I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 915

Now he wanted to take this opportunity to learn something, something he didn’t know about his parents. The old lady bowed her head and sipped her tea calmly.

Feng Ma stood behind the Old Lady and continued to tell Fu Jingting all about the past.

“The young master at the age of eleven avoided all the security personnel of the Fu family, ditched his bodyguards and sneaked off to the capital alone, the young master’s departure was simply bad news for the Fu family, it was thought that he had been abducted, so frightened that the old madam and the old master almost fainted from fear, even we, the underlings, were anxious and searched for people on a carpet, we searched for three days but We didn’t find the young master and wondered where the young master had gone. After all, technology was not advanced in those days, and even if the Fu family was not simple, it was not easy to find anyone, and just when we were desperate because we thought the young master had really been abducted, the young master suddenly came back and returned”

“How?” Fu Jingting narrowed his eyes.

Feng Ma sighed, “The young master came back with his head down, and when he came back and saw us, he cried straight away, saying that Ya’er’s sister didn’t remember him, and that there was another little friend around, and that little friend, was Su Cheng.”

When it comes to this point, the latter, Fu Jingting probably guessed, pursed his thin lips and said in a deep voice “Is it true that father has never gone looking for mother since then?”

“Yes.” The young lady and the old man did not agree to the marriage, but the young master happened to hear about it and agreed to it, so the young master and the young lady ‘s marriage was thus fixed.”

“So at that time, did you know about Mother’s relationship with Su Cheng?” Fu Jingting wrinkled his brows.

The old lady returned angrily “How could you possibly know, at that time the Zhong family didn’t even know, let alone our Fu family, your mother and Su Cheng were secretly together and didn’t tell anyone, if we knew, we would never have agreed to your father’s engagement to your mother, even if your father was willing, we wouldn’t have been willing.”

People were already together as a couple, and his son was still engaged to one of the girls, what would that become?

A male mistress who interferes?

She was such a proud woman, how could she allow her son to become a male mistress?

But God plays tricks on people like that.

Her son thought he could finally be with the girl he had loved since he was a child, but to his surprise, that girl was already with someone else.

Her son, by mistake, had become a third party in someone else’s relationship.

She was heartbroken!

“So when did you know?” Fu Jingting’s eyebrows were twisted to the point of pinching a mosquito to death.

The old lady’s anger on her face did not diminish, “A month before the wedding, your mother suddenly made a fuss about not marrying, and in her desperation, she told the truth about being with Su Cheng, at that time, your father and I happened to go to the Zhong family to deliver something, and when we reached the door, we heard these words. I was so angry that I wanted to go in and settle the score with the Zhong family, to ask them what they meant, that their daughter had a boyfriend, and why they had to hide it from me and us, and that they didn’t tell us when they were engaged, but only when they were getting married, and not to our faces, but I was stopped by your father before I could go in, and your father, lost in thought, said forget it and begged me to go back.”

The old lady wiped the corners of her eyes, “I was angry at the Zhong family’s behaviour, and even more heartbroken for my son, so in the end I didn’t go in, followed your father and went back to the sea city, when I came back, I asked your father what he was planning to do now, your father didn’t answer me then, locked himself in his room for three days, and when he came out on the third day, his whole body was emaciated and he told me in a hoarse voice that he wanted to break off the engagement, and your grandfather and I agreed, and went to the capital the next day to prepare to break off the engagement, but I did not expect that the Zhong family would not agree, and your mother shook her head in reluctance.”

“Reluctant?” Fu Jingting narrowed his eyes, seemingly unable to understand the reason.

Didn’t she love Su Cheng that much?

Shouldn’t she grab the opportunity to not marry her father?

Why would she be reluctant.

“Yes, reluctant.” The old lady nodded, “This marriage contract, in the beginning, was initiated by the Zhong family, so it was normal for the Zhong family to disagree, but it was indeed surprising for your mother to disagree, but we soon figured out why your mother disagreed, because the Zhong family needed the help of the Fu family, in fact, at that time, although I was very unhappy with the Zhong family in my heart, but for the sake of your father’s love for your mother, even if cancelled the engagement, I would still help the Fu family, and I believe your father did the same, so I said what I thought very clearly, and then asked your mother if she was willing to cancel the engagement now?”

“My mother still doesn’t agree.” Fu Jingting guessed the outcome at once.

If they agreed, his mother and father wouldn’t have gotten married.

The old lady sighed, “Yes, even though I had made it so clear that I would help the Zhong family without the marriage contract, the Zhong family and your mother were still reluctant, thinking that without the help of marriage, it was ultimately unreliable, and your father was a love brain, in the past for your mother and later for Wang Shuqin, once he heard that your mother was unwilling to cancel the marriage contract and had even broken up with Su Cheng, your father immediately changed his mind I was so angry that I wanted to beat him up, and as a mother, who can never argue with her own children, I finally agreed to do so and at the same time had a good talk with your mother.”

“What did you say to your mother?” Fu Jingting looked at her.

I told her that since she was willing to marry my son, you’d better forget about Su Cheng as soon as possible and concentrate on being the daughter-in-law of the Fu family and my son’s wife, and that the Fu family would not treat you badly. It’s not like our Fu family didn’t give her a chance, but she chose your father in the end, since she chose, she shouldn’t regret it and should think about her mission.”

“But my mother didn’t abide by it.” The corner of Fu Jingting’s mouth pulled out a sneer, “She never forgot about Su Cheng.”

“Yes, she clearly promised me that she would forget about Su Cheng and would be a good wife to your father, but she kept her word, not only did she not forget about that man, but she also turned away from your father, who was clearly sad in his heart, but was still willing to make her whole.”

The old lady was so angry that she pounded her cane on the floor twice more.

The pestle made a thumping sound on the floor.

“I’m angry, angry at your mother for treating my son like this, since your mother married into the Fu family, she is now the daughter-in-law of the Fu family, yet she still has her heart set on other men, where does she put your father? Does she think so little of your father?” The old lady pounded her chest in a blocked voice.

“I’ve always seen your mother’s attitude towards your father, but I thought it was between them, so I couldn’t interfere as a mother-in-law, so I never asked.