His Secret Lover Chapter 273-274

Chapter 273

The other two children were also very happy to see this scene, especially Huo Yin, who immediately ran down to talk to Auntie Wang first after hearing his brother say that he had started to ask for food.

Once the news spread, the atmosphere in the villa was also a lot lighter.

When the children were settled, Wen Shuxu saw that it was getting late, so she wanted to come down and help Auntie Wang cook.

But to her surprise, when she came down, she actually found that after so long, the old man downstairs hadn’t left yet, but was sitting alone in the sofa while watching the news broadcast on the TV and drinking tea.

Is this …… him waiting for her?

Wen Shuxu suddenly felt another wave of discomfort all over her body.

There was even, again, a hint of unease.

In the case of the Sun family, the old mansion side had not heard a single movement so far, it was impossible that no news had pa*sed, so was it because of this that he had not left yet?

“The child is alright? Come and sit down then.”

Sure enough, after seeing her finally come down, the old man, who had been drinking several pots of tea in the living room, waved gently at her.

Wen Shuxu’s body stiffened, and in the end, she went over.

“Sit down, you haven’t made me any tea for a long time, this is the monocotyledon I brought from over there, a speciality from your Wen family’s old home side, boil it and let’s sip it together.”

The old man took a tin of tea over from the coffee table and handed it to Wen Shuxu.

Wen Shuxu: “……”

For a moment, a sourness welled up at the tip of her nose, causing her eyes to redden a little.

A single bush, he still remembered this.

She wrung her whitened fingers for a moment, but complied and took a seat next to him, then temporarily forgot what she had told herself that day at the Chi family’s birthday party and began to make tea as she always did.

“I heard that your father did well in prison and recently had his sentence reduced.”


The sudden good news instantly broke Wen Shuxu’s silence, and she raised her head, looking at the old man with surprise.

Dad had actually had his sentence reduced?

That was great, they would soon be able to reunite as father and daughter.

“Well, it’s been reduced by three years, plus the six years you’ve already served, that’s nine years, do the math, there’s one more year before you can see your dad.”

The old man seemed to be in a good mood too.

Wen Shuxu froze.

Ten years?

Didn’t he say fifteen years before? How did it suddenly become ten years? Could it be that she had misremembered?

Wen Shuxu was a bit confused, but soon, she wouldn’t think about it anymore, wasn’t ten years better? She can even see her dad now.

“Then …… can I go and meet him in the next two days? I …… I’ve been abroad for the past few years and I haven’t seen him, I think …… I’d like to see him.”

“Sure, you can go anytime you want, I’ll arrange it for you.”

The old man was quick to agree.

At this point, the atmosphere between the two finally eased and for the time being returned to the previous harmony.

“Did you …… wait for me here today to ask me about that incident that happened in the Sun family?”

Probably out of gratitude, Wen Shuxu, after drinking a few cups of tea, saw that this old man had not mentioned this topic, she struggled for a long time and finally, took the initiative to mention it.

But to her surprise, the old man actually shook his head.

“No, I am here, just to talk to tell your father about it, this matter you are talking about, I don’t want to care about it now, it’s Sijiu’s own matter, even he trusts you so much, I don’t need to get involved anymore.”

“Moreover, I also want to apologize for my own prejudice against you before, you are a good child, I have watched you grow up, what kind of person you are, I know better than anyone, that heart you have for Si Jue, I should not doubt it either, so, I should not be meddling in this matter now, but should beg you to forgive me this time, I wonder if you are willing? ”

This old man, surprisingly at the end of holding that cup of tea, face bitter also pleaded up Wen Shuxu.

Wen Shuxu was stunned!

He actually …… was pleading for her forgiveness?

He didn’t blame her, didn’t question her, instead he apologized to her for what happened before, to beg her forgiveness?

Wen Shuxu felt like she was dreaming.

But she couldn’t deny that after hearing this, her heart, which had been closed up by herself, those strong defenses that were set up for protection, began to slowly disintegrate.

“Don’t you say that, there are things that I …… did wrong.”

“But you have a heart that truly guards him, and that is enough.”

The old man left these words behind when he finally departed.

And it seems that, by this time, it was also he who had come to acknowledge the existence of Wen Shuxu as a person, in Huo Sijiu’s life, in the true sense of the word, and he had allowed her, for this lifetime, to guard him.

When Huo Siji heard the news and came back, the No.1 royal court was already calm and quiet.

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

It made the villa seem extraordinarily cold and desolate.

He paused, and suddenly there was a strong pang of discomfort in his heart.

