The Real Dragon Chapter 4669

Claire saw Elaine’s firm attitude, although she was more or less helpless in her heart.

        However, after a little consideration, she also felt that it was indeed more convenient and comfortable for her mother to stay in America than to go back.

        What’s more, she had to attend cla*ses five days a week, so she didn’t really have much time to spend with her, and she would definitely still cause trouble for Charlie wade when the time came.

        So, she spoke up, “Mom, the day after tomorrow, Friday, we’ll drive to New York after my cla*s, and I’ll book you a flight for Sunday.”

        “Great!” Elaine instantly got excited and said out of the blue, “Hurry up and book the tickets for mum, don’t sell out later.”

        At this moment, Charlie wade, who was at the side, said, “Mom, I’ll book it for you.”

        Elaine was busy nodding, “Fine, fine, thank you good son-in-law!”

        Charlie wade was also very dry and immediately took out his mobile phone, found the flight from New York to China on Sunday, and then immediately bought her a ticket.

        Elaine soon received the ticketing information from the airline, and after seeing that the ticket had been confirmed, Elaine was happy and giddy, just like a wanderer who had been wandering around for years and finally had the chance to go home.

        Afterwards, Elaine carefully put away the Goddess’ Dream necklace that Charlie wade had given her, and then said to the two of them, “Aiya, I still have an appointment with someone to go to the storm troopers, I’ll be late soon, you two should hurry up and have a world of two, I’ll go out first!”

        With that, without waiting for the two to respond, he hurriedly changed into his sneakers and left the room.

        After Elaine left, Claire said to Charlie wade with some doubts, “Honey, do you feel that my mother’s state seems a little bit not right?”

        “Not right?” Charlie wade asked curiously, “What do you think is wrong with mum? I feel it’s normal.

        Claire shook her head very seriously and spoke with a slightly gloomy expression, “It’s not about returning to China, it’s the necklace you gave Mom, something isn’t right.”

        “The necklace?” Charlie wade was even more puzzled, “That necklace was bought from a counter, it can’t be fake.”

        Claire was busy saying, “Silly husband, of course I won’t suspect you of buying fake goods, I’m just saying that my mother’s attitude towards that necklace of yours is not right!”

        She said, she analyzed seriously, “Look, husband, I know my mother’s character best, but you should also know very well, this person’s biggest problem is that she loves to show off, not to mention you give her a necklace, you even give her a valuable sofa, she would hate to be able to hold it on the street, but you just gave her such a valuable necklace, she did not immediately wear it, but put it away! up …… this …… Isn’t this strange?”

        Hearing Claire’s analysis, Charlie wade couldn’t help but be impressed with this silly wife of his.

        It seemed that Claire really knew this mother of hers absolutely well, and with Elaine’s character, there was absolutely no way that she would hide something good when she had it.

        Therefore, Elaine had just carefully put away the necklace she had given her, and this kind of behaviour was indeed somewhat abnormal in her case.

        However, Charlie wade knew very well why Elaine would do so.

        The reason for this was because he had just said that the better the colour, the more valuable it was when sold second-hand.

        I guess Elaine couldn’t bear to wear it for a while and wanted to sell it back as a brand new one for a good price.

        So, Charlie wade said to Claire with a smile, “My analysis is that Elaine probably thinks that it’s too late, even if she takes it out, people won’t be able to see it, and she’s going to join the storm troop, the exercise is rather strenuous, and it’s not suitable to wear jewellery, so don’t think too much about it.”