His Secret Lover Chapter 361-362

Chapter 361

“Little Leng, where are you taking Mister to?”

“Sister Wang, don’t worry, I’ll take him to the old man, right, you keep an eye on the two kids at home, don’t let them wander around, got it?”

Leng Xu repeatedly admonished Sister Wang when he left.

Things had developed to this point, the situation had become very serious indeed, because, what caused Huo Sijiu’s sudden situation at this juncture, was a bullet ah.

Leng Xu dragged Luo Yu along and left the shallow water bay.

When he left, he didn’t forget to cordon off the place heavily.

This day, the wind is really going to pick up ……

Wen Shuxu slept quite well this night.

She had forgotten how she got back, and once she woke up and saw the crystal lamp overhead and the white sheets on her body, she slowly recalled what happened last night.

So, she was in a hotel?

Did Huo Sijiu send her here?

Her heart warmed for no reason, and getting up from the bed, she was ready to go to the bathroom, but found at the end of the bed, there were two more paper bags, picking them up and looking at them, she actually found that inside were two brand new women’s outfits.

Is this ……?

“Ring ring ring ……”


“Hello, Miss, are you up? Would you like breakfast sent up to you now?”

It was actually the front desk of this hotel that purposely called up at this time to ask Wen Xuoxu if she wanted to send breakfast?

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

The hotel receptionist: “It’s the gentleman who sent you here last night, he ordered your breakfast for you this morning and paid for your room.”

Wen Shuxu: “……”

For a moment, his heart was complicated and he didn’t know what to say, so he stared at the two paper bags he happened to be holding in his hand and asked stupidly, “What about these two bags of clothes?”

“The same gentleman asked us to prepare them, Miss, may I send them up please?”

The receptionist asked politely again.

Only then did Wen Shuxu hurriedly agree, and then hung up the phone.

This man, actually so nice?

Not only did he send her to the hotel, but he also helped her make such thoughtful arrangements, it’s not even like him anymore.

Could it be that …… he didn’t have amnesia?

When Wen Shuxu went to the bathroom, such a thought suddenly popped up in her head by a ghost.

But soon, this thought was denied by her, because, she remembered the words he said to himself last night, he said, for the sake of the two children.

So, the fact that he was arranging this now did not rule out the same reason.

Besides, how could Luo Yu’s hypnosis technique fail?

Wen Shuxu finished her breakfast at the hotel and when she came out, it was almost ten o’clock.

The president of Huo’s was exposed to have a mental problem and killed his fiancee last night!”

“No way!”

Just as Wen Shuxu came out of the hotel and stood on the street ready to take a taxi, suddenly two girls who pa*sed by her, while holding their mobile phones, talked about it.

What were they talking about?

The president of the Huo family killed his fiancee?

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers. Who killed someone?”

“The president of the Huo Group? You …… haven’t you seen the news? It’s all butchered in the phone now ah.”

Those two girls were suddenly pulled by someone and were startled.

Luckily, after they finally looked clearly at a young girl as well, they turned their phones towards Wen Xuxu and gave her a look.

Wen XuXuXu’s eyes widened.

The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on a lot of things.

This is not possible, how can such news suddenly break out?


The result is that she fell into the ice cellar, the web page opened, the microblogging really this matter has been butchered version, hot search directly exploded, all over the world is about this man suspected of mental problems topic.

Why would this be the case?

What the hell is going on here? The actual fact is that you can’t get a good deal on your own.

The actual fact is that you can’t even hold the phone, shivering and tapping on the first page of the microblog that has hundreds of thousands of comments, she saw a video.

The video was really taken secretly in the shallow water bay.

All that could be seen was the not-so-clear image of a man with a very familiar figure in a brightly lit villa, dragging a woman backwards through the living room.


The woman’s harsh screams resembled that famous Western gory horror film.

Wen Shuxu closed her eyes for a moment, and the phone fell from her palm with a snap.

“Girl, are you okay? You dropped your phone.”

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

Wen Xuxu: “……”

How could she be fine?


The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public. [The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a lot of money for the purpose of the actual project.]

Chapter 362

She had to go and find out what was going on?

Half an hour later, Repulse Bay.

“What’s going on? Hasn’t Sir Huo come out yet?”

“That’s not bullsh*t, how could he possibly come out today? Can’t you see that there are heavily armed bodyguards behind that gate?”


