His Secret Lover Chapter 399-400

Chapter 399

“Look what a hellhole this is! How dare you go in there?”

Wen Shuxu: “……”

also looked extremely pale.

The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who have been in the business for a long time.

The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who have been in the business for a long time.

The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who have been in the business for a long time.

“Is this a new arrival from the Golden Gate of Joy?”

“It seems to be, this variety, it’s really a sight to behold, it’s much better than the vulgar ones here.”

“No, hurry up and ask the boss.”

Then these men who were staring at Wen Xuoxu and wanted to strip her clean immediately, immediately went to find the boss of the place.

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.


The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people in the world who have been in the entertainment industry.

What kind of place is showbiz?

It’s a place where women pile up, and in order to make a name for themselves, they put all their efforts into dressing up.

The actual fact is that you will be able to get a lot more than just a few of these.

Wen Shuxu went in and it didn’t take long for her to find that private room.

“Mr. Liang, I’m coming over.”

The dimly lit private room was filled with a heavy smell of alcohol, and the atmosphere was particularly uncomfortable. After Wen Shuxu pushed the door in, she saw several other dainty women in the sofa at a glance.

At this moment, they were sticking to the man beside them like water snakes.

“It’s Xiao Wen ah, come come come, quickly I’ll introduce you, this is Mr. Wang, our famous business man here.”

The Kerry boss, surnamed Liang, heard her voice and looked up, and his eyes immediately lit up.

This girl, after dressing up a bit, was really pretty.

That Mr. Wang also looked over, and when he saw the girl who pushed the door in, a pearl white bustier and waist pinching short dress, trimmed her figure tall and delicate, with fair skin, delicate features, and those watery almond eyes, more like a sweet spring full of light.

He immediately even straightened his eyes!

Where did this yu-thing come from? Was this a real person?

This Mr. Wang immediately pushed the woman beside him away.

Wen Shuxu saw it and immediately, a hint of disgust arose in his heart.

“Mr. Wang ……”

“Little beauty, come come come, let me take a good look, tsk, old Liang, where did you find this from? This one is much better than these crooked girls of theirs.”

Never thought that this lewd man would immediately pounce towards Wen Xuoxu with filthy words spewing from his mouth.

Wen Xuoxu’s face immediately changed and she stepped back.

“What for what? Mr. Liang, this is your so-called guest? Are you looking for death?” At the critical moment, Chi Yu stepped in front of Wen Shuxu and raised his foot to give this fat-headed, pig-eared beast a kick.

The man surnamed Liang saw this and hurried over to pull the man surnamed Wang back.

“Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang, you misunderstood, this is not the young lady here, her surname is Wen, she is a friend of mine, today also I asked her to come over to play.”


The last name of Wang heard, resentful look at Wen Xuxu glance, had to put the heart of the yu fire temporarily with suppressed.

Wen Shuxu could not stay for a moment at this point in time.

The actual fact is that the actual people that the surname Liang let her to take care of, actually will be such a disgusting person, she really wants to vomit when she looks at it.

But she thought about the Wen family, and in the end, she still endured it.

“Mr. Wang, yes, I am a friend of Mr. Liang, I heard that Mr. Wang is a big businessman, can you give our Mr. Liang a chance? Carey’s company is still good.”

“So you’re here to be a lobbyist.”

This cross-faced guy actually saw through Wen Shuxu’s intentions right away.

The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

“Like what?”

“For example, if you work with him, I can get your company to sell the futures that you’ve been sitting there unable to get out, and also, the bonds you’ve brought from other companies, are you simply unable to get the money now? If you want to cooperate, I can get it back for you as well.”

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

The face of the man named Wang changed.

What he had in his hands, this little girl actually knew so well?

No, that was not the point, what was important was that she actually said that she could fix all of this, on what grounds did she?

The man was finally starting to look squarely at this little girl who looked no more than in her early twenties in age.

“You’re not bragging, are you? I have not been able to solve all these things with so many senior people, what can you, a little girl, do with them?”

“Just take the fact that I once worked under Linn on Wall Street for six months, then I created more than one billion orders for him, Mr. Wang, do you think that’s enough?”


In this private room, there was finally complete silence.

Chapter 400

Wen Xuxu finally succeeded in taking down this Mr. Wang for Kerry.

