Am I A Gigolo Chapter 193-194

Chapter 193

“Very well.” Night Zhen Ting hooked his lips in satisfaction, “Those who know the time are the best!”

“Mr. Night, can you ……”

“Send the guest!” Night Zhen Ting no longer gave Si Haoxuan the chance to say one more word.

The bodyguard came in and “invited” Si Haoxuan out.

Si Hao Xuan’s eyes kept looking at Feng Qianxue, full of guilt, but Feng Qianxue didn’t look up at him ……

If it is said that four years ago, it was fate that made people do what they wanted to do, then what is happening now is his own choice.

Even though there was nothing more he could do, he once again made the decision he had made at the beginning, which was to give her up and keep the century-old foundation of the Si family!

Four years ago, they were an unmarried couple, and she would resent him for having negatived her, whereas now, they were not related, and she was in no position to blame him for the choice he had made.

It’s just that the thorn is once again lodged in the heart and it’s impossible to pull it out ……

That childhood relationship, the regrettable once, would be completely over by now!

“Well?” Night Zhen Ting rubbed his toe against Feng Qian Xue’s leg, wicked and smug, “Finally dead now, right?”

“You’re satisfied?” Feng Qianxue stared at him with hatred, “Are you happy to have ruined my last hope?”

“You’re still not awake by now?” Night Zhen Ting wanted to look at her like a brain-damaged person, “The person who destroyed your hope was Si Haoxuan, not me.”

Feng Qianxue did not want to talk to him further and turned around to leave, but her clothes were tugged and with a slight pull, she fell into his arms ……

She tried to struggle, but she was imprisoned by his strong and powerful arms, unable to move at all.

“Let go of me.” Feng Qianxue struggled angrily.

“You try moving again?” Night Zhen Ting raised his eyebrows, his fury appearing.

Feng Qianxue was unconvinced in her heart, yet she had to become meek and could only express her anger with her eyes.


Night ZhenTing shoved that agreement to offset the debt to her.

“Who am I to sign it?” Feng Qianxue was unconvinced, “You’ve already got the necklace back, you’re the one who doesn’t want it, and you’re using it as a bargaining chip to threaten Si Haoxuan, on what grounds?”

“You’re reasoning with me?” Night Zhen Ting laughed coldly, “Make it clear, at first, the necklace was lost from you, of course I want to find you, and now, the necklace was taken by Si Haoxuan, you can sue him for theft and fraud, but what you owe me, you still haven’t paid!”

“You ……”

Feng Qianxue simply couldn’t say anything to him, right and wrong, it was always up to him to decide.

There was nothing she could do to resist.

“Be a good boy and sign it ……” Night Zhen Ting shoved a fountain pen into her hand.

When Feng Qianxue saw this agreement to offset the debt, she was filled with fire and directly tore the agreement to pieces, “You don’t want to control me, if you want to sue me, go ahead, I won’t eat that from you.”

With that, she flung the pieces at him and left in anger ……

Night Zhen Ting’s face became gloomy, his eyes as cold as frost ……

But this time, he did not move to punish her with violence like before, but allowed her to leave.

If you don’t teach her a lesson, she won’t even know how to write the word “death”!

“Night King, Miss Wind is ……”

“Let her go!”

Night Zhen Ting got up and walked to the window, looking down at the floor from above.

The stupid woman changed into the clothes she was wearing when she arrived and walked out of the villa without taking anything.

The servants had been instructed by Nicholas to not dare to stop her, and they all moved out of the way, allowing her to leave.

She walked out of the villa courtyard as if she were walking out of his world, majestically, with a dashing and leisurely pace, like a gladiator running to freedom!

Probably aware that he was watching her from afar, she waved her hand without looking back, as if to say goodbye to him.

A mocking sneer curled up on Night Shocking’s lips as he turned and walked into the bedroom, closed the electric curtains and leaned back on the sofa to continue drinking.

In less than an hour at the most, she would definitely come back and beg him ……


Chapter 194

Feng Qianxue walked for half an hour before she stepped out of the villa gate. Outside was a green path lined with two rows of straight trees with street lamps illuminating the way she left.

She puffed up her chest and continued on her way.

The night breeze blew pleasantly on her body, the sound of frogs and insects chirping in the woods, and the moonlight spilling down through the branches of the trees, shining on the road in a splendid way, as if it were a painting.

Such a beautiful scenery makes Feng Qianxue’s mood gradually calm down, and also strengthens her determination to stay away from Night Zhen Ting ……

She must not be controlled by him and become a slave of the devil!


Suddenly, a beast’s cry came from the woods.

Feng Qianxue jerked to a halt, standing in a daze ……

Did she just hear it wrong?

How could she hear the sound of a beast?

It must be a mishearing …… Remember the website

She covered her wildly beating heart and continued to walk forward.


The sound came again, this time longer and closer.

Feng Qianxue’s eyes widened in shock, her heart pounding ……

No way, there are actually beasts here?

She tensed her body and looked around, but there was no movement in the woods ……

But she was still scared.

Although every time she went up and down the mountain she took a car, she remembered that it was at least a dozen kilometres from the villa to the road.

She would have to walk for at least four hours for these ten kilometres ……

Who could guarantee that during these four hours, the beasts would not swoop out and gnaw her clean, turning her into a pile of white bones?

Thinking of this, Feng Qianxue’s body was covered in cold sweat ……

She looked back at the villa not far away, she had walked about a kilometre, it was still too late to turn back ……

Her footsteps were already heading back ……

However, after taking two steps, she remembered the cold eyes of Night Thunder and his domineering and strong personality, and hesitated ……

If we go back like this, the debt contract will be signed!

From now on, she owes him $98 million, and I don’t know how long it will take to pay it off ……

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you’re doing.

The thought of these two words gives her the creeps ……

No, one lives to breathe and will never go back!

Feng Qianxue gritted her teeth and continued to walk forward, at the same time, she took out her mobile phone to call ……

Now call a car to pick her up, and once she is in the car, she will be safe.

However, she was dumbfounded when she felt the phone out ……

The phone had gotten into the water at the pool and the touch screen was out of order, and now the screen wouldn’t scratch at all and would occasionally flicker and bounce around ……

As she walked quickly forward, she shook the phone as hard as she could, trying to shake the water out of it.

Maybe then the phone would work ……

But she was obviously too naive.

In order to save money, she bought the cheapest phone available at a market price of 888 and got a free electric fan ……

That’s it, and you expect it to stay in water?

What a fantasy!

The only way to get help is to hope that the heavens will bless her and let her leave this hellhole safely.

Except for a duck hunt four years ago, she has never done anything bad in her life ……

Good people will be rewarded …… it!!!

While praying secretly in her heart, she quickened her pace and walked forward ……

The first time I saw a monster, I thought it was a hallucination, so I breathed a sigh of relief and slowed down a bit.

But at that moment, she suddenly noticed a pair of green eyes staring at her from the woods not far away ……

She froze for a moment, her eyes widening in shock as she stared blankly into those green eyes, thinking ……

It’s a hallucination, it’s a hallucination, it must be a hallucination!!!

She blinked hard and opened her eyes again, and instead of disappearing, the green eyes were closer ……

In the moonlight, a fluffy animal slowly approached her with a cold, ghostly stride ……