that there was no one here before.

She looked to be in her thirties, with long hair, and was wearing a white shaker coat.

The woman was a little less than lucid as she braced her arms against her body and tried to stand up. But her back and legs were so weak and limp that she couldn’t stand up at all, and she kept falling over.

Finally the woman fell to the ground and threw up.

“Don’t go over there.”

Song Shiyi said with a grave expression, “Her body is completely empty, it’s hopeless.”

Isabel looked towards the vomiting woman.

She was throwing up more and more, and her vomit turned into a black slime. Then a blackened wishing spirit burrowed out of her back.

The wishing spirit gently circled around her. The woman’s body began to turn into a multitude of tiny, evenly sized pieces, like a jigsaw puzzle.

Piece by piece, they burrowed into the wishing spirit and became part of the black body.

The woman disappeared completely.

“She and the Wishing Spirit completed their symbiosis and fused into one.” Song Shiyi sighed.

“This is the final form of Lost.”

Lu Yao largely understood.

Wish-granting Spirits fed on intruders from the outside world, only that their way of hunting was rather special. They needed to paralyse and hypnotise a person with their speech first, and then little by little, they would turn the person into a part of themselves.

The Wishing Spirit that had finished feeding flew up and disappeared in an instant.

Song Shiyi took Isabel and searched around for a while longer, confirming that there were no more living survivors here, and the two immediately left.

Returning to the normal world outside the light intersection box, Song Shiyi opened her travelling bag and fished out a box of caution tape. She wrapped it around the light intersection box, and the blue and white cordon had the words ‘POLICE POLICE’ written on it.

“Thank you for your assistance, Miss Mary.”

Isabel asked her, “You could have done this alone, why did you seek me out?”

“According to the execution procedure, a minimum of two people must travel together. All my other colleagues have their own important tasks and can’t get away, that’s why I wanted to ask you to help.”

Song Shiyi hesitated, “There’s another reason, I couldn’t find any other volunteers.”


Rather honestly.

Lu Yao felt that this reason was very real.

It was only a matter of two hours full time, and the hourly rate was 1500.Win!

Not bad for money.

As a volunteer this time, Lu Yao actually has another idea, which is to get on good terms with Song Shiyi.

Song Shiyi was a prosecutor on the committee and had a reliable source of information. She was a good person to work with as she was disciplined in her actions. Although her memory would be cleared, she would definitely record the mission to go back and hand it over, and the name Mary was sort of hanging on.

A treat was the simplest gesture of goodwill.

So, Isabel said at Lu Yao’s instruction, “I’ll treat you to milk tea.”

“Ah? Good.”

Song Shiyi readily agreed.

The two young girls walked all the way back in the night, not feeling cold at all.

On the way, they chatted about one thing or another. The chat was all about what had just happened at the crossbelt, so both sides had something in common and were able to pick up on it.

Lu Yao took the initiative to throw out some information.

“The wish-granting spirit’s ability is called the Long-Wished Cloister? This is the first time I’ve heard of it.”

Looking at Song Shiyi’s surprised appearance, it didn’t seem like she was faking.

“The committee doesn’t know?”

“As far as I’m concerned, there’s no information on this in the Commission’s database.”

Song Shiyi’s eyes widened slightly, “Miss Mary is amazing!”

“I heard it from a friend.”

“What a friend Lady Mary has!”


Lu Yao stopped giving orders and let Isabel communicate with Song Shiyi on her own.

The differences between men and women are not small, the chatting thing Isabel can handle, being a holster man yourself is too much of a stretch.

He took up the role of long-range warlord and support.

Song Shiyi took the initiative and said, “Miss Mary, what do you like to eat?”

“All of them. But if I were to say I like it, it would be instant noodles and fried eggs.”

“In that case, I like that it’s fatty sausages! All kinds of fatty sausages! Roasted fat sausage, brined fat sausage, stir-fried fat sausage, they’re all absolutely delicious. Do you like fat sausage?”

“I haven’t.” Isabel said.

“I’ll treat you to it sometime, there’s a shop that has super tasty fat intestines.” Song Shiyi was positively amenable to food, her eyes radiating an excited shine.

Lu Yao’s face darkened as he listened.

How can a female idol be obsessed with food like fatty sausage? Whether it’s the shape or the taste, it has nothing to do with pink idol girls!

The two young girls chatted about food the whole way, letting out giggles from time to time. Half an hour ago, they were rescuing people in the cracks of the world, and at this point, they were no different from normal young people.

After walking for more than half an hour, they found a 24-hour milk tea shop.

The waiter asked, “What flavour would you two young ladies like? Big cup or small cup?”

Song Shiyi said, “Matcha, small cup.”

Isabel says, “Same for me.”

“Okay, two small matcha cups for $20, electronic payment or cash please?”

Isabel froze.

Lu Yao’s toes buckled at once.


Forgot one important thing: Isabelle has no money.

One forgot to slip her some money in his pocket.

It’s a bit awkward when you say it’s on the house.

Song Shiyi seemed to understand immediately, she smiled and said, “You don’t have your mobile phone with you, I’ll do it.”

The situation was easily eased by her.

Lu Yao was in a relaxed mood.

Song Shiyi, this girl can get along, and when it comes to buying a bill, she is really on it.

Others don’t know, but Lu Yao knows it well.

Don’t look at Isabelle who usually kept her emotions stable and her self-expression restrained. But she actually had a delicate mind and had quite a few thoughts of her own.

Of course, the most extreme in this regard is definitely the tyrant Sarina, with her high self-esteem and stubbornness that won’t allow herself to lose ……

At this time Lu Yao suddenly remembered.

I also don’t know what level of player Song Shiyi is at.

Let me see.

Lu Yao caused Isabelle to open the [Spell of True Vision] again.

Right now, Isabelle’s life value was enough to consume it, and it was more cost-effective than spending Faith.

With the spell of inverted A imprinted in her pupils, the layers of black runes surrounding Song Shiyi broke apart, revealing the details that belonged to her.



Life value: ?

Mana: ???

Damage: ?

Defence: ?

Speed: ?


Exist in a multi-individual symbiotic stance to gain additional benefits.

[Curse of the Old Gods LV99]

Cursed by the Old Gods and sealed in all directions.


Divine qualifications.


[Godhead]: ?

[Divinity]: ?

[Divine Body]: ?


This panel looked at Lu Yao’s scalp, and he didn’t slow down for half a day.

Song Shiyi’s origin seemed a little too big.

The [Spell of True Sight] was exerting the Lord God-level [Eye of True Sight], but it was unable to see Song Shiyi’s detailed stats.

The most likely reason was.

[Moon God] Song Shiyi, Rank Master God.

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