His Secret Lover Chapter 385-386

Chapter 385

“Ken, I’m …… afternoon …… afternoon”

“Finally found out? What are you doing in my room for a good reason? Cause I can’t even sleep in my own bed!”

Wen Jin, who was still sitting at the small table, really immediately questioned very relentlessly.

The actual fact is that you will be able to get a lot more than just a few of these.

The little palm-sized face of Wen Shuxu immediately turned red!

The actual fact is, she doesn’t know what’s going on, she originally just came over to take a look. The first thing that happened was that he said he was sick, so she wanted to feel his forehead, but he pressed her down on the bed.

He pressed it first, didn’t he?

Then she fell asleep.

Wen Shuxu was embarra*sed and stole a glance at the man and found that the man had a cold expression and a look in his eyes, and he didn’t seem to remember what he had done at all.

Suddenly, a hint of loss was born again in her heart seeing ghosts.

“I …… didn’t, I heard you were sick at the time, then I watched over you at the edge of your bed for a while, then somehow I fell asleep, not on purpose.”

Wen Shuxu told a lie.

He didn’t remember anything anyway, so it didn’t matter what she said.

As expected, after she finished, he only lifted his eyes and swept a glance at her behind those heavy lenses, and then he didn’t move any further.

Wen Shuxu took a deep breath.

The actual fact is that you’ll be able to get a lot more than just a few of these.

The actual fact is that you will be able to get a lot more than just a few of the most popular and most popular items.

The actual fact is that you can’t go away tonight, it’s better to take a good rest and leave again tomorrow.

Wen Shuxu sat down at the table.

She had expected Wen Jin next door to come over here soon to eat together, but she had finished her bowl of soup and there was still no movement at the door.

What was wrong with this brat? Not eating?

She could only get up again and ran to the door on one foot: “Wen Jin? Why haven’t you come over to eat? Aren’t you hungry?”

No sound.

The guy’s room, once again, was like the afternoon, shouting for days and days, but there was no movement.

Brat, love to eat or not!

The actual fact is that you’ll be able to get a lot more than just a few of these.

The first thing you need to do is to save one for him.

However, she didn’t know that Wen Jin wasn’t even in the room at this time.

This time, he had really left.

“President, all arrangements have been made, before midnight, Yan He will definitely be able to return to your room, when Miss Wen opens the door and sees him, she will not suspect.”

The city, which had experienced several terrorist attacks during the day, still had fires appearing from time to time late into the night. In the air, too, there was a smell of smoke that had not yet dissipated.

Even the sound of people choking with grief could be faintly heard.

Wen Jin did not say a word.

He then did not remove his disguise, his body was still a dark blue hooded sweatshirt, and his feet were casual trousers and sneakers. If it wasn’t for the eyes hidden behind the lenses, the sight that shot out at this time was the harshness and coldness of a mature man.

At this moment, he was really no different from a college student.

“Keep an eye on her!”

He finally left only these few words, then got into his car and quickly disappeared into the vast night.

Ten or so minutes later, a black car pulled up in front of the hotel.

“Excuse me, but is there a lady called Nancy staying here? I’m her friend, is it convenient to tell me which room she’s staying in?”

“Sorry, this is the guest’s privacy, we are not at liberty to provide it.”

The hotel was still quite principled, and when they saw this woman inquiring about their guest as soon as she came in, they immediately refused.

But to their surprise, the woman listened and then smiled and took out her business card, “It’s okay, just tell her that my name is Zhong Evening and she will know.”

Hotel staff: “……”

It didn’t seem like it would be much of a phone call to confirm the identity.

Finally, they picked up the phone and dialed the internal line of Wen Shuxu’s room.


“Miss Nancy? Excuse me, do you have a friend named Zhong Evening?”

Zhong Evening?

Wen Shuxu, who was eating in the room upstairs, was surprised to hear this name: “Yes, why?”

The hotel staff: “She is looking for you, she is downstairs in the lobby of the hotel, do you want to come down to her? Or should we let her go up?”

Wen Shuxu: “Ah ……”

She was so shocked!

Zhong Evening would actually come here? What the hell?

Could it be that she also had something to come over?

Wen Shuxu’s brain was a bit confused for a moment, but, what could not be denied was that she was still very happy to meet her best bestie in this kind of place.

“Good, then you can let her come up, my foot is injured and it’s not too convenient. ” She excitedly asked the hotel staff to bring Zhong Evening.

O Zhong Evening.

She hadn’t seen her in a really long time.