How could one not expect that when Wen Shuxu came over, he would see that the outside of No. 1 Royal Court was full of reporters!

Those people, it seems, all want to catch this handful of fierce material, cars, heads, and all kinds of cameras, simply surrounded this place, even a fly just can not fly in.

The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get to the top of the list.

The actual fact is that you will be able to find out more about the actual actual person you’re looking for.

In the end, Wen Shuxu could only grit her teeth and give up on going in.

But if she doesn’t go in, then how will she come to inquire about the matter?

The first thing you need to remember is that you are like an ant on a hot nest.

The actual fact is that the actual people in the No. 1 royal court have seen her or something. Suddenly her phone rang.


“Mummy, it’s me, ooh~”

It was actually Mo Bao, who immediately cried on the phone as soon as he got through to his mommy.

When Wen Shu Shu heard that, he was immediately worried and his heart became even more anxious: “Mo Mo, don’t cry, mommy is here, tell mommy quickly, what is going on inside now? The first thing you need to do is to tell me what’s going on inside. And, where is brother? How are you all doing now?”

“Wooo~~ Mommy, daddy was taken away by Uncle Leng, me and my brother …… are here, Mommy, it’s so scary, daddy is going to kill Auntie Luo ……”

The child, who was only five years old, was still in shock because he witnessed the horrible scene, and to this day, he spoke with a crying voice.

When Wen Shuxu heard this, it was like a bolt from the blue again!

She didn’t believe what was said on the internet, but now that she heard it from her own son’s mouth, she had to start to face up to the truth of the matter.

He really wanted to kill Luo Yu.


Wen Shuxu’s hands and feet were all cold, for a while, before she forced herself to calm down, and then continued to communicate properly with the child on the phone.

“Mo Bao good, don’t be afraid, daddy may …… just be sick, so, can you tell mommy what is happening? Don’t worry, Mommy is a doctor and knows what’s going on in order to save Daddy.”


“Of course it’s true, like this, you let brother talk to mummy, okay?”

Wen Shuxu had already heard that this little son was frightened and distracted, so he coaxed him to give the phone to his older son Huo Yin, who was a little more mature and stable in mind.

Sure enough, a few moments later, Huo Yin, who had gotten the phone, rather calmly told his mommy about the whole thing last night.

“Mummy, it was that woman, she was the culprit that caused Daddy’s illness!” After elaborating on this matter, Huo Yin cried out and identified Luo Yu as the culprit in this matter without hesitation.

Indeed, in this matter, Luo Yu was unforgivable!

Wen Shuxu held the phone and after comforting her two sons properly on the phone, she hung up the phone and immediately took the car to leave.

If it is Lengxu who takes away the words, then there is still no need to worry about the safety issue, according to her judgment, he will definitely take this person to the old mansion, looking for the old man.

Wen Shuxu directly took a taxi to the Huo family old mansion.

Sure enough, after arriving here, she saw the familiar black Bentley.

However, when she was about to go in, she was stopped.

“I’ll just go in and take a look at him.”

“No need, Miss Wen, the master has said that he won’t see anyone during this time, and, Miss Wen, even if you go in, it’s useless, don’t you think so?”

The person stopping her was none other than He Tingyu, the housekeeper who had been staying by the old master’s side.

Ever since Wen Xuxu knew all the truth and broke up with the Huo family, with the master regretting what he had done back then, this man’s attitude towards Wen Xuxu, had also improved a lot.

However, he still didn’t let Wen Xuxu in at this time.

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

And at the same time she left, she saw a white BMW coming from opposite her, she glanced at the corner of her eye, just right, and saw clearly the people inside, it was the Luo family.

Luo Yu!!!

Her pupils instantly shrank and she directly asked the driver to stop this car.

“What are you doing?”

When she saw her car being stopped, Luo Yu, who was driving the car, immediately shook down the gla*s and poked her head out from inside and cursed.

When Wen Shuxu saw this, she rushed to her with one quick step: “Get down!”

The woman’s ears were filled with the words, and her hands immediately reached for her door handle, trying to force open her door.

Luo Yu panicked then.

“Are you sick, who told you to come here to spill your guts? Go to the hospital earlier if you’re sick!” She scolded, and her foot stepped on the gas directly.

Wen Shuxu: “……”

Fortunately, at this time He Tingyu also came over, and after seeing this scene, immediately grabbed her arm and dragged her over.

Otherwise, she might have been run over directly by this woman.