Am I A Gigolo Chapter 1778

The bodyguard driving the car gripped the steering wheel and stepped on the gas, trying to avoid the attack.

But the mafia were still in pursuit.

The car drove onto an overpa*s when suddenly a convoy came from the front and lined up in an attempt to intercept them.

“There are actually so many people in ambush?”

Leng Xiao hurriedly called Leng Gang Gang, urging him to come to their rescue quickly.

“Sir ……” The bodyguard was sweating in anxiety.

“Rush over!”

“Rush over!”

Leng Di Feng replied decisively, and at the same time, Hua Xiao Fo uttered the words.

“If we rush over like this, we’ll hit it ……”

“Get out of the way!”

Leng Di Feng frowned and was about to get up and switch to the driver’s side, but another person moved one step faster than him ……

“What are you doing?”

Before the bodyguard could react, Hua Xiaofo pushed him away and squeezed into the cab.

She was so petite that she flipped over in a flash, and the bodyguard was squeezed into the pa*senger side and pressed up against Leng Xiao.

“Get out of the way, this is not a game.”

Leng Xiao hurriedly scolded Hua Xiaofo.

“Don’t know how high the sky is!”

Leng Di Feng frowned tightly and was about to push Hua Xiaofo away ……

At that moment, the car accelerated violently, then the body plunged backwards, the front wheels left the ground and the rear wheels stood up, rushing past like lightning ……


The bodyguard screamed in shock.

Leng Xiao’s eyes widened in disbelief.

And Leng Di Feng, first slightly stunned, then, stared at Hua Xiaofo with a complicated gaze ……

Those cars across the street that had intercepted them were all dumbfounded.

They thought that forming a line would be enough to stop them, but they didn’t expect that the car would suddenly rush over upside down and then, leap directly over the top of their cars ……


The silver and Thai-coloured Maybach landed firmly on the ground, hitting a beautiful Xuan’er.

As if to demonstrate to them!

Hua Xiaofo stretched out a hand and gave the men an upside-down thumbs-up, then drove off in his car ……

Those cars still wanted to come after them, but they had to reverse and then turn around, but by the time they did, the Maybach had already disappeared.

The silver and Thai Maybach was like lightning, weaving through this silent night sky.

In just a flash, it had lost track.

The car drove out for a long time, and the bodyguard on the pa*senger side was still staring at Hua Xiaofo with dumbfounded eyes.

Leng Xiao was also full of incredulity: “You, who the hell are you? ”

This question was also what Leng Di Feng wanted to ask.

“I don’t know either.” Hua Xiaofo replied casually, “If you guys know, remember to tell me.”

“Uh ……” The bodyguard froze.

“I almost forgot, you’ve lost your memory.”

Leng Xiao snapped back to his senses and flipped to the back seat.

“Nice car skills.”

Leng Di Feng finally spoke, his voice clear and faint, seemingly without any change in emotion.

It was only the look in Hua Xiaofo’s eyes that changed slightly.

“Not bad.” Hua Xiaofo narrowed his eyes and stared at the rearview mirror with a ghostly coldness, “Here we go again!”

Leng Xiao and the bodyguard immediately took their guns to meet the fight ……

Hua Xiaofo immediately sped up the car, ready to shake them off, but found that the two wheels at the back seemed to be leaking air.

It should be that the tyres were hit when they were being tracked earlier, only that the car was good and could continue to drive for a short period of time, plus it was an emergency escape just now, so they didn’t notice.

However, now that the car is leaking air, I’m afraid it won’t be able to drive very far ……

Hua Xiaofo was very decisive and drove the car directly up the hill.

“What are you doing?” Leng Xiao asked alertly.

“With just a few of us, plus the car with two broken tyres, you think you can shake them off on the highway?” Hua Xiaofo said with a raised eyebrow.

“You can’t shake them off on the highway, but you can on the mountain?” The bodyguard asked in disbelief.

“It’s possible.” Hua Xiaofo was confident, “This mountain road hasn’t been built yet, there are no street lights along the way, as long as I don’t drive the lights, it will be hard for them to follow.”

“How can you drive without driving lights?” Leng Xiao asked doubtfully.

“You can’t, I can.”