The Real Dragon Chapter 4639

Seeing that Yu Yiwei seemed to be on the verge of death, Charlie wade shook his head helplessly: “Saying that you have a bloodbath you are still unconvinced, now that you have made such a mess, you are still asking me to help you end it, don’t you feel ashamed?”

        Yu Yiwei was dying and begged, “Mr. Wade …… I …… know I’m wrong …… I now… . now I just want to keep this dog’s life …… so that I can give my Yu family …… a descendant ……”

        Charlie wade said indifferently, “Don’t worry, I won’t let you die, at least not now, after all, today is Uncle Zhong’s housewarming celebration, it would be really unlucky if you die here.”

        Saying that, he walked up and took out a packet of powder from Yu Yiwei’s pocket and opened his mouth to ask, “Is this the antidote?”

        “Yes……” Yu Yiwei nodded his head as if he was mashing garlic.

        Charlie wade pinched open his mouth and poured the entire packet of powder into it.

        Yu Yiwei said with incomparable gratitude, “Mr. Wade’s saving grace …… under me …… under me will never forget …… “

        Charlie wade sneered and said, “You don’t thank so early first, just now these mosquitoes, many times bigger, the venom in their bodies must have also grown many times, you so little antidote, I think it may not be enough.”

        Yu Yiwei’s expression was instantly dumbfounded, Charlie wade was right, these 20 or so giant blood mosquitoes just now must have carried at least ten times more venom.

        And with this antidote he had, he was afraid that it might not really be enough.

        The situation was indeed as Charlie wade had expected.

        There was so much venom in Yu Yiwei’s body that it had long exceeded the upper limit of what the antidote could handle, so Yu Yiwei’s situation had not improved significantly, and the locations where the blood mosquitoes had bitten had clearly appeared to have large ulcers, as if the wounds had been rotting for days.

        Yu Yiwei was scared out of his wits and cried, “Mr. Wade save me ah Mr. Wade ……”

        Charlie wade laughed: “You want the antidote, I’ve already fed it to you, how else do you want me to help you? I don’t have an antidote like you either.”

        Yu Yiwei cried, “How about …… how about you call an ambulance for me …… I’m really bound to die if I drag on …… “

        Charlie wade laughed: “You, the famous Master Yu, if you are pulled away by an ambulance, isn’t it a bit humiliating?”

        Yu Yiwei hurriedly shook his head and said, “No shame, no shame …… please …… please call the emergency number for me …… “

        At this moment, he could not care less about his face and dignity.

        He knew very well that the blood mosquito’s toxicity was strong, and although he had just taken some antidote, he could only temporarily delay the spread of the venom to his internal organs, but his wounds were still festering at a very fast rate, and if he delayed any longer, he was afraid that he would rot into a rotting corpse.

        If he could go to the hospital as soon as possible to remove all the rotting flesh, do haemodialysis at the same time, and completely stop the spread of the venom, he might still be able to save his life.

        At this time, Charlie wade looked at him and asked with a smile, “Mr. Yu, aren’t you curious why the mosquitoes you raised have become so big?”

        Yu Yiwei looked at Charlie wade in horror and asked offhandedly, “Did you do that?!”

        Charlie wade nodded and smiled, “That’s right, your mosquitoes are really too small, if I were you, I would be embarra*sed to take them out, so I was kind enough to help you pull them out for a wave, how about that, is the effect still satisfactory?”

        Yu Yiwei asked in a panic, “How is this possible …… you …… who the hell are you ……”

        Charlie wade laughed, “I’m not going to hide it from you, I’m the one who triggered the heavenly thunder that struck your father Yu Jinghai to death.”

        Charlie wade’s words not only made Yu Yiwei’s soul fly apart, but even Flynn Phoebe was incomparably horrified to hear them.