Am I A Gigolo Chapter 737-738

Chapter 737

“I’m sorry, I really have something to do, you go and have breakfast.”

With that, Chen Chen closed the door to his room.

Outside the door, Old Master Night looked gloomy, he thought that his relationship with Chen Chen had started to ease, but to his surprise, Chen Chen was still full of resentment towards him.

This sense of alienation pained him greatly.

Chen Chen was his most beloved great-grandson and the heir he had placed so much hope in, he had spent so much effort in nurturing him, but to his surprise, he had now gotten into this ……

Chen Chen felt a little guilty in his heart, he had just treated his great grandfather badly in his haste, his old man must be very upset in his heart ……


At this time, a hawk cry suddenly came from the computer, and Chen Chen hurriedly rushed to the computer to check.

The machine pigeon flew halfway up the hill to the north and landed on a big tall tree with the camera facing the villa’s front door.

A woman came down from the car holding the eagle, which at first fluttered its injured wings, and after the woman scolded her a few times, the eagle fluttered honestly in her arms.

The camera could only see the woman’s slender back and there was an inexplicable sense of familiarity ……

Chen stared unblinkingly at the computer screen, trying to get a clear look at the woman’s face, but she never turned around until she reached the doorway, when she suddenly paused and turned her head to look over ……

Tatsumi hurriedly opened her eyes wide, her heart almost about to stop.

Unfortunately, the eagle’s wings covered the woman’s face ……

With that, the woman walked straight into the villa with the eagle in her arms, and then a female bodyguard looked over with binoculars, seemingly looking for something.

In order not to be discovered, this time, Tatsu installed a concealment system on the machine pigeon.

Sure enough, the robot pigeon hid behind the dense foliage and was not discovered.

The female bodyguard didn’t notice anything unusual and went inside with the binoculars, while the other bodyguards also started to get busy.

Tatsu was so determined to find out the truth that she had the robot pigeon hide in that tree.

As soon as the woman stepped out of the villa, she would be caught on camera.

Tatsu stared at the computer for a while longer, but not only did the woman not come out, she had the gate closed.

It seemed that she shouldn’t come out for a while.

But in order to find out the truth sooner, Tatsu continued to stare at ……

“Knock knock!” At this time, there was another knock on the door from outside.

Chen Chen was speechless and asked in annoyance, “Who is it?”

“Dabao, it’s me.” Long Long’s voice came.

“Come in.” Chen Chen relaxed his guard.

Long Long walked in carrying a tray with three little piggy buns and a gla*s of milk on it.

“Dabao, Granny Rong has learnt to make little piggy buns, I’ve got a few for you, come and try them.”

“Thanks.” Tenzin looked up and put his eyes on the computer screen again and said indifferently, “Granny Rong has made them dozens of times, and this time she finally succeeded!”

“What?” Long Long was very surprised.

“You and San Bao go to school early every day, so naturally you don’t know that Granny Rong learns to make piggy buns every day at home when she has nothing to do, and when she makes a failure, she gives it to the other sisters to eat, and those sisters have spat it out many times.”

Tatsuya’s eyes were fixed on the computer as she spoke.

“No wonder ……,” Long Long dawned on me, “I just praised Granny Rong for her talent, she learned it as soon as she learned it, and she was embarra*sed, saying that it took countless failures to get this success.”

“Well, 38 times.” Chen Chen nodded lightly.

“Granny Rong is so thoughtful.” Long Long placed the breakfast in front of Chen Chen, “Dabao, are you sure you don’t want to try it?”

Chen Chen reached out and took a small pork bun, took a bite and exclaimed, “It’s delicious, thank Granny Yung for me.”

Long Long opened his mouth and finally couldn’t help but ask, “Dabao, why are you like this?”

“What?” Tenzin was stunned.

“Great Grandpa and Daddy love us, Granny Yung, Dr. Lui, they are all very nice to us, why do you always turn away from people?”

