I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 891

This man, he was a real tease!

“Why are you embarra*sed?” Fu Jingting didn’t know what Rong Shu was thinking, and as he watched her cheeks flush, his eyes darkened, resisting the urge to take a bite.

Rongshu continued to glare at him, “What do you think? At my age, aren’t you embarra*sed to call me that?”

If she were a child, or just in her early twenties.

If he had called her that, then she would probably have been a little more receptive.

Now, although she was happy and sweet to hear it in her heart, she still felt more or less embarra*sed to the point where her toes were gripping the ground.

Fu Jingting laughed lightly, “What is there to be embarra*sed about? Also, are you old enough for this? If you are older, then what am I? Anyway, don’t think nonsense, I’m calling you like this because I want to call you like this, no matter how old you are, even if you’re gray-haired, you’re still my baby when you’re with me.”

As he spoke, he gently took her in his arms, “The name baby is not based on how old you are, but on how much you are valued, I value you in my heart and love you, so you will always be a baby.”

These words of love made Rong Shu blush even more, and her heart beat even faster.

It would be a lie to say that she was not touched and flattered.

There was no woman who did not want to be a baby.

And when someone was willing to treat her like a baby, she should indeed be happy.

Rongshu raised her hand and also hugged Fu Jingting back, slightly closing her eyes and smiling, “You only know how to say these words to coax me, I am afraid that if this continues, sooner or later, I will be so coaxed by you that I can’t tell the difference.”

“Then don’t get divided.” Fu Jingting stroked the soft hair on the back of her head, “Because I will always hold your hand, you won’t get lost.”

“Then you can do what you say.” Rongshu looked up at him.

Fu Jingting nodded his head, “Of course.”

Rongshu didn’t speak anymore, but wrapped her arms tighter around his strong waist.

Fu Jingting stroked her hair and occasionally kissed the top of her hair, “By the way, why did Madam Lu call us over for dinner?”

He could understand calling her alone.

But calling on him, he was a bit puzzled.

Rongshu slightly closed her eyes and leaned into Fu Jingting’s arms, “Auntie mother and my mother are bosom friends and treat me very well, almost better than even my mother treats me, so although I call her Auntie, she is almost my mother, so now that she knows we are back together, she wants to meet you.”

As soon as these words came out, for some reason, Fu Jingting obviously felt himself tense up.

Mrs. Lu treated Rong Shu as her daughter, so if she wanted to see him, wouldn’t it be like a mother-in-law meeting her son-in-law?

“Must we meet?” Fu Jingting’s throat slid slightly, his voice a little hoarse as he asked.

Feeling his body tense a little, Rongshu opened her eyes and got up from his embrace, looking at him, “You don’t want to see?”

“No.” Fu Jingting shook his head for a while before making a sound, “I’ve never met the parents, so”

When he first married her, Rong Hao was still alive.

It was only because at that time, he had been hypnotised and firmly believed that she was holding grace to make him have to agree to get married, so his heart was full of ill feelings towards her.

Therefore, he naturally had no good feelings towards Rong Hao either. Before she proposed the marriage, she asked him to go with her to meet Rong Hao, but he didn’t even go and refused outright.

But he didn’t want that refusal to be a permanent goodbye.

He had never met his parents-in-law in the true sense of the word, and although he had gone with her once to pay his respects, there was still a sense of regret in his heart after all.

The heavier this regret was, the more he hated Gu Manyin, a woman.

If it wasn’t for Gu Manyin, he and Little Yezi wouldn’t have gone through so much to be together, and he wouldn’t have let Little Yezi lose her only father.

If he hadn’t been hypnotised, he would have been with Little Yezi a long time ago, and how could he have watched Tian Sheng in trouble and not helped?

So he was guilty, but Gu Manyin deserved to die even more!

And now, Rongshu’s parents are gone, her real parents.

Forget about it.

Rongshu now considered Lu Qi’s parents as her parents, so naturally, Lu Qi’s parents were also his parents-in-law.

He had not had the opportunity to meet and spend time with his parents-in-law in the past, but now that he had, he did not know how to get along with them and what kind of attitude he should use to face them.

He had been in a position of authority for many years, and apart from Rongshu and his grandmother, and Wang Shuqin, he had an arrogant attitude towards everyone else.

After all, his status, his position was there, and he could do so, so he never felt that there was anything wrong with his attitude towards others, nor would others feel anything wrong either.

But now, he was going to meet the Lu family couple who were treated as his parents by Rong Shu, then obviously, he couldn’t be as cold and arrogant in his attitude as he was with the others, after all, they would be considered his parents-in-law in the future.

It was just a matter of what kind of attitude he should use that eluded him.

In the past, during the time he was hypnotised, the Gu family couple were also considered his in-laws, and by definition, he had had experience with them.

It was just that at that time, he did not like the Gu family couple in his heart.

Yes, disliked.

He had been hypnotised, and hypnosis made him think that he loved Gu Manyin, so his feelings towards other people, however, were still normal. He knew what kind of people the Gu family couple really were, so he disliked the Gu family couple from the bottom of his heart, but for the sake of Gu Manyin, he only treated the Gu family slightly better, but in the actual process of getting along, his attitude towards the Gu family couple was still more or less condescending.

The Gu Yaotian couple themselves were clear about this and disliked it, but they did not dare to say anything because of his status.

In this way, he got along with Gu Yaotian and his wife not so much as son-in-law, but rather as seniors and juniors in a shopping mall, and the kind of juniors who overpowered their seniors.

So, when he said he had never gotten along with his parents-in-law, he wasn’t lying. After all, getting along with Gu Yaotian and his wife didn’t seem like the way parents-in-law and son-in-law should get along.

But now it was different, he was going to meet people whom Rong Shu regarded as her parents, Rong Shu cared for them and he had no ill feelings towards them, so naturally, he could not treat them with the same attitude as the opposite Gu Yaotian couple and outsiders, but as a son-in-law.

It was just that how a son-in-law should actually treat his own father-in-law and mother-in-law, he was completely unclear and had no clue ah.

The more he thought about it, the more irritated he became, and Fu Jingting’s thin lips were pursed into a straight line.

Rongshu saw that he was a little nervous, as if she had seen something rare, her mouth opened wide in surprise, “No Jingting, are you nervous about meeting your aunts and uncles tomorrow?”

With his heart being in the right place, Fu Jingting looked very tense, “No.”

He refused to admit it.

Rongshu squeezed his arm, hard as iron, crying and laughing, “Come on, don’t talk tough, it’s strange that you’re not still nervous, look at your face, it’s all gloomy.”

She reached out her finger and gently poked the man’s cheek.

The man grabbed her finger, “Stop it.”

“Fine, fine, I won’t make a scene.” Rongshu looked at him with a smile on her face and allowed him to grab her finger down.

Where was she not clear that he was indeed on edge?

It was amazing to say the least, that a man who was so powerful that he didn’t put it in anyone’s eyes would actually be nervous one day, or only after she had finished going to meet the people she took as her parents.

Apparently, Fu Jingting looks exactly like those men who are meeting the woman’s parents for the first time.

And this wasn’t even the parents who had raised her.

If Fu Jingting really went to meet her parents, wouldn’t he be even more nervous?