But a few minutes later, to her utter depression, Zhong Evening didn’t come up, but the guy who lived next door to her and who she hadn’t even bothered to call earlier, appeared at the door.

“Wen Jin? You’ve finally come out? You know you’re hungry?”

Chapter 386

She stared at the guy and opened her mouth to complain.

But Wen Jin simply ignored her.

He looked extremely pale, like who owed him tens of millions, kicked open the door behind her, stuck his hands in the pockets of that blue bodysuit, lifted his feet and went in.

Wen Shuxu: “……”

This guy, really getting rude.

She could only give up and then stood at the door, still waiting for Zhong Evening.

“What are you still standing there for?”

“I’m waiting for someone, your sister Zhong Evening is here, and she’s downstairs.” Wen Shuxu couldn’t suppress her happiness again and replied towards the room.

Who knows, just as her words fell, the boy who had already gone in, actually came out again. When he saw her standing still in the doorway, he directly reached out and picked her up by the back of her collar.

“Ah …… Wen Jin, what are you doing? Let go!”

“Let go of what? You’re scared out of your mind, aren’t you? How could Zhong Evening come over to a place like this?”

The face of Wen Jin who lifted her in was even worse, sinewy and gloomy, he wanted to immediately pack up this stupid as a pig woman and throw her straight back to the M country.

Don’t you have any brains? You believe everything people say!

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what’s going on.

“Zhong Evening came to look for you and wouldn’t call your mobile phone? Have you blacked her out or deleted her? She had to come to you through the hotel receptionist?”


Wen Shuxu stared blankly at this younger brother, and finally, she couldn’t say anything.

Yes, when Zhong Evening came, why didn’t he call her mobile phone? The two of them had a relationship, so much so that they were still going through a hotel receptionist?

Wen Shuxu finally felt a chill run down her back!

“So …… if it’s not Zhong Evening, who is it again?”

“Who knows, maybe it’s the ones who specialize in abducting ignorant women like you, they pretend to be your friends and relatives, then trick you down, and when they see it, they knock you out and take away to dig up your heart, liver and kidneys.”

Suddenly, this person came to a burst of viciousness, after seeing Wen Shuxu blush, he carried her to the dining table while describing the horror of that human trafficking in a very vicious way.

Wen Shuxu was instantly creeped out.

“You shut up!”

“Don’t be in a hurry, we haven’t finished yet, there’s even more horrible ones, if you get sold to ……”

“Shut up shut up!!! You’ve turned against me, haven’t you? I’m not sure if I’ll slap you to death.”

Wen Shuxu finally got angry and jumped up and jumped on him and covered his mouth so that he couldn’t say another word.

Wen Jin: “……”

For just a moment, his pupils saw this woman who was so frightened by him that her entire body was almost hanging on him, and finally, a bit of laughter crossed out inside.

Although it was fleeting, it was much softer in the end.

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you’re getting into.






“Ken, we …… must leave this hellhole in the morning, okay?”

“Mmm ……”

Wen Jin, who was already lying down in the sofa, agreed with this.

If he didn’t return, he would be in trouble too.

A quiet night.

The next morning, when Wen Xuxu woke up, Wen Jin was already up, he was packing his bags, and there were a few simple breakfast items on the table.

Wen Shuxu immediately got up from the bed: “Good morning, Xiao Jin, you …… are packing your bags, have the tickets been booked?”

The moment she woke up, she was still thinking about this matter.

The first thing you need to do is to get up and wash up and have something to eat.”


The two of you are going to be the first to be able to get to the bathroom.

Half an hour later, the two finally set off.

However, what made Wen Shuxu feel a little strange was that when this brother brought her the tickets, there was actually only one.

“This is yours, take it.”

“Huh? What about yours? Give it to me together, when we get to the airport, I’ll go through the formalities together.” Wen Shuxu naturally proposed to him to take the two tickets together.

This is the way it should be, two people travelling together, one responsible for watching the luggage and the other for the formalities.

But on this day, this brother of hers did not meet her again after boarding the plane.

The reason: when booking the tickets, the two tickets that she had managed to grab were not in the same position, one was in first cla*s and one was only in economy cla*s.

So, Wen Jin ended up going to economy cla*s.

Wen Shuxu, on the other hand, stayed in first cla*s.

What’s this all about?

Wen Xuxu was very upset and wanted to say that she would swap her first cla*s seat with someone else, so that the two siblings could sit together.

But Wen Jin still refused.

“You sit well in there, don’t go around when you’re injured, I’m not with you, you …… have to remember to take care of yourself.”

He sent her to the first cla*s seat and admonished.