Am I A Gigolo Chapter 1796

“Drink quickly and be obedient.” Hua Xiaofo coaxed him like a small child, “Drink it and get some sleep, otherwise you won’t be able to do anything in this state with another fever.”

Hearing these words, Leng Di Feng frowned and took the medicine and drank it in one go, but before he could swallow it, he frowned and wanted to spit it out ……

Hua Xiaofo hurriedly covered his mouth, and also boarded up his head, forcing him to swallow it.

“Uh ……”

Seeing this scene, Leng Xiao was stunned, there had never been a person that dared to do this to Leng Di Feng ……

This guy, how dare he be so bold?

Wasn’t she afraid of death?

Sure enough, Leng Di Feng angrily pushed Hua Xiaofo away, because of the strength, Hua Xiaofo staggered out a few steps and planted herself on the sofa, furiously cursing, “Hey, what are you doing?”

Her wound was pulled and she blanched in pain.

“You, get away from me!”

Leng Di Feng pointed at her with a harsh warning.

“Nuts, if you weren’t my patient, I wouldn’t bother with you.”

Hua Xiaofo was so angry that her face turned blue, this man was really a bundle of dynamite, ready to lose his temper at any moment.

It seemed that next time she would have to make him beg her.

“Shut up!” Leng Di Feng was in pain now and didn’t want to argue with her, he always found her gibbering and annoying.

Hua Xiaofo didn’t bother to pay attention to him, and leaned back on the sofa to continue resting.

Leng Xiao poured a cup of warm boiled water for Leng Di Feng and handed him a candy: “Here, sir.”

Leng Di Feng drank all the water in one gulp, then took the candy in his mouth, and at once, his tightly furrowed brow slowly stretched ……

“You’re afraid of bitterness?” Hua Xiaofo found it interesting, “You’re not even afraid of death, you’re actually afraid of bitterness?”

Leng Di Feng stared at her coldly.

Leng Xiao hurriedly whispered to discourage, “Stop it, Dr. Hua.”

Hua Xiaofo made a face at Leng Di Feng, then lay down on the sofa and continued to snooze ……

Leng Xiao carefully observed Leng Di Feng’s face, wanting to see if he would feel better after drinking the medicine.

Sure enough, Hua Xiaofo’s medicine was very useful, and soon, Leng Di Feng’s face looked much better, no longer as uncomfortable as before, but just a little tired, so he rested on his forehead and leaned back on the sofa.

Leng Xiao breathed a sigh of relief and silently kept watch on the side.

The car was smooth all the way, I don’t know how long it took to drive, Hua Xiaofo woke up with a start and found that the car had driven into an estate, she rubbed her eyes and sat up to look out the window at the beauty ……

The European cla*sical castle is opulent, the courtyard walls are crawling with rosebuds, the various green plants are exquisitely trimmed and elegant, and there are soldiers stationed everywhere.

For some reason, Hua Xiaofo actually felt a sense of familiarity here ……

She seemed to have been here before, or to have been in a similar place.

The car finally stopped and a team of people came to greet it, the man at the head was gorgeously dressed , and greeted Leng Di Feng in a respectful manner.

Leng Di Feng talked to him briefly and led a group of his men into the castle.

Hua Xiaofo was about to follow him, but Leng Xiao told the two female bodyguards to take her directly to the guest room in the back hall.

The housekeeper who was receiving her was talking to Leng Di Feng when he inadvertently saw Hua Xiaofo and froze for a moment, then asked carefully, “That young man with the mask is?”

“That’s our mister’s personal doctor.” Leng Xiao replied.

“A doctor?” The butler lowered his eyes thoughtfully.

“What’s wrong?” Leng Xiao inquired.

“Oh, nothing ……” The butler smiled faintly, “As you know, our highness’s leg injury has been recurring and not getting better, we have searched for famous doctors but to no avail, I wonder how good is this private doctor of yours, sir, at healing? ”

“She only specialises in Chinese medicine to detoxify poisons, she doesn’t know much about the other cases.” Leng Xiao said, “But from my point of view, she is so young, I am afraid her experience is limited!”

“Alright.” That butler was a little disappointed.