The Real Dragon Chapter 4624

        He looked down and found that it was Charlie wade calling. Because of his weakness, he was scared and then looked around in the car, wondering if Charlie wade had installed a bug in the car.

        However, he quickly regained his composure, picked up the phone and asked respectfully, “Mr. Wade, what are your orders for calling so early?”

        Charlie wade spoke, “I just saw the news, it seems that many media reporters went to Shixun Dao to do live coverage, and the media reporters said that they didn’t see your whereabouts at the scene, Mr. Liu? Aren’t you going to host the housewarming ceremony today?”

        Liu Jiahui said, “Don’t worry, Mr. Wade, I have asked Master Yu from Xuanji Hall to organize the housewarming ceremony, and I will also officiate at the ceremony, but I am on my way to Sham Shui Po to pick up Ah Zhong’s family, so I may have to wait until I get back to talk to the media reporters.”

        Charlie wade hmmed and said lightly, “I’m calling to give you a piece of advice.”

        Liu Jiahui blurted out, “Mr. Wade you say!”

        Charlie wade said, “Although your old affair with Uncle Zhong is already well known in Hong Kong Island, the media reporters do not know about what happened after Uncle Zhong returned to Hong Kong Island this time, you can take this opportunity to create a relatively positive image of yourself in front of the media, you can tell the media reporters that Uncle Zhong came back this time because the two of you have decided to turn your differences into a good thing, and the reason why you The reason why you will buy this villa to give to Uncle Zhong is also because you hope that he and his family can live a better life, in this way, I believe that the Hong Kong Island media will definitely praise you.”

        Liu Jiahui was slightly stunned and couldn’t hold back his excitement as he asked, “Mr. Wade …… Wade, can I …… really say that?!”

        It’s not that Liu Jiahui actually didn’t think about taking this opportunity to engage in a wave of persona marketing.

        Although he was afraid of Charlie wade before he gave up pursuing Chen Zhaozhong, but the outside world did not know, he could completely say that he took the initiative to give Chen Zhaozhong a wide berth.

        In this way, he could also project a positive image in front of the media of repaying grievances with virtue.

        However, he did not dare to say such things casually.

        Because today Charlie wade would also attend this housewarming ceremony, if he used this thought to pretend, in case he angered Charlie wade, he would only be able to eat his words.

        So this kind of thought he could only think about it and did not dare to do it in practice.

        However, even in his dreams, he heard that Charlie wade would take the initiative to offer himself this suggestion, which instantly made him excited beyond words.

        Seeing that he seemed to be in disbelief, Charlie wade blandly said, “I am a man of my word, this time your performance was fair, so you might as well use this to find yourself a good image, so that you can also manage a good image for yourself.”

        Liu Jiahui was somewhat touched, he really didn’t expect that a devil like Charlie wade would have times to think about himself.

        So, he couldn’t help but sigh, “Mr. Wade, you’ve really helped me a lot …… With this word from you, I’ll have a bit of confidence when I go to face the media reporters later ……”

        Charlie wade hmmed and said indifferently, “Please tell Uncle Zhong that Miss Flynn and I are waiting for him to come over at Shi Xun Dao, so I won’t go to Sham Shui Po.”

        Liu Jiahui was surprised and asked, “Mr. Wade, Miss Flynn is also attending this housewarming ceremony?”

        Liu Jiahui knew very well in his heart that Flynn Phoebe had just taken up the position of the head of the Flynn family and was already in the limelight, plus the previous scandal involving the Flynn family, Flynn Hao Yang, had caused a public scandal and Flynn Phoebe had done a textbook crisis PR with a very sincere solution after taking over the Flynn family, so she was now very well known worldwide.

        If Flynn Phoebe also came to the ceremony, she would definitely be recognised by the media reporters.

        Charlie wade smiled slightly at this time and spoke, “You have done a good job this time, I will also send you a favor, let Miss Flynn make a short speech at the ceremony, say that she came to Hong Kong Island this time to talk about cooperation with you, and learned that you have turned a long-time enemy into a good friend, and was moved by your character, so she made a special effort to attend this ceremony.”

        Saying that, Charlie wade added, “Miss Flynn’s influence is still great, and with her endors*ment for you, your future development will be smoother.”