I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 885

“Save me?” The man snorted, unimpressed by the woman’s words, “I’m not in danger, what are you saving me for?”

The woman was about to die of exasperation at the man’s stupidity.

“Of course I’m saving your dog’s life!” The woman was trembling with anger, “Aren’t you afraid that the people in the car won’t be happy if you take a video?”

The man waved his hand, smiling heartlessly, “What are you afraid of? They’ll come out and get me if they can, but will they dare to?”

The man glanced disdainfully at the gla*s of the pa*senger window.

Rongshu just happened to meet this glance from the man, and instantly, her body tensed up again.

Because she felt as if the man could really see her.

Even though Fu Jingting had already said that the people outside could not see or hear her.

But in her heart, she was still always at ease.

After all, she could see clearly outside, which always made her feel in her heart that the people outside, could also see her, causing the shame in her heart to skyrocket.

This time, Rongshu’s nervousness caused Fu Jingting to suffer again.

Originally, Rongshu’s body had gradually relaxed, and he was not feeling so uncomfortable anymore.

But when the people outside suddenly came close to the car gla*s and startled Rong Shu, he naturally fell into that pain again.

These two people outside, wait for him!

Fu Jingting narrowed his eyes, his eyes cold and gloomy as he stared at the man and woman outside.

The man was closest to the car and shivered coldly, feeling furtive inside.

Strange, why did he feel like he was being watched?

Was it an illusion?

The woman was fine, she didn’t feel anything, but she listened to the man’s provocation of the people inside the car and drew another cold breath, almost fainting.

But she held it in, she took a deep breath and pushed down the fear in her heart before she reached out, grabbing the man by the ear, “Open your dog eyes and show me if I’m saving you or not! If you’re going to die, don’t take me with you!”

With that, the woman pulled the man by the ear and led him towards the back of the Maybach.

The man shouted in pain as he struggled, “Crazy woman, how dare you pull my ear, you”

Before he could finish his sentence, the woman held his head down in front of the licence plate of the Maybach, “Open your eyes, look at it and see what it means!”

The man’s face was caught unawares and the plate’s contents were naturally reflected in the man’s eyes.

Although the man was cynical, he was not a fool and could naturally see the meaning of the plate in front of him.

At once, the man’s face changed in shock and he stood up straight and stepped back, “This”

The man looked at the license plate, his mouth opened and he was already speechless with surprise.

How could this license plate appear here?

And the person in this car was

The man looked up in horror at the position of the Maybach’s carriage.

He couldn’t see inside the carriage, but just because he couldn’t see it, he was all the more frightened inside.

For he did not know which of the bigwigs was inside.

But whichever one it was, he felt that it was not for him to mess with.

And as the Maybach was no longer swaying at the moment, it was clear that the people inside already knew they were outside, and had probably even seen everything they were doing and heard everything they were saying.

Hadn’t the people inside, then, already started to hold a grudge against them?

At the thought, the man swallowed, cold sweat filling the corners of his forehead and fear written all over his face, “Baby, what should we do?”

He twisted his head stiffly and looked at the woman beside him.

The woman bit her lip and looked at him indignantly, “Who am I to ask if you ask me? It’s all because of you, you had to film, now you’re in trouble!”

As she spoke, the woman’s eyes were red, obviously scared and about to cry.

The man also shrank back and muttered in a low voice “I don’t know, who would have thought such a big shot would come to our place?”

If the owner of the car had been a property owner like them, they would not have been afraid.

After all, the people who lived here were all of similar status.

When the woman heard the man’s words, she was so angry that she stomped her foot, but she didn’t know what to say.

The city is one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world, and it is not too much to say that every inch of land is gold, so there are especially many bigwigs.

The people who live here are not the richest, but they are definitely rich compared to ordinary people.

So naturally, they have a lot more insight than ordinary people and know a lot of things, such as car license plates.

The license plates of the big shots in the city of Hai were all rather special, especially the biggest ones, which all had a single number.

She didn’t know who the owner of this plate with all nines was, but she knew that this person must be one of the biggest few bigwigs.

If they dared to take a video of the big brother and send it out, she could guarantee that they would never see the sun tomorrow.

It was too easy for these bigwigs to make a person disappear.

The more she thought about it, the more fearful she became, and the woman’s body began to shake.

But the fact that she had spotted the license plate before the man was proof enough that she was far more attentive and sensible than the man.

She bit her lower lip, squeezed her palms and finally pulled the man to the direction outside the pa*senger side, “Quick, whether the big guy originally forgives or not, it’s always right to apologise first.”

Maybe if they apologised, maybe the big man would let them off the hook?

The man thought it made sense and then joined the woman, bending in unison and bowing, a ninety-degree bow, with a very standard posture and looking very sincere.

The two men hastily apologised, hoping to gain forgiveness.

And said that the video they had already deleted, there was absolutely no chance of it being sent out.

In the car, Fu Jingting was already uncomfortably pinned down, with sweat pouring out of his temples.

It was not easy for Rongshu to relax.

He knew that as long as the two people outside didn’t leave, she couldn’t really relax.

Taking a deep breath, Fu Jingting suppressed the violent emotions in his heart and pressed a button on the car with his backhand.

Then Rongshu heard a sound coming from overhead.

She glanced up and saw that the sunroof was open.

In a flash, she blushed in horror.

He was crazy!

To actually open the skylight!

Although it was only open by a crack, wasn’t he afraid that the people outside would jump right onto the front hood of the car and look down through the sunroof?

Rongshu was so nervous that her nails were embedded in the flesh of Fu Jingting’s arm.

Just as she was about to tell Fu Jingting to hurry up and close the sunroof, Fu Jingting spoke up, his hoarse voice carrying a hidden uncomfortable sound, and he angrily yelled, “Get out!

When the people outside heard Fu Jingting’s roar, they both shivered in fear, knowing that the people in the car had spared them for the time being, they looked at each other, then hurriedly ran away and left this place of right and wrong.

With the people outside gone, Fu Jingting closed the sunroof again, looked down at the woman who was still a bit nervous, gently touched her face and coaxed, “Be good, the people have left, relax.”

Rongshu’s face, which had been white with fear, now burst into red again.

She glared angrily at the man on top of her, “Serves you right, who told you to be here, I told you there would be people pa*sing by, but you wouldn’t listen.”

She had just been so scared that her soul had almost flown away.

It was all his fault!

Although she thought so, Rong Shu was still soft-hearted and gradually adjusted her mind and relaxed her body, otherwise she would still be the one to suffer in the future, wouldn’t she?

Blah blah blah, what were you thinking?