I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 912

Her factory has only just been built, and the machines ordered from the kimchi country have not been delivered yet, and will not be delivered until the beginning of next month.

As long as the machines are delivered by the beginning of next month, Tian Sheng will not have to cooperate with other factories to produce parts and other machinery, and will be self-sufficient.

Now, there are only ten days to go before the beginning of next month, so naturally, it is the last time to cooperate with the partner factory.

But I never thought that such a thing would happen in the last cooperation!

Rongshu closed her eyes slightly and let out a long sigh.

Just then, she suddenly remembered something and her face changed slightly.

In the morning, after she had refused to let Su Cheng off the hook, Su Cheng had left a message, saying that she should not be so hasty in making a decision, that she should give her two days to think about it, and that perhaps after two days, she would change her mind.

She told Fu Jingting about this, and at the time, she laughed at Su Cheng for saying that she would change her mind in two days, but did Su Cheng have any other leverage?

But now, Su Cheng had cut off her parts, and when she couldn’t get them, all sorts of trouble would ensue, and she would have to compromise in order to get them back.

That’s what Su Cheng is trying to do, to threaten her to change her mind in two days!

What a good plan!

Compared to an old fox like Su Cheng, she was still a bit too young.

Otherwise, she wouldn’t have been caught unprepared!

Thinking of this, Rong Shu’s chest rose and fell violently in anger, and her eyes turned red.

The mobile phone screen on the table flashed and once again came Fu Jingting’s slightly amplified voice, “Little Yezi, is it still there?”

Hearing the man’s voice, Rong Shu’s eyes wavered and she looked down, only then did she remember that her call with Fu Jingting had not yet ended.

She took a breath, calmed herself down slightly, pushed her anger down, and picked up the phone to her ear, “Yes.”

Hearing Rong Shu’s response, Fu Jingting’s tense expression improved a little, pursing his thin lips and asking, “What just happened?”

Rong Shu knew that he had heard some of the commotion when she had just lost her temper, so he would definitely inevitably ask her.

If it had been something that happened in the group, she probably wouldn’t have hidden it from her and would have told him straight away.

But this time, she didn’t want to tell him about it.

If he knew, he would definitely go straight to Su Cheng.

He and Su Cheng had a huge grudge against each other, and it was not appropriate to confront him now.

Therefore, she still decided to hide it for now.

There were still three days left, and in those three days, she wanted to try on her own, and if she couldn’t get the parts back in three days, she would then consider whether she wanted his help.

As she thought about this, Rong Shu bit her lower lip and tried to make her voice sound natural as she replied, “It’s not a big deal, just a small matter, Duan Xingbang is making trouble again.

“Is that so?” Fu Jingting narrowed his eyes, obviously still a little skeptical.

That angry and shocked look she had just had, it didn’t seem like a trivial matter.

“Of course it is.” Rongshu nodded her head, then deliberately put up her little face and said unhappily “What? You think I’m lying to you, you don’t believe me?”

“No.” Fu Jingting immediately replied.

Rongshu grunted, “That’s all. Anyway, I’ve already ordered the matter to be dealt with, so don’t ask.”

Seeing that she was eager to squash this matter and did not want to talk about it anymore, Fu Jingting rubbed his brow, and could only listen to her.

“Since it’s nothing, then I won’t ask, if it’s something big, but I hope you don’t hide it from me, make sure you tell me, don’t let me worry know?” Fu Jingting frowned and admonished.

Rongshu lowered her eyes somewhat sheepishly and gave a hmph before answering vaguely, “Alright, I’ll stop talking to you for now, I have a bit of work to do here or I won’t be able to leave at seven o’clock.”

“Good.” Fu Jingting nodded slightly.

The call ended, and he put the phone down, his tightly knitted brows still not stretching to open.

Afterwards, he tapped his finger slightly and dialed a number out again.

Soon, the phone was answered and a tired voice came, “Mr. Fu, what are your orders?”

As if he could not hear a*sistant Zhang’s exhaustion, Fu Jingting said expressionlessly, “Did you withdraw all the people you had previously arranged for in Tiansheng?”

At that time, he was struggling to chase his wife, and in order to know the movements of Rong Shu for a day, he had Zhang Cheng arrange a few eyes in Tian Sheng.

After he got back together with Rong Shu later, Rong Shu asked him to withdraw those few eyes.

He agreed and told Zhang Cheng to remove them.

I just didn’t know if Zhang Cheng had done as he was told.

When Zhang Cheng heard Fu Jingting’s question, he pushed his gla*ses back and said, “Yes, I withdrew them all, but one stayed behind, saying that the salary at Tiansheng was the same as at Fu’s, and that Tiansheng was easier than Fu’s, so he didn’t want to go back to Fu’s, so he stayed at Tiansheng.”

Speaking of this, a*sistant Zhang became a little embarra*sed.

This person was talking as if Fu’s was oppressing its employees.

He didn’t even think about it, how many talents did Fu’s have? How many are there in Tiansheng?

He was an ordinary talent at Fu’s and a senior talent at Tiansheng, so could his salary be different?

Fu Jingting had no problem with his staff not returning to Fu’s and staying at Tiansheng, after all, everyone had their own choice.

He respects everyone’s choice.

And for him, it was good to have someone to stay in Tiansheng now, just when he needed someone to help him inquire about some things.

“It’s good to have someone, you contact him and ask him to secretly inquire if something happened in Tiansheng today.” Fu Jingting instructed in a deep voice.

Earlier on the phone, he had said that he trusted her.

But at the same time, he knew her well enough that she didn’t want to rely on him, and was not willing to let him help her with anything.

Therefore, it was likely that she had not told him the truth.

Since she wouldn’t say anything, then he would check it out himself.

Hearing Fu Jingting’s command, a*sistant Zhang rolled his eyes.

He knew it.

As long as Mr. Fu didn’t come to work at the group, then contacting him must not be about the group either, it was about Miss Rong.

He just didn’t understand, he was clearly just a special a*sistant, a special a*sistant in charge of the group’s affairs!

How come now he was also a part-time expert in solving the relationship between Mr. Fu and Miss Rong?

Although he spat in his heart, a*sistant Zhang did not dare to just say that, instead he had to smile and respond, “Okay Mr. Fu, I know Mr. Fu.”

“Hmm.” Fu Jingting didn’t care about the reaction of Zhang’s a*sistant on the other end of the phone, his expression was cool and noble as he lifted his chin, “Order it down as soon as possible, I hope I’ll know the answer by tonight.”

“Yes.” a*sistant Zhang rolled his eyes again.

Fu Jingting put the phone down and hung up, gently pressing his brow.

Hopefully, Little Yezi hadn’t lied to him.

If he found out in the end that she had lied to him.

If he found out that she had lied to him, it would be strange if he didn’t spank her severely!

As he was thinking, the sound of a cane hitting the ground came from the doorway on his right.

Fu Jingting put his hand down and turned his head to look to his right.

At the door of the hall on the right, two elderly figures appeared, the old lady and Feng Ma, who was carrying her in.

When Fu Jingting saw his grandmother coming, he immediately got up and walked over towards the old madam, then held the other side of her, “Grandmother, you are awake?”

The old madam looked kindly at her eldest grandson and nodded, “Yes, finally awake from sleep, Little Feng said you wanted to see me, came very early and have been waiting here for two or three hours, waiting for so long, why don’t you let Little Feng call me up directly?”

She patted the back of Fu Jingting’s hand and said somewhat angrily.