Am I A Gigolo Chapter 735-736

Chapter 735

In the past two years, in order not to damage the relationship between the grandfather and grandson, they both tacitly agreed not to mention that incident back then.

Although the thorn in Night Zhen Ting’s heart had long been lodged, he had no way to hold the old man responsible.

What could he do?

He can’t kill his grandfather, right ……

So, indifference and rustiness turned out to be his only form of revenge.

“I know you resent me and hate me.” Old Master Night sighed deeply, “But everything has become a foregone conclusion, even if you resent and hate, you can’t undo it, you can make up for that regret on the three children, but cut can’t make up for it in the Leng family ……”

“I know!” Night Zhen Ting finally spoke up, “I have a sense of proportion.”

“Are you sure?” Old Master Night was clearly still at ease.

Night Zhen Ting did not speak, just frowned at him, seemingly in silent protest.

“Alright.” Old Master Night sighed helplessly, then added a cold warning, “I hope you really have a sense of propriety, otherwise, at the risk of my old bones, I will clean up the Leng family properly before I go to my coffin!”

After a pause, he raised his head to stare at Night Zhen Ting, his gaze ruthless, “You know, when I strike, there is no room for error.”

“Alright, know.”

Of course, Night Zhen Ting knew that the Old Master Night had been fighting with the Leng family since his generation, and because of this, he was firmly opposed to his son’s relationship with Condensing Cream, which led to a tragedy ……

The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you are doing.

The first thing he did not expect was that he would not be able to guard against a thousand things.

The woman that Night Zhen Ting met far away in the sea city, obviously seems to have nothing to do with the Leng family, but it is the bloodline of the Leng family that has strayed away and given birth to his three children ……

This is probably the fate that can’t even be broken up by fighting.

“Go out.” Old Master Night ordered coldly.

Night Zhen Ting originally wanted to advise Old Master Night to go back to M, but he swallowed back the words on the edge of his mouth.

He knew the old man’s temper, after such a big incident today and the three great-grandchildren being in shock, how could the old man go back at this time?

It was better to take a break.

When Night ZhenTing came out of the study, Lei Yu arrived in a hurry with the doctor, saluted Night ZhenTing and hurried upstairs to see the three children.

Old Master Night was worried that the scare today had left a shadow on the children’s hearts, so he asked Night Sen to inform Lei Yu to come over.

Night Zhen Ting went upstairs and watched the children from the doorway of his study.

Lei Yu and the couple of children’s heart experts were psychologically counseling the three children, first guiding them through the process in the form of a fairy tale.

Longlong and Yueyue narrated the scene that had just happened to them like a cartoon, and because they used a fairy tale approach, they were less scared and instead told it with vividness and eyebrows ……

In a short while, the sound of their laughter came from the study.

Night Zhen Ting hooked his lips and turned to leave.

The children of the Night Family would not be easily intimidated.

“Night King, you are going out?”

Night Jun hurriedly followed, today Night Jun was punished to kneel, he had to accompany Night ZhenTing.

“Louis is still waiting for me.” Night Zhen Ting looked at his watch, “Go to the Prince Hotel first!”


In the study on the first floor, Chen Chen stood by the window, watching Night Zhen Ting’s car fading away, his expression becoming complicated.

“Chen Chen, what’s wrong with you?”

Lei Yu observed that Long Long and Yue Yue soon eased up, but Chen Chen stayed distracted, as if the door in his heart was closed, refusing to communicate with the child psychologist.

“It’s nothing.” Cinnabar turned and walked out.

“Dabao, where are you going?” Dragon asked.

“Back to my room.”

Tatsu went back to his room, took out a new machine pigeon, released it through the window and remote controlled it directly to the north villa, wondering who the person who had come to the door to pick a fight was.

Why did they have a pet hawk with Mummy’s ring on its foot ……

Chapter 736

Yes, no one had noticed that the pet eagle was wearing a black and gold finger ring on its foot!