Chapter 274

Then, without even changing his shoes, he went to the first floor, to the bedroom door that could be seen from the outside with a faint glimmer of light through it.

“You’re back?”

The moment the door was opened, the woman in the orange-lit bedroom, who was nestled on the tatami reading a book with her two children, looked up, her small, white and pretty face all bright and smiling.

She was so happy that he had returned?

Huo Siji felt in a good mood.

Standing outside the bedroom, he took off his shoes, then walked in with long legs, “Well, how’s Mo Bao? Is everything okay?”

“It’s fine, I think it’s a bad tummy, I heard Ruo Ruo say, that little aunt gave them a lot of imported carrion, carrion is very wet and needs to be refrigerated, eat too much cold.”

Wen Shuxu stood up from the tatami mats, ready to go down and make a snack for this person.

However, she had only just reached the door when the man who had touched his son by the bed to make sure he was okay, called out to her, “I’ve already eaten, it’s the company dinner today, the last day.”


Wen Shuxu then stopped and prepared to go on to spend time with her child.

The first thing you need to do is to go down and do it.

So now she didn’t feel anything when he said he wouldn’t let her do it.

But this evening she couldn’t stay with the children any longer because the man said she had to go up with him so he could see how she was hurt, not forgetting that she was still a wounded person too.

As a result, the children were left in the care of Sister Wang that night.

Wen Shuxu, on the other hand, stayed in this man’s bedroom again.

“You …… What kind of medicine is this? Why did you put it on me? So dizzy?”

“How should I know? I’m not a doctor, just go to bed and lie down if you’re dizzy.” Then the man threw the tube of medicine in his hand, and sent her to his bed again with a horizontal hug.

Wen Shuxu: “……”

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are looking for.

As for Huo Yin, don’t worry, the little one can’t wait.

The next day.

The first night, Wen Xuoxu slept well, but when she woke up this morning, she was in shock!

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you’re doing.

Her pupils trembled violently as she looked at the man she was hugging like an octopus, and early in the morning, her brain was stimulated more terribly than a ten magnitude earthquake and tsunami.

But, shaking and shaking, she saw the side of this man’s face and was immersed in his beauty again.

This guy, he was really good looking!

In the brightness sprinkled with golden light, his nose was high, his eyebrows were like feathers, and those eyes, which usually always exuded majesty and harshness, had collected his sharpness even after falling asleep at this time, presenting an extremely beautiful curvature, and those thick and slightly curled long eyelashes, like two rows of small fans, left a very beautiful shadow in his eye sockets, which was very beautiful.

“Have you seen enough?”

“Huh?” Wen Shuxu’s eyes snapped open as if she had been caught in the act of doing something bad.

And indeed, she was caught.

“Am I that good looking? My mouth is watering at the sight.”

Huo Sijiu, who had finally opened his eyes, lay over on his side and saw that the little fool was so frightened by himself that he couldn’t close his mouth, and his eyes, which were as clear and bright as a sweet spring, were even rounded, and he couldn’t help but laugh for a moment.

She was really stupid, wasn’t she, not even knowing that she had woken up long ago?

But he was in a good mood to see her like this.

“What were you thinking about?”

“…… Nothing…… nothing.” Wen Shuxu finally came back to her senses, all of a sudden, a hot immediately up behind her ears, she grabbed the blanket to hide.

However, it is already too late.

The first time she moved, the man who was wrapped around her like an octopus, the arm that had been pillowed by her, casually fished, and then confined her firmly in his arms.

Wen Shuxu’s breath hitched again at once.

“Sure it’s nothing? Don’t you want to kiss me again?”

“What …… what?!!!”

“Forgotten? Last night after I fell asleep, who kept hugging and kissing me, I didn’t want to, and had to kiss solidly before letting me go.”

The man who was close to the late feet, said these words lightly, as if stating an extremely ordinary matter.

But when Wen Shuxu heard this, it was as if a thunderbolt had suddenly been dropped on her brain, and after a “buzz”, she went completely blank!

She was kissing and hugging him?

How could she do that? She was not a pervert, how could she do that to him!

Unless, unless she thought he was a child!

Wen Shuxu suddenly thought of something extremely horrible, at once, after all the blood rushed to her head, she was imprisoned in his arms, there was nowhere to hide, that face instantly turned red.

“Come to think of it?”

“…… No, no, you listen to me explain, I may …… may have thought you were Ruo Ruo, and then …… then that was it. ” She hurriedly explained, the scarlet on that little face was almost like drops of blood.

But just then, the man suddenly had a tightening of his arm.