The Real Dragon Chapter 4683

Hearing Chen Liping’s instructions, Man Yingjie nodded hastily, took out his mobile phone, found a contact named “Customer 15” and called the other party.

        A frail voice came on the other end of the line and asked, “Hello, have you found a suitable match for me?”

        The other party is a middle-aged man around forty years old, strong and powerful, after the successful transplant, you will be able to use it for 20 to 30 years.

        As soon as the other party heard this, he immediately said, “Didn’t we agree on half a million dollars?”

        Mangying Jie said disdainfully, “Five hundred thousand dollars is the carpool price, this is the exclusive price, you can wait for the carpool if you are not in a hurry, but I guess you will have to wait at least another month or two.”

        “This ……” The other party became anxious all of a sudden and said offhandedly, “But I …… I can’t wait that long ……”

        “That’s your problem.” Manchu Yingjie said coldly: “Anyway, I’ve made the situation clear to you, do it or not you can consider it yourself, anyway, you’re not the only one in the queue behind you, you can take your time to think about it, I’ll give the next one in line a call.”

        When the other party heard this, he immediately panicked and hurriedly said, “No, no, I’ll think of a way to get the money together next week ……”

        The first thing you need to do is to prepare 400,000 tomorrow, and I’ll arrange a time for you to operate when the money arrives.”

        After saying that, he simply hung up the phone.

        As soon as the phone hung up, he immediately said to Chen Liping, “Aunt Mei, the client has agreed.”

        “Good.” Chen Liping hummed and laughed, took out her mobile phone, and dialed a number while walking outside.

        Once the call came through, Chen Liping smiled and said to the other party, “Sister Isabella, the matter you asked me to inquire about, there is now a reply ……”

        “Yes, yes, the results of the medical examination are also out, your son’s results show that he is healthy and there is nothing wrong with him ……”

        “You don’t have to worry about that, I’m still here!”

        “I’ve already spoken to my friend and told him to go in and start as a senior seaman ……”

        “Oh, no thanks, no thanks, you’re not being polite to me, really ……”

        “Salary …… I heard it starts at $5,000 a month, and with all the allowances, it comes to $6,000 ……”

        “Yes …… you heard right, that’s six thousand dollars …… money is quite a lot, but also hard ah, go out, ten months, eight months without home, once the ship arrived at sea, and home contact is cut off, bitter. “

        “The company will have a ship out next week, so if your son’s side is OK, he’ll be able to get on board next week.”

        “Next week from Mexico, wait for me for two days, I want to give you an address, then you can tell him to report directly to Mexico!”

        “You don’t have to thank me, we’re all from the same village, it’s only right to help, just wait for my news!”

        After hanging up the phone, a cruel smile wiped across the corner of Chen Liping’s mouth.

        This old lady, whom she had met in a restaurant in Providence, was quite old and was cleaning the restaurant.

        Once she met such people who were having a hard time making ends meet and wanted to find a job to support their families, she would use a well-paid crew member as bait to lure the person to Mexico, where she would then murder the target and sell the organs.