And that ring is the wedding ring of Feng Qianxue and Night Zhen Ting back then ……

Perhaps no one else had noticed.

When the eagle attacked Tenzin, it once stopped in front of him hovering in the air because it heard the whistle.

Looking up at the eagle from his angle, he happened to see the ring ……

At that time, there was not only fear in Tatsu’s eyes, but also shock!

After the incident, everyone was busy dealing with the aftermath, except for Tatsu, whose mind was filled with that ring ……

He wasn’t scared out of his wits, nor was he left in shock, he was just wondering why Mummy’s ring was on that eagle.


That hawk was the pet of the owner of Serenity North, and if we found out who he was, we could follow the trail and find Mummy.

So Tatsu puts another robot pigeon out to try and get it to shoot the owner of Mid-levels North!

The machine pigeon flew higher and higher and farther and farther ……

“Knock knock!” At that moment, there was a sudden knock on the door outside and Lei Yu asked softly, “Chen Chen, are you there?”

Knowing that the pigeons didn’t arrive that quickly, Tenzin went over to open the door first, “Dr. Lei, what’s up?”

“Chen Chen, can we talk?” Lei Yu squatted down and looked at him gently, “I know you must have been terrified just now, but you’re a man, so don’t cry or make a fuss ……”

“I think you’ve misunderstood.” Tenzin interrupted Lei Yu and said calmly, “I admit that I was a bit scared at the time, but after that it’s fine, I’m really busy with my own business now, not running away, you don’t have to worry.”

“Uh ……” Lei Yu smiled awkwardly, “It’s good that it’s okay, it’s good that it’s okay.”

“Thanks!” Tenzin thanked politely, “Is there anything else?”

“No.” Lei Yu shook his head hurriedly, “Then you go ahead and get busy, I won’t bother you.”

“Erbao Sanbao needs more of your attention!”

Chen Chen bowed his head and then closed the door of the room.

Lei Yu was a little helpless, but he had to go to the study to enlighten Long Long and Yue Yue first.

Tenzin went to the computer and continued to track the robot pigeon, which was now flying in the direction of Mid-levels North.

The camera that came with the robot pigeon filmed everything underneath it clearly and transmitted it to Tatsu through the wireless network.

Tenzin stared nervously at the computer screen, waiting for the robot pigeon to reveal the answer for him.

At that moment, there was another knock on the door from outside.

Tatsu’s brow furrowed and he asked in boredom, “Who is it?”

“Chen Chen, Grandpa Zeng has asked the kitchen to prepare breakfast, let’s have some together.”

The gentle voice of Old Master Night came, followed by the voices of Long Long and Yue Yue ……

“Grandpa Zeng, is it true that there are little piggy buns?” Long Long asked excitedly.

“Really, I asked Yung Ma to learn it specially.” Old Master Night said with a smile, “Go and see if it’s good.”

“Yeah, great.” Long Long cheered and ran downstairs.

“Where’s Dabao?” Yue Yue was thinking about Tatsu.

“I’m calling him.” Old Master Night stroked her hair lovingly, “You go down first, we’ll be down in a minute.”

“Mmmmmm, I’ll go find Little Four Treasures first.”

Yue Yue bounced downstairs.

In the room, Cinnabar’s eyes were unblinking as he stared at the screen, the pigeon had flown halfway north and was getting closer to the villa, he didn’t want to miss the truth, but with people waiting for him outside, he just had to go over and open the door first.

“Cinnabar ……”

“Great grandpa, I’m not hungry right now, you guys eat first.”

Chen Chen glanced back at the computer, his heart very eager, if he delayed any longer, he would miss it again.

“Chen Chen, Grandpa Zeng wants to talk to you ……”

“I don’t want to talk right now.” Chen Chen blurted out.

Old Master Night’s expression froze and his eyes turned dark.

Realizing that he had just been rude, Chen Chen immediately apologized, “I’m sorry, I really have something to do, you should go eat breakfast.”