The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

This is a surprise, really came unexpectedly ah.

Wen Shuxu was excited, at that moment, she took the initiative to these two bosses to pick up a gla*s of wine: “Mr. Wang, Mr. Liang, come, I toast you!”

“Good, good, come, drink.”

Having negotiated business and with a beautiful woman in front of them, how could these two people, who had come here looking for a quickie, refuse?

At that moment, these few people had a good time drinking in this private room.

The first thing you need to do is to get the best out of it.


As a result, the door was kicked open and the people in the private room with gla*ses of wine stared at him in unison, all staring at each other with wide eyes.

What’s the rhythm?

How come this ancestor suddenly came here?

Wen Shuxu’s mind went blank for a second.

The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who have been in the business for a long time, and you can’t even get to know them.

Boy, what a coincidence! This grandfather also happened to be here to talk business?

The room was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop on the floor.

“Who is he? Who let him in? A waiter? A waiter? How do you watch the place? Don’t you want to do business anymore? Letting in anyone and everyone.”

The president came to his senses first, and immediately, he cursed out loud.

Wen Shuxu had a jolt.

At last, her consciousness returned.

However, at this time, it was already too late, only to see the man who kicked in the door, after the ink pupils that originally came with worry and eagerness had fiercely shrunk.

Scarlet instantly stained the inside as he turned and walked away!


Wen Shuxu couldn’t think of anything else, throwing the gla*s of wine in her hand, she chased out with her skirt: “Huo Sijiu, wait for me, Huo Sijiu ……”

She ran faster than at any other time.

But she was fast, and the man walking away in front of her was even faster.

The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get rid of a lot of things that they hate and hate.

When Wen Shuxu saw this, she was completely anxious.

“Huo Sijiu, listen to my explanation, things are not what you think.” She simply even took off her high heels, just in case she couldn’t catch up with him and let him run away from her eyes.

This was something she had definitely not expected.

The other day, he had really been too cold to her, so cold that even the heat in her heart had been extinguished a little by him, and she could no longer warm up.

So, that kick just now really struck her like a thunderbolt.

Did he think he was going to be bullied? That was why he had appeared at this time. So, these days, although he was outwardly indifferent to her, he had in fact been secretly watching out for her.

In fact, he had been watching her secretly, had he not?

Just like she did in M. Although they broke up and she said the harshest words to him, he had always arranged for someone to be by her side.

The first thing you need to do is to get to the door of the nightclub, and in her haste, she increased her pace and came down the stairs.

But unexpectedly, the dress that Chi Yu bought for her was too long, especially when she took off her high heels.

As a result, she did not land on her feet, but stepped on the hem of the skirt of the dress, and suddenly, her body swayed and she fell down from above.

“Wen Shuxu!”

In a flash, Chi Yu, who had also followed behind, shouted in shock.

This woman, is she crazy? If she left, she left, what was she chasing after? Had she forgotten what he had done to her?

The pale Chi Yu ran down the stairs as fast as she could.

At that moment, all the people in the club who were having fun stopped and looked at the stairs in surprise.

Chi Yu ran over and picked up the girl who had fallen down the stairs: “How is it? Are you alright? Where did you fall? Ah?”

He was very anxious, because the stairs were not short, and although she had just gone down to the general, she would not be in a better condition if she had fallen down with such a lunge.

But what made Chi Yu so angry was this!

This fool, she was helped up, and she did see injuries on her palms and her face, but once she got up, her red eyes, filled with tears, were not looking at her injuries.

Rather, she continued to look blearily at the door of this nightclub: “He’s gone ……”

Chi Yu: “……”

I was about to scold her severely.

But at that moment, at the entrance, a straight and long figure came back to stand there.

“Ah! Look, look, he’s back, Huo Siji, Huo Siji, don’t go, listen to my explanation.”

In a flash, the girl who had just been a tear snapping down, immediately seemed to come back to life, she smiled happily and was about to get up from the ground.

But alas, only as soon as she moved, a pain shot through her body where she had been injured and the person slumped back down.

“Well ……”

“What are you moving for? Don’t you know what the hell you look like?” Chi Yu broke into another scolding.

Wen Xuxu did not say anything, but those pearly clear eyes were looking at the man at the door with resignation. Until he finally stepped away from his long legs and took another step to her side.