Chapter 738

This was the first time Long Long discussed this topic so seriously with Chen Chen. Normally, he always had a cheeky, heartless look.

Today, he was suddenly serious, and his little face, which was identical to Tatsu’s, had a bit of pizzazz.

“I don’t have ……,” explained Tatsu after a moment’s thought, “I’ve always had such a bland personality, not as lively as you.”

“It’s not.” Long Long shook his head and said solemnly, “In the past, when Mommy was around, although you were also smarter and more mature than me, you would smile and be close to Great Grandpa, but now, you don’t seem to smile anymore ……”

“Mommy isn’t here anymore, I can’t smile.”

Tatsu’s voice was a little low, and his eyes were red.

Hearing these words, Long Long lowered his head sadly, and after a moment of silence, he added, “It’s also sad for me and San Bao when Mommy is gone, but we can’t be angry at Great Grandpa because of that, it’s not like it’s any of his business.”

Tenzin frowned and didn’t say anything, the day of Mummy’s accident, he was the only one who saw the last of Mummy and saw her being coerced by Grandpa Zeng, he really hated himself for believing his words at the time and not stopping ……

If he had been able to guard Mummy every inch of the way at that time, perhaps Mummy would not have been in trouble.

But all this, he could not say to Longlong and Yueyue, he could only keep it in his heart and suffer in silence alone.

Just let them both be silly and happy, not knowing anything, in order to enjoy pure happiness.

“Just now I saw that Grandpa Zeng’s eyes were all red and he was dazed with his cup of tea, and when I spoke to him, he was distracted ……” Long Long continued, “Grandpa Zeng was so careful to please you, why did you do this to him? ”

“I just had an emergency ……”

Tatsu was about to explain when he suddenly noticed that it was raining outside, and a bit heavily.

His machine pigeon was still hidden in that tree, and although it wouldn’t be discovered for the time being, would it short circuit if it got wet for a long time?

Although he had set up a waterproof system, the normal light rain would not be affected, but in case it rained heavily, it would be a problem ……

“What’s the emergency?” Long Long frowned at him.

“I’ll tell you later ……”

Tatsu operated the computer and prepared to move the machine pigeon to a safe place where it would be sheltered from the rain.

“Dabao!” Dragon was a little angry, “I’m talking to you, that’s rude, isn’t it?”

“I’m busy, I’ll talk to you later, you go eat your breakfast first!”

Cinnabar coaxed him as he stared at his computer.

“I’m really angry, humph!!!”

Long Long’s little face turned red with anger, and he walked out with his arms around his chest in a rage.

Chen Chen glanced at Long Long and continued to fiddle with the computer, he said in his mind, when I get Mommy back, you won’t be angry anymore ……

Leng Qianxue went back to her room after dealing with Si Bao’s injuries, pulled open the curtains and looked at the rain outside, her mood suddenly became heavy.

She remembered the child’s cries she heard earlier at the night house, and her heart still ached vaguely ……

Why did she feel this way?

She was puzzled.

As she was thinking, she suddenly noticed a faint red light flickering in a large tree not far away, and she immediately took out her binoculars to see that it was a pigeon!

She remembered the pigeon that she had shot down with one shot last time. Coldly, she unwrapped it and was amazed to find that it was actually a machine pigeon, and thought that this one was too.

Shengtian Group was mainly based on technology, getting these gadgets was as easy as pie.

The corners of Leng Qianxue’s lips curved up in mockery, Night Zhen Ting actually used such a little trick to spy on her, how childish!

Leng Qianxue picked up her gun and was ready to shoot the pigeon, but then she thought, “Night Zhending likes to spy so much, it would be good to tease him ……

So she put the gun down.

The rain was still falling outside when Leng Bing knocked on the door and brought in steaming fruit tea: “Miss Leng, have some fruit tea to take the chill off.”

“Go, have someone close all the windows.” Leng Qianxue instructed, “Today’s trip is cancelled, I’m taking a day off.”
