The Real Dragon Chapter 4642

        “Right.” Charlie wade smiled, “Just say that you and Liu Jiahui have known each other for a long time, and that this time you came to Hong Kong Island to talk to Liu Jiahui about cooperation, and that it was Liu Jiahui who specially asked you to host this ceremony, and that after you heard about the past events between him and Chen Zhaozhong back then, you felt that it was very positive for the two of them to laugh off their grudges, so you agreed to his request.”

        Saying that, Charlie wade added, “Actually, your task is just two, one is to make this housewarming ceremony come to a successful conclusion, and the other is to give Liu Jiahui some more face.”

        Flynn Phoebe nodded, smiled slightly and said, “Mr. Wade, to put it mildly, if the Flynn family endorses a certain company or individual, it is the same as creating a huge amount of goodwill for him, compared to the one-time cost that Liu Jiahui paid to settle this matter, this kind of goodwill can almost bring him a constant stream of benefits in the future, so this deal, you might end up losing money instead.”

        Charlie wade smiled slightly and said, “I came to Hong Kong Island, the main purpose is to solve the matter of Uncle Zhong, as for whether Liu Jiahui ultimately gains, I won’t bother with him.”

        Flynn Phoebe said with a smile, “I seem to have miscalculated just now, this deal should be calculated, Liu Jiahui should be losing money.”

        Charlie wade asked curiously, “Why did you change your opinion again?”

        Flynn Phoebe said seriously, “I didn’t take Rachel into consideration just now, she has now fallen in love with you, although Liu Jiahui has earned the endors*ment of the Flynn family, but he has lost Rachel, in the end, it is still a loss.”

        Charlie wade said with slight embarra*sment, “You say that as if I’ve done something to Miss Rachel, I only have a little more appreciation for her on top of being an ordinary friend, besides I haven’t done anything to her, how can it be considered that Liu Jiahui has lost her in?”

        Flynn Phoebe smiled faintly and said with a great deal of meaning, “Some times, not doing anything to each other is rather better than actually having something happen.”

        Charlie wade was surprised and asked, “What does this mean?”

        Flynn Phoebe hurriedly waved her hand, “I’m just talking off the cuff, Mr Wade needn’t mind.”

        As soon as her words fell, the sound of firecrackers was heard in the courtyard of the villa, and immediately the sound of gongs, drums and suona also rang out, as if the lion dance procession had started its performance.

        At this time, Ah Min ran in in a panic and said to Charlie wade, “Mr. Wade, the caravan is at the entrance, it’s about to come in!”

        Charlie wade nodded and asked him, “Has Yu Yiwei’s set been put away?”

        Ah Min nodded hastily and said, “At your command, it’s all put away.”

        “Good.” Charlie wade smiled, “Today’s housewarming ceremony will be hosted by Miss Flynn.”

        Saying that, he looked at Flynn Phoebe and said, “Miss Flynn, I’m counting on you for everything.”

        Surprised, Flynn Phoebe asked, “Mr Wade, aren’t you going?”

        Charlie wade smiled, “There are so many media reporters outside, I’d better not show my face, lest I be recognised.”

        For Charlie wade, his worry was that if he had this face on the TV media, he would be recognised by his grandmother’s family.

        At the front end of the time, Stephanie’s visit to the An family with the Blood Dispersing and Heart Saving Pill and as his fiancée had also rekindled the An family’s hope of finding him to a certain extent.

        However, Charlie wade had no intention of identifying with them for the time being, and it would naturally be most appropriate not to attend such an occasion that would attract the attention of the whole Hong Kong Island.

        Flynn Phoebe also understood Charlie wade’s original intention in making this decision and nodded slightly, “Okay Mr. Wade, in that case, then please feel free to leave the matter to me, I will not let you down!”