I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 906

Listening to the man’s words, Rongshu nodded understandingly, “That’s good, no matter what, you still have us by your side, we won’t treat you as anyone’s replacement, so you mustn’t think too much about it, understand?”

She looked at him.

Looking at the woman’s serious look, Fu Jingting’s heart was warm, he touched the woman’s soft cheek and said softly “Okay, I understand.”

“That’s fine, so will you still be sad and upset?” Rongshu put her hand on the back of his hand stroking her cheek and asked.

Fu Jingting shook his head, “Not sad, and not sad anymore, because as you said, I have you by my side.”

He was just pained, angry and sad when he initially knew that he was actually a stand-in for Su Cheng that his mother had groomed.

Because that’s his mother.

But later, after the anger pa*sed, he gradually calmed down.

He began to understand that although his mother had used him as a double, she had pa*sed away almost twenty years ago.

He didn’t need to bother with someone who had been dead for so long.

But he couldn’t get out of it, so he could only take all this anger and shame and put it all on Su Cheng.

No matter if Su Cheng knew that he was a double, even if he didn’t, he would not let Su Cheng go.

If something was wrong, someone had to take the blame, and since his mother had pa*sed away, the person who should take the blame should naturally be Su Cheng.

After he understood this, his anger lessened and the violence in his heart was gradually collected.

Even if he didn’t think about it, he wouldn’t stay angry and would quickly compose himself.

He could not let Rongshu keep worrying about him, and his anger, too, would scare her and upset her.

What’s more, she had also been comforting him, and he could not let her down with her worry and comfort.

With this in mind, Fu Jingting’s touch on Rongshu became even gentler, his hand lingering on her face as if he wanted to trace the contours of her face.

Rong Shu’s face was tickled by her touch, so she directly grabbed his wrist and took his hand away from her face, “Well, since it’s okay now, let’s eat first, it’s already past noon, I’m hungry, you’re probably hungry too, right?”

Fu Jingting did not answer whether he was hungry or not, hearing that she was hungry, he pulled her and hurried towards the kitchen, “I’ll go and cook for you.”

“Wait.” When Rongshu saw him in a hurry, she cried and laughed as she pulled him back.

Fu Jingting stopped and looked back at her, “What’s wrong?”

“You don’t need to cook, I’ve done it all.” Rongshu tugged at the apron on her body.

Only then did Fu Jingting realise that she was still wearing this.

After opening the door and seeing her just now, his attention had been on her face and he hadn’t really noticed that she was wearing this.

Rongshu put down her apron, “I’ve made a lot of dishes that you love, you can eat more later, I made them especially for you.”

“Specially made for me?” Fu Jingting’s eyes visibly lit up.

Rongshu nodded and gave a hint, “Of course, when a certain man gets angry and sad, I have to coax him and cook some dishes he loves for him?”

Fu Jingting understood, she cooked for him, saying that she wanted him to pull himself together, not to lose his mind or even self-doubt and give up on himself just because he knew this cruel truth.

As he thought about it, Fu Jingting once again took a fierce hand and hugged Rong Shu tightly in his arms.

Rong Shu’s nose hit his hard chest, and her eyes instantly turned red with pain.

But she held back from screaming, otherwise, given this man’s nature, he would have to get nervous later and examine her again and again.

So to avoid being tossed around by her later, she might as well hold back.

In a place that Fu Jingting could not see, Rong Shu raised her hand and gently rubbed the tip of her nose, and only when it was better did she finally exhale lightly and let her hand drop.

She knew that the man had suddenly hugged her because he had been touched by the meal she had cooked for him.

That was why he had suddenly let his emotions out and used the hug to express his own excitement and joy at the moment.

This man is like this, he doesn’t verbally say he is touched and happy, but expresses it in a hotter, more direct way.

Like hugs, like kisses.

And in fact, these direct expressions are also more indicative of whether a person, in fact, is really touched or really happy.

“Alright, alright.” Rongshu stretched out her index finger and gently poked the man’s waist, “It’s just a meal, is it necessary to be so moved? For those who don’t know, they would think that I’ve done a touching act in order to shock heaven and earth?”

Speaking of which, although this man’s appearance gave people the impression that he was cold and heartless, he was usually cold to outsiders, with an arrogant, powerful and omnipotent look.

But only she knew that in private, especially when facing her, he would smile, speak softly, and talk flirtatiously and flirtatiously.

At the same time, he was easily touched.

And a person who is easily touched has a soft heart.

But she knew very well that his soft heart would not be for others, but for her, for the people he cared about most.

How could such a man not be charming?

Perhaps it was because of this that she had fallen in love with him all over again.

Fu Jingting didn’t know what was going through Rong Shu’s mind as he rubbed his chin against the top of her head, “To me, every single thing you’ve done for me is more touching than amazing.”

Rongshu cried and laughed, “I’m embarra*sed to accept what you’re saying, well, hurry up and let go and eat, not hungry, are you?”

She patted the man on the back.

Only then did the man reluctantly let her go.

Then it was time for Rongshu to take his hand and walk in the direction of the kitchen, serving the food with him, carrying the dishes and going to the table to have lunch together.

After watching the man eat his food, his eyebrows completely free of the appalling coldness that he had felt when he knew he was a double, Rongshu was completely relieved.

In fact, during the time that the man had gone to the study to calm down on his own, she had not been idle outside, but had been reflecting on whether she had been right to tell him this.

It wasn’t good news, after all.

But then she had squashed that doubt and still felt she should tell him.

He was the one involved and had the right to know.

And to know sooner so that he could take precautions against others knowing and using it as a bargaining chip to taunt him.

Su Cheng, for example.

If Su Cheng was really his father’s killer, then there would definitely be a fight between Su Cheng and him.

If Su Cheng knew that he was a double, mocked him and struck him, and he didn’t know this at that time, he would definitely be traumatised inside.

Even if it wasn’t So Cheng, he had other enemies in the mall, and those people would know and use it to attack him.

So, it was simply better for him to know sooner, to erase all traces of what could possibly be known to others, so that in the future he would not hear of people using this to attack him.

She was also doing him a favour.

So she didn’t think she had done wrong by telling him about it.

“What’s on your mind?” Seeing the woman holding her chopsticks with her eyes wandering, Fu Jingting frowned slightly and asked.

With a flicker in her eyes, Rongshu returned to her senses and shook her head, “Nothing, I was just thinking about the phone call I had with my aunt earlier.”

She wasn’t going to tell him what she had just thought about.

He had already let it go, so there was no point in bringing it up again.

“What did you say?” Fu Jingting picked up the gla*s of water on the side and took a sip of water.

Rongshu chucked a piece of fish onto his plate, “Auntie asked when we were going over in the evening so she could have someone meet us at the door, and also asked what you liked to eat and had someone buy the ingredients early to prepare it, and”