Am I A Gigolo Chapter 1801

“Oh, it’s ready.” Robin immediately handed over a cheque with both hands, and also said with a smile, “Your voice, tone of voice, and this straightforward nature are really like that divine doctor.”

“Is that so? What’s her name?”

Hua Xiaofo looked at the cheque and couldn’t help but smile.

Carefully, he folded the cheque and put it in his pocket, and patted it gently for fear of losing it.

“Buddha’s hand!” Robin looked deeply into her eyes, “The Buddha’s hand divine doctor from Z.”

Hearing these words, Hua Xiaofo couldn’t help but stare, “Isn’t Buddha Hand a bad old man?”


Robin froze for a moment, not knowing how to answer for a moment.

“How can I resemble him?”

Hua Xiaofo didn’t care, and continued eating.

“So, after Dr. Hua finishes his dinner, can we go see His Highness together?”

Robin was still undeterred and went around to get a better look at Hua Xiaofo’s face.

“Of course you can, the money is all taken.” Hua Xiaofo immediately pulled on the mask, “Wait for me ah, I’ll change and leave .”

“Okay, I’ll wait for you outside.” Robin bowed and retreated.

“Dr. Hua, do you need us to serve you to change your clothes?” The two waitresses asked respectfully.

“No, I’ll do it myself.” Hua Xiaofo said casually, “I need to blow-dry my hair, it may take half an hour.”

“That’s okay, take your time.”

The waitress bowed to her, then bowed her head and retreated.

Hua Xiaofo found it strange, why were these people from the royal family so respectful to her?

And the butler called Robin seemed to keep trying to get a good look at her face.

As a rule, she was just an ordinary doctor, Robin seemed to be of a very high rank, and Leng Xiao spoke to him politely, so why was he treating her with such respect?

That attitude was no less than that of Leng Di Feng.

Probably their Highness was very sick and waiting for her to save his life.

Hua Xiaofo didn’t think much about it, continued eating, took a few bites and started blowing her hair ……

The wound at the back of her head once again came with a sharp pain, as if an awl was chiseling her head so hard that it was about to crack.

She gave herself a painkiller, changed her clothes and walked out of the room with her medical bag.

“Dr Hua please!”

Robin was waiting outside, and when he saw Hua Xiaofo, he immediately bent down to welcome and invite her.

Hua Xiaofo followed them to see Prince William and greeted Kelly before leaving, “Kelly, tell Leng Xiao that I’ll be back soon.”


Kelly hurriedly went inside to report the situation to Leng Xiao.

“Got it, go out.”

Leng Xiao didn’t say anything more, except that his gaze was a little complicated.

He had just asked Robin about the Buddha’s Hand, and Robin had been evading the topic and refusing to provide clues, yet he was eager to find out about Master Hua from him.

He thought it was strange ……

If it was something else, it was understandable that they didn’t want to reveal it, but the gentleman had worked with His Highness William for many years and had a close relationship, a doctor only, and there was no conflict, so why did they avoid it?

Why were they so interested in Master Hua again?

Leng Di Feng drank the medicine and quickly fell asleep.

Leng Xiao took his temperature and it had stabilized, so he didn’t think much of it and waited quietly first ……

By now, Robin should have taken Master Hua to see Prince William. How could Master Hua’s kind of half-baked medical skills cure Prince William’s leg?

Guess they are going to be disappointed ……

“Your Highness, Dr. Hua is here!”

Robin reported from outside the study.

“Come in quickly.”

Prince William’s voice was nice, like a fresh breeze.

Robin led Hua Xiaofo in, and when Hua Xiaofo saw the person sitting in the wheelchair, he had an inexplicable sense of familiarity ……

“Little Buddha?”

Prince William saw Hua Xiaofo and called out her name excitedly.

Hua Xiaofo froze for a moment and looked at him in dismay.

This name, it seemed so familiar and intimate.

Could it really be her?

“Little Buddha, is it really you?” Prince William slid his wheelchair over and excitedly took Hua Xiaofo’s hand and asked, “The cruise ship exploded, they all said you were dead, I immediately rushed over from Denmark to find you ……”