The Real Dragon Chapter 4713

“Crap ……”

        At this point, the Branch Chief had a million gra*s mud horses running through his heart.

        “What the hell is going on here, how come in two words, this crazy dog White has raised it to the level of racial discrimination?

        In the United States, the word “racism” is what the police fear most.

        Once the word is used, the matter is immediately escalated to the most serious level.

        Not only would the police officer involved be expelled from the force, but he would also be subject to very serious disciplinary action as a division chief.

        If a ma*s incident were to occur, he would have to resign.

        So, he hurriedly explained to James White, “Mr. White, this matter has nothing to do with racial discrimination, the most important reason is because the case is really some major, my subordinates are eager to investigate the whole matter and catch the mastermind behind it as soon as possible ……”

        He said, he compensated with a smile, “You also know, as long as the mastermind behind the case is caught as soon as possible, so that your client can be cleared of suspicion as soon as possible, after all, we also believe ……”

        James White held out a hand to interrupt him and said in a cold voice, “It is your job to investigate the real culprit of the incident, and it is my job to clear my client of suspicion, so there is no need for you to label yourself, and besides, I am talking about racial discrimination, so don’t get sidetracked here.”

        Said James White, raising his volume a few notches and continuing, “What I need to know is how many of the cases you have worked on over the past three years have been cases where the suspect was injured at the time of arrest;”

        “Secondly, I need to know how many of those suspects who were injured at the time of arrest were taken to medical attention in a timely manner and how many, like my client, were not taken to medical attention in a timely manner:”

        “And finally, I need to know how many of those who were taken to the hospital in time were white? How many people of colour? And how many of those who didn’t get to the hospital in time were white? What is the percentage of people of colour? You must give me this data as soon as possible, or I will immediately protest to the city police and inform the most racially concerned members of Congress about this matter!”

        “God D*mn it ……” The division chief just felt his liver churning.

        “Surely it’s Mad Dog Wyatt! There’s nothing he can’t find a handle on ……”

        He, a mere division chief, could not even be counted within the entire New York police system.

        Because in the whole of New York, there are a hundred or two hundred different precincts, big and small, alone, and he is only one of those one or two percent.

        And James White is different.

        James White is the top criminal lawyer in all of New York, bar none.

        Just the pyramid of criminal lawyers in the whole of New York.

        So, in front of James White, this little airport division chief was no match at all.

        Just when the entire Branch Chief was already at a loss as to what to do, a police officer ran over, panting and said, “Chief, news from the City Police Department, people from CNN and the New York Times, will be coming over later for an interview, and the City Commissioner will also be coming!”

        The division chief’s brain buzzed as he listened, while James White sneered, “I was just wondering if I should inform some of my friends in the media field that this matter was properly exposed, but since you have already informed the media, that would be great, let the media reporters come later and expose how you have broken the law, violated human decency plus racial discrimination! “