I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 933

It was the equivalent of, well, spending money on air.

However, the current Tiansheng cannot afford to buy it, but it has to buy it.

So in the end, the result is that after the money is spent, Tiansheng has no source of goods to sell, no income, and then the staff’s salaries, bank loans, and dividends from cooperation with other companies, etc. can’t be taken out.

At that time, what awaits Tiansheng is bankruptcy and foreclosure.

A small part being robbed can lead to such a terrible result, so you can imagine how important the part is.

Once Duan Xingbang knew about it, he would definitely have to use the issue to strike her as the chairman of the board.

And if the staff knew, they would only be in a state of panic, fearing that they would not get their salaries for the month, and they would probably make a scene as well.

That’s why she had discreetly blocked the news from anyone other than her and her a*sistant secretary.

But unexpectedly, Ah Qi actually knew about it.

If Lu Qi knew, it was possible that he knew on behalf of Duan Xingbang and the employees of the group, so was the group in an uproar now?

When she thought of this possibility, Rong Shu’s heart instantly sank to the bottom.

The first thing that happened to me was that I was also the titular director of Tiansheng, and I was the one who made the connection with Yu Tu, and you took care of it. I couldn’t figure out why Yu Tu had broken the contract, so I came to contact you.”

“So that’s how it is.” Hearing Lu Qi’s explanation, Rong Shu then knew that it was not what she had thought and was greatly relieved.

“Shushu, what is going on?” Lu Qi frowned and asked again, “Why did Yu Tu suddenly break the contract for no good reason? I remember that the parts are due for delivery soon, right?”

“Well, it’s just in the next two days.” Rongshu nodded her head.

Lu Qi slapped the table in anger, “He sold the parts to someone else when they were about to be delivered, how dare he.

How else could Mr. Yu Tu break the contract at such a great risk.

This was a legal responsibility.

Rong Shu shook her head, “No, nothing happened between me and Chairman Yu Tu, but I had a conflict with the person who snatched our parts, and that person, I guess, caught a hold of Elder Yu Tu and threatened Elder Yu Tu to sell the parts to him, in order to keep me from getting the parts so that he could get what he wanted from me.”

“What?” Lu Qi was surprised, “There are actually such twists and turns in this? Shushu, who have you offended?”

He was busy asking.

Wanting to see if he could help.

Rongshu bit her red lips and slowly spat out a name, “Su Cheng.”

“Su Cheng?” Lu Qi first froze, thinking that the name sounded so familiar.

But soon, he remembered and was filled with shock, “Shu Shu, don’t tell me that it’s Su Cheng, the head of the Su family in the capital? The Su family that is ranked with the Ye family as one of the several major families in the capital.”

“It’s him.” Rongshu nodded with a hmph.

Lu Qi sucked in a breath of cold air, “It’s really him, Shushu, how did you and him get into a feud? You’re not even close to each other.”

Rong Shu lowered her eyes, “It’s Su Cheng’s illegitimate daughter.”

“What?” Lu Qi was a bit confused.

Rong Shu added, “Su Cheng has an illegitimate daughter who has recently come to Hai City, the one you know as Su Man.”

“The Su Man who fell in love with Fu Jingting at first sight, tried to poach you, and then was pressured by you and Fu Jingting to publicly apologize, is Su Cheng’s illegitimate daughter?” Lu Qi’s voice rose in surprise.

Rongshu gave another hmph, “It’s her.”

“I’ll go.” Lu Qi was horrified, “I thought it was just an ordinary orphan, but I didn’t think there was such a background.

“Yeah.” Rongshu sighed.

Who would have thought of this?

At first, both she, and Fu Jingting, thought that Su Man was just an ordinary girl who came out of an orphanage, but was smarter than the average person and could make money, so even if she had no background, she could still spend large sums of money to change her image.

But if such a girl, who was not a green tea, would not commit that disgusting act of digging up other people’s boyfriends, she would definitely admire such a girl very much.

After all, if it were her, she wouldn’t necessarily think that she could earn so much money at such a young age, having been born in an orphanage.

But as it happened, Su Man was an unconscious green tea, a disgusting woman who dug her corners, so even if such a woman was capable of anything, she despised it.

After that apology, she thought she and Su Man would never meet again, but to her surprise, not long after, she met in a dress shop, and the dress was robbed and destroyed, and it was this incident that led to Su Man’s identity.

Otherwise, she and Fu Jingting would not have known that Su Man was Su Cheng’s daughter until now.

“So, Su Cheng is holding a grudge against you because of the last time you made his daughter apologize in public, and then snatched the parts and deliberately took revenge on you?” Lu Qi wrinkled his brows and guessed.

Rong Shu nodded and shook her head, “There should be that reason, but the real reason though, is the second conflict I had with Su Man.”

“What? You had another run-in with Su Man behind you?” Lu Qi exclaimed.

Rong Shu pursed her lips, and did not hide anything, telling him about her encounter with Su Man in the dress shop, and everything that happened afterwards.

However, the feud between Fu Jingting and Su Cheng was omitted.

After all, outsiders did not know about Su Cheng’s past with Fu Jingting’s mother.

Without Fu Jingting’s permission, she wouldn’t say anything.

It was a secret of the Fu family.

“I’ll go!” After listening to Rong Shu’s description, Lu Qi, even if he hadn’t been personally involved in these matters, was still furious with Su Man, and walked around his office in anger, “This Su family father and daughter are sick in the head, right, it’s obviously their fault, in the end, it’s your fault if you don’t understand them, and then you intercept your parts to threaten you, in this world, how can there be such shameless people? ”

Rongshu rubbed her temples, “Yeah, I was wondering the same thing, why do I keep running into these people?”

“It’s just that God doesn’t have eyes.” Lu Qi looked up towards the floor-to-ceiling windows of his office, looked through them to the sky outside, and then fiercely raised his total finger towards the sky.

Although Rongshu could not see it, she could imagine his current expression, and a helpless smile surfaced on her face.

“This matter, how are you going to solve it?” After giving the middle finger, Lu Qi withdrew his gaze and asked about the main matter with a serious expression.

Rongshu closed her eyes, “To be honest, I don’t have any solutions yet.”

Lu Qi was not surprised by her answer, and after a few seconds of silence, he said, “To get the parts back, I guess you can only promise that Su Cheng and release Su Man, but then, it would be too suffocating in your heart, obviously the wrongdoer is not you, you just use the right legal means to punish the evil person, in the end, you have to be threatened by the evil person and compromise, if it were anyone else, you would have to be upset in your heart. This would have been unpleasant to anyone.”

The words spoke to Rongshu’s heart, making her bite her lip and say back “So, from the beginning, I had no intention to compromise.”

“But if you don’t compromise, and you don’t get the parts back, what will happen to you later?”

“I’ve thought about it, that’s why I’m so annoyed now, I feel like I’m standing on the edge of a cliff, I don’t know what to do.” A little discouraged, Rongshu sat back down on the edge of